Some of the Afghans being evacuated from the Kabul airport will find new homes in North Carolina if state House Speaker Tim Moore (R-Cleveland) has his way.
Moore sent out a press release Tuesday, Aug. 24 stating that Moore had called Gov. Roy Cooper and urged him to open North Carolina to “our Afghan allies who have been thoroughly vetted and granted Special Immigrant Visas by the US Department of State for their service alongside our military.”
Moore noted that many of the Afghan men and women being evacuated served with multiple units from the Marine Corps Base at Camp Lejeune and the Fort Bragg army base risking their safety and security to fight with Americans against the Taliban.
Moore in a video said, “What does it say if our country does not stand up and stand by those who fought with us? We need to stand by our word. We need to honor the commitments we made when so many folks took that oath, took a stand and put their lives on the line to fight for freedom, to fight for the ideas of America. It’s our turn to honor that commitment and do all we can to help these folks find freedom.”
In an earlier statement Moore said, “President Biden’s failure to swiftly and safely evacuate all Americans, including our wartime combat interpreters, from Kabul is an affront to the brave men and women, Afghan nationals, who were embedded with American troops and promised special immigrant visas upon their faithful service to America. They’re now facing beating, slaughter and execution of their loved ones. North Carolina stands ready to welcome these heroes, who are some of our bravest, but most unrecognized heroes.”
After the fall of Vietnam, veteran groups and private citizens worked to help Montagnard men who had fought along aside American troops during the Vietnam war and their families relocate to North Carolina.
Currently there are an estimated 5,000 Montagnard people in North Carolina with about half of that number living in Greensboro.
I think most folks would be ok with “vetted” refugees..Problem is no one trust our government to do it right.. Don’t think anyone wants a “jihadist” living next door to them.
And they probably don’t want to live next to a white supremacist either. You can always build a wall, I mean fence.
Juan. Why don’t you go back and live on the other side of the wall
It fell down in the flood. Made it so easy to come here with my disease and violence. Great seeing your children outside yesterday! Looking forward to tending your wife’s garden later.
Go for it my wife is one hell of a shot and does not take prisoners if you’re lucky enough to live she will shoot again to make sure
Hey Juan or any other name you go by…. don’t you know what a joke you are…evertime I see your comments, I bust out laughing…. your comments are like reading the daily comics. You are a total sucker!! BTW, better check your kids toys and your garden tomorrow… you might find them trampled in…lol
With Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and the rest of the clown Democrats at the helm, these refugees would be better off staying in Afghanistan.
Where are they going to live? How are they going to pay for their living expenses? What neighborhoods are they going to be dropped in? How are those existing residents supposed to deal with their property values being lowered as a result? This nation and our state are in debt up to our eyeballs, but yeah, just pile on more state dependents.
Why has one single Afghani been evacuated while we still have thousands of Americans over there who have literally been abandoned????? Our own government has specifically informed them that they are on their own and will have to find their own way home, while Sleepy Joe runs and hides at Camp David. Yes, the Afghans fought beside our soldiers, but they were well trained and equipped, and instead of standing strong against a force they outnumbered, they turned and ran. If they won’t stand and fight to protect their own country, why would we want them here?
How many Al Qaeda/Taliban/ISIS terrorists have infiltrated these groups of refugees? Are we bringing them over here to our own detriment? And just like every other minority ethnic group or special interest group, are they going to receive much greater preferential treatment and rights than existing American citizens?
This nation has countless homeless veterans wandering our streets, but here we are, bringing over foreign refugees to receive free housing, food, medical care and education. We are truly living in clown world.
Holy racism, Batman!
What did Tom say that was racist, exactly?
I’m not the one who thinks people of color need special rights and double standards.
I’m not the one who thinks that all white people ooze white privilege at the expense of minorities.
I’m not the one who calls black people with conservative values “Uncle Toms”.
I’m not the one who thinks that black people need, or want, my help.
I’m not the one who’s a member of the Democrat party that supported slavery, supported the KKK, and fought against all civil rights legislation.
Quit hiding behind anonymity “Tom”. Show your white hooded self.
Well ass hats how many are you going to let live with you
Says “ASH HATS” !!
It’s the least we could do.
Oh, great. More muslims.
So glad you finally see the value of diversity in our community!
Mom is still mad at you but maybe you’re finally turning a corner.
Oh Great Another Islamophobic.
Islamophobia means the fear of Islam. I abhor Islam, and while I do not fear it, I do fear muslims. I was almost murdered by one a few years ago. My brother and I were casually walking through Borough Market in 2017. I bought a knick-knack but no food, because I was flying back to America the next day, and it’s like the Spanish inquisition if you bring food into the US.
And on the next day a muslim went on a rampage with a butcher’s knife, killing 8 people.
The British government’s inquiry laid the blame on militant Islamic terrorists – as if there was any doubt.
If I had been there 24 hours later I would have been stabbed to death by a muslim for being unable to recite a verse from the Koran.
Am I an Islamophobe?
Can you blame me?
Oh, I forgot to say that the muslim’s murderous rampage took place right there in Borough Market, where we had been the day before.
House Speaker Tim Moore can graciously open up HIS OWN home to feed, clothe and provide for all their needs – he can be responsible for every single one! Additionally, he can open up his Deep Pockets and start getting our own citizens safety home ASAP!!
The rhino continues to proudly click the “accept” button on these racist and xenophobic posts. Shame on you, Rhino.
What exactly does Rhino moderate in these comment sections?
They moderate for foul language, not “wrong-think”, politically incorrect opinions, or hurt feelings.
This is still a free country, for now, and we all enjoy the freedom to express our own opinions, even if people, such as yourself, disagree. It used to be that we could all just “agree to disagree” and still be civil towards one another, which I still believe in, but now, so many people get all butt-hurt when anyone doesn’t think like they do, and doesn’t fall in lock-step with whatever popular opinions are being pushed around on social media. Everyone’s a victim, and doesn’t know how to handle someone saying something that hurts their fee-fees, without disappearing into their safe-space. Growing up, they were never told “No”, and they always got their participation trophies.
You either believe in the 1st amendment (freedom of speech, freedom of the press), or you believe that it’s OK for Islamic terrorists to shoot up the Charlie Hebdo magazine office in France (Jan 2015) because they were offended when the magazine published some cartoons depicting Mohammed in a way they didn’t agree with. (I remember when the Rhino also published those same cartoons!! Of course, it was just show everyone what all the fuss was about…)
The Rhino isn’t Facebook or Twitter. They don’t believe anyone appointed them to protect our feelings. It sounds like you need to stick to Big Brother Tech if you want to be protected from differing opinions. There are plenty of opinions here, and elsewhere, that I disagree with, but I would never want those opinions to be censored. I took an oath of service many, many years ago, that I would “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies, foreign and domestic”. I don’t care how much I disagree with someone’s opinion, I would fight to the death to protect their right to speak their mind.
Well said, Tom!
Maybe the fascist Leftists here will understand what you said… but I’m not optimistic. They see politics as a tribal game in which truth is irrelevant.
Thank you! I enjoy reading your comments, as well.
I agree that’s it’s like talking to a brick wall with most of these folks, but sometimes we have to try.
I remember back a few years ago, some girl was being interviewed and she actually said “feelings are more important than facts” – that explains so much these days.
Juan if you don’t like the comments that are published then quit reading them.
Even your opinion is published…..
We have something called The First Amendment in this country, Mr Martillo.
It ensures freedom of speech. Even your toxic drivel.
Welcome to the USA.
I especially appreciate the hesitancy in allowing me to respond to Austin. Nothing inflammatory there, but for some reason it hasn’t posted.
Who is vetting these refugees? Will the city be accountable for any difficulties that they may bring in tow?