Evidently good economic development news comes in bunches.
North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper announced on Thursday, Dec. 16 that Lollytogs LTD, which does business as the LT Apparel Group, is expanding its operations in Greensboro.
According to the press release, Lollytogs will be investing at least $57 million in its expansion and will add a minimum of 116 new jobs at the facility in Reedy Fork Corporate Park.
Cooper said, “Manufacturers continue to choose North Carolina for expansion projects that are critical to their bottom line. LT Apparel Group’s decision demonstrates confidence in our workforce and the growth of our state.”
The new jobs will have an average salary of over $50,000 and add up to over $4 million a year in increased payroll.
Greensboro Mayor Nancy Vaughan said, “The LT Apparel Group bought out Healthtex and its nice to see the roots of Healthtex coming back to Greensboro. These are skilled jobs at good wages and it’s a good brand to have expanding its operations in our community.”
The Greensboro City Council voted to approve an economic incentive grant of $1.6 million to Lollytogs in May. At that time the average wage was listed as $46,000, so in the interim the average wage has increased.
The One North Carolina fund provided an economic incentive of $200,000 and the state from the Industrial Development Fund provided $500,000 to the City of Greensboro to support providing water and sewer service to the site that will also benefit the other water and sewer customers in the Reedy Fork Corporate Park area.
NC state Rep. Jon Hardister said, “We’re excited to see LT Apparel Group expand their business beyond the design center that’s been a part of our community for some time. Greensboro is proud to support this company’s growth as they strengthen their presence in our community.”
CEO of LT Apparel Group Richard Sutton said, “Our operations here in Greensboro have come full circle. From designing products in Revolution Mill to warehousing and distributing them from Brown Summit, LT Apparel is part of the fabric of this community, and we’re committed to remain so. After a long search for our new home, it became clear that Greensboro was the right choice for us. We appreciate the support we’ve received from all the state and local partners, and we look forward to growing our company in North Carolina.”
LT Apparel Group is a New York-based, family-owned company founded in 1958, known for its design, manufacturing and distribution of high-quality children’s clothing.
That is great news!
Wow the Dems are destroying Greensboro with all these new jobs moving in! First it was Boom, the Toyota and Amazon and now this!? What kinda of leadership is this? How could democratic leaders allow all this economic growth!