Mayor Nancy Vaughan is jumping on the facemask emergency proclamation bandwagon with an order that people in Greensboro wear facemasks beginning at 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 23.
There is good news about the emergency order requiring people in Greensboro to wear masks in public; there is no penalty for not wearing a mask.
Violating the various stay-at-home orders is a misdemeanor, but there is no such language in Vaughan’s emergency proclamation requiring people to wear masks.
The proclamation states, “The intent of this declaration is to encourage voluntary compliance with the requirements established herein by businesses and persons within the City of Greensboro. Law enforcement and other public safety and emergency management personnel are strongly encouraged to educate and encourage voluntary compliance with this order.”
The proclamation also states, “All persons who are present within the jurisdiction of the City of Greensboro are required to wear a clean face covering any time they are, or will be, in contact with other people who are not household members in public or private spaces where it is not possible to maintain social distance or where recommended social distancing practices are not being followed. These spaces include grocery stores, pharmacies, business locations, parking lots, sidewalks and public transit. While wearing the face covering, it is essential to still maintain social distance insofar as possible since social distancing is the best defense against the spread of the COVID-19.”
The proclamation goes on to describe what a face covering is “material that covers the nose and mouth” and to list acceptable face coverings, which include: “bandanas, neck gaiters, homemade face coverings, scarves, or tightly woven fabric such as cotton t-shirts and some types of towels.”
Vaughan at a virtual City Council meeting recently said that she wore a facemask when out in public except when she went on a walk. Councilmember Goldie Wells said that she should wear a facemask even on walks. Vaughan’s preference is included in this proclamation, “It is not required to wear face coverings during individual exercise outdoors, or while walking or exercising with other people from the same household, as long as social distance from others is maintained.”
The proclamation also states, “Face coverings are not required:
- For people whose religious beliefs prevent them from wearing a face covering.
- For those who cannot wear a face covering due to a medical or behavioral condition.
- For children under 12 years old.
- For restaurant patrons while they are dining.
- In private, individual offices.
- When complying with directions of law enforcement officers.
- In settings where it is not practical or feasible to wear a face covering, including when obtaining or rendering goods or services, such as the receipt of dental services or while swimming.
- While with members of a family or the same household.”
I’m not responsible for you. If you feel like you are at risk, stay home or wear your own mask.
Spoken like a true self centered neanderthal. Your Mom and Dad should be proud.
I don’t have a contagious disease and I’m not planning to hold up the bank, so I’m not wearing a mask. BTW, Val’s Mom and Dad should be a lot prouder of him than yours are of you. You apparently don’t know how to persuade anyone using logic or facts, so you resort to insults.
NEWS FLASH…an addendum to Vaughn’s mandatory mask order. Due to the threat of computer virus, all computers in the city limits of the Peoples Republic of Greensboro must wear masks when involved in virtual, Zoom and Skype meetings and calls.This is a mandatory order.
Ave Vaughn…Ave the Peoples Council
How can we eat cake if we are required to wear masks?
We have overreaching fascist leadership in Greensboro. No friends of liberty in our halls of government. Rule by imperial decree is unacceptable.
Mayor Vaughan is a petty tyrant that regularly oversteps and runs against our constitutional freedoms.
Unrelated question? Could DGI help me find a downtown storefront to sell tar and feathers?
If you find one let me know, I’m always looking for successful small businesses to invest in.
BTW, I like you style
I’ll bet this proclamation will be lifted November 4th
Blah, blah, blah
There is a law stating we do not have to wear one which came out in the 50’s.
There is no way I will wear one , masks are invented to stop DUST only part of it.
Your requirement is BS to put plain and simple !
Why don’t you do something to stop these vandalism, looting, murders, racist DemocRATS … I can go on all day but you as the other DemocRATS don’t want to do a damn thing about what matters to the public !!!
Govt decree. If our socialist mayor, who know what is best for us, wants us to wear a face mask, then she must declare martial law. Otherwise, I will keep my distance, but do as I please. Perhaps, it is just that she thinks she needs to justify her phoney-baloney govt cushy job.
Crample the Coop.
The Mayor thinks the Governor is going to issue a state-wide order Friday requiring masks so she wants to beat him to the punch like she did in March with the quarantine order. This is the same Mayor that did not issue a curfew until Downtown had been trashed twice during the recent protests.
The Mayor wants everyone to wear masks – perhaps she should mandate ear plugs as well so we can’t hear the nightly barrage of fireworks all over the city. We should organize a demonstration like New York City did Monday evening at the Mayor’s mansion with everyone honking their horns for a minute – it certainly got immediate results with a promise that evening from the Mayor’s office to crackdown on the sale of illegal fireworks.
What are you & our leaders doing about all these “deaths in Guilford County. Is the hospitals not equiped. Don’t just let us DIE”
Just carry a Americans with Disabilities Act form with you.
Good luck enforcing that order. It’s not law and anyways looks like it’s voluntary. This is the new norm and nothing will go back to normal until everyone gets Bill Gates DNA vaccine plus tracking technology. Well, we will never go back to normal anyways. We are at the beginning of sorrows folks. Get right with the Lord Jesus Christ – King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
Her Highness the Mayor is a control freak who has let the power of government go to her head. She apparently believes that the proper function of government is to force other people to live by her dictates. Does anyone here remember how Nancy Vaughan even became Mayor? She was relatively unknown until Jefferson Pilot decided to develop their own land which just happened to back up to or near to where Nancy lived. She didn’t want them to develop their property, so she started or spearheaded a petition to get the City of Greensboro to deny J-P the right to develop their land. Put simply, she didn’t want them to develop the land and she wanted to use the force of the city’s government power to prevent them from developing it.
I actually met Her Highness one time when she was trying to sell her house in Jefferson Forest. She seemed like a nice enough person, but her control issues are over the top.
The virus is truly a partial clearing of mankind. Everything that we are doing is not working. Society will be reshaped to the real needs of the human population. The “power” and “nature” is and has always been in control.
I am not a Neanderthal; I have an MBA from Wake Forest and I agree the Mayor is an idiot. She so wants to placate Hightower, Johnson, and Kennedy. I will not wear a mask, I can shop outside the city (love Publix in JAMESTOWN). The city needs to stop the graffiti, looting, shooting, and letting vigilantes, uh I mean “protesters” destroy the downtown area. If someone is so scared of this bad old mean virus, they can stay home. I’ll take care of me; you take care of you and we can all live peacefully. I may be my brother’s keeper but I do not have to be yours. I am so tired of working, wage-earning, tax-paying, white people being held responsible and blamed for everyone else’s ills. My family did not own slaves but came to this country as indentured servants. They worked, accepted responsibility for their future, and moved forward. Time for all the “entitled” ones to do the same. Get over it.