Guilford County Schools announced that because of a shortage of school bus drivers, school bus service would not be provided to eight high schools.
Five of the eight are in Greensboro and three are in High Point. All of the schools that won’t have school bus service do have access to Greensboro Transit Agency (GTA) or High Point Transit System (HPTS) bus service and bus service is being provided to students free of charge.
GTA has created a webpage that can be found here: High School Students to assist students in determining the best route to take to get to school.
The web page lists Grimsley High School, Smith High School, The Academy at Smith, Dudley High School and Page High School and advice on how to use the system.
According to the webpage “Planning to use the GTA system is as simple as ABC …”
A – Find your current location and the closest GTA bus route and stop. This can be done automatically online using Google Maps or downloading the free Transloc Rider bus app from the iOS/Android stores. You can also refer to printed schedules on this website or call GTA Customer Service at 336-335-6499 during operating hours.
B – Determine the route and bus stop you will use to arrive at your school. More than likely this will be the same route, but if you are traveling from farther away, you may need to change buses at the Depot transfer center downtown. Don’t forget to build in extra time to walk from the bus stop to your class.
C – Confirm the scheduled time you need to arrive at your bus stop. Google Maps will provide this number while the Transloc Rider app/website will also show you where the bus is and how long until actual arrival. You can also set an alarm for bus arrival so you can catch a few extra zzzz’s.
The GTA webpage also notes that some people may prefer to use printed maps and schedule and those are also available.
There will be plenty of workers when our Socialist govt stops paying people who can work.
What are you going on about? The unemployment subsidies ended months ago. Did you not receive your updated conservative talking points?
Unemployment is below 4% so lowest paying jobs are going to be harder to fill. Plus, all the positive covid going around is making for very high absentee rates.
It’s only at 4% because the high number of people who can’t sign up anymore are not counted as unemployed moron will you and tuna please pick up your tickets and proceed to checkin
I self-originate my blurbs. Yes, the govt figures on unemployment are low. However, the percentage of able citizens who are not working is more than half. Millions continue to drop out.
My point is that govt handouts of all kinds make it easier for Americans to get their 3 hots & a cot. Not to mention cell phone, cable TV, Medicaid, free food, free child support, etc.
We should all, liberal or conservative, be fed up with Govt vote-buying largesse. All at the expense of everyone living here.
Am pleased there is assistance for transportation for our students, but am sorry for the inconvenience of accessing the public busses.
Although these huge busses, usually carrying only a maximum of 5 passengers will be used to better advantage, I have questions about their personal safety from potential predators and the possible personal safety because of the additional distance between their homes and accessing transportation. Praying responsible parents will accept their part of the responsibility.