If you don’t see many “Trump for President” signs in Jamestown this election, don’t think that the president lacks support in that town.
Instead, those signs have been the targets of choice of political sign thieves.
In Jamestown, Trump signs have gone missing and some Trump faithful in that area are upset.
One Jamestown homeowner, who said he didn’t want his name used, spoke with Rhino Times and said he had three Trump signs from the 2016 election that he put out on the weekend of Saturday, Oct. 17 – only to find those signs stolen when he checked the next morning.
“I put out three Trump signs – I had kept them from 2016 and I cleaned them up,” the upset Trump supporter said. “The next morning the signs were gone. I’ve got the pictures.”
He said he went to a Republican friend to see about getting some more signs and his friend told him the same thing had happened to him.
“They’re pulling up signs everywhere,” the Jamestown man said.
The Guilford County Sheriff’s Department posted the following message on the social media site Next Door: “We at the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office wanted to send out a friendly reminder about the crime of damaging or stealing political signs. First and foremost, we ask everyone to please be respectful of others, their political views, and their property. Also keeping in mind, the damaging or stealing of political signs is a crime in the state of North Carolina. Those who are caught engaging in such activities will be charged.”
Thefts of political signs are a crime but many victims don’t call the police or the Sheriff’s Department to file a report. According to the Guilford County Sheriff’s Department, officers for that department have taken five reports of sign theft or vandalism this year.
The Jamestown man with three missing signs said he hopes the Sheriff’s Department makes good on that pledge.
He added that there’s another reason he hopes the culprit or culprits are caught.
“I want my signs back,” he said.
A clear indicator these are not Biden supporters, but rather more leftist “anti-Trumpers” who are out to merely do harm, do destruction or invoke more hatred. If they were Biden supporters, they would use their energy to place Biden signs rather than remove Trump signs. Irony that you don’t see Biden signs as prevalent as Trump? Not likely.
This sounds about right. The tolerant left always has to eliminate, or tear down, what they don’t agree with. Be it statutes, statues, or whatever. Burn, loot, riot ought to be in their platform.
Is this like stealing votes?
Odd that no one is stealing Biden signs. Must say something about Democrats.
I’m sure they only take the desirable ones. Who the hell would want a Biden sign?
In retaliation, mebbe we could steal some school busses.
We have had several people arrested for stealing TRUMP signs in Onslow County. In one case 2 adults had 66 TRUMP signs in their car as well as 2 juveniles. They were arrested for both the stealing of the signs and contributing to the delinquency of the 2 minors that were in the car.
I see Biden signs w everywhere and nobody takes them down. But God forbids someone puts up a Trump sign and then all hell breaks lose. Of course is the Democrats stealing them, who else?
Ugliness is part of the “Democrat Playbook”. Read it on line.