Greensboro will hold two community meetings in November about the US Green Building Council’s (USGBC) LEED for Cities and Communities Program.
City staff will present findings of its LEED for Cities documentation and review items identified as gaps and opportunities for improvement. The meetings will also include goal setting and developing specific tasks for working groups.
The City Council has had two presentations on the LEED for Cities program, which both basically boiled down to Water Resources Director Steve Drew reporting that they were still gathering data, and until all the data was collected and analyzed there wasn’t much to report. Drew did report that the preliminary data looked good, but without all the information he said he couldn’t say much more.
In March, Greensboro received a grant from the USGBC for training and technical assistance in order to become LEED certified in the LEED for Cities and Communities sustainability rating system. Staff participated in a two-day workshop to learn about the process and how to prepare the data and documentation to reflect current conditions and performance levels.
On Oct. 1, the city submitted the required data and documentation to USGBC.
The meetings are scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 9 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at NC A&T State University, Academic Classroom Building, Room 109.
And Thursday, Nov. 14 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the UNCG, School of Education Building, Room 120.
The times and locations make you wonder just how much the city wants participation from the residents of Greensboro. University campuses are difficult for outsiders to navigate and it’s usually impossible to find a place to park. Plus, a city sponsored public meeting on Saturday afternoon is extremely rare.