Anyone who’s ever watched the City of Greensboro’s government in action knows that one very high priority is promoting equality, diversity and inclusion. And one index that measures such things – specifically, the city’s treatment of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender) community – has found that the city is not good, not great, but is in fact perfect in that regard.
That’s an honor Greensboro shares this year with only one other city in the state – Chapel Hill.
The City of Greensboro scored a perfect 100 points in the 2023 Human Rights Campaign’s Municipal Equality Index (MEI), which is a metric that “examines the laws, policies and services of municipalities and rates them on the basis of their inclusivity of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people who live and work in the city. Among the index categories where Greensboro scored highest were in municipal services, law enforcement and the City’s relationship with the LGBT community.”
The Human Rights Campaign is a four-decade-old organization that fights for LGBTQ+ rights. It represents more than 1.5 million members and supporters of LGBT equality across the US.
This is the third year in a row that Greensboro received a perfect score in this regard.
Some other cities that came out well in the index – though not perfect – were Charlotte with a score of 95, Carrboro with a 95, and Durham and Winston-Salem, which came in at 91 and 90 respectively.
Raleigh was given a score of 78 by the Human Rights Campaign, while Wilmington got a 66 and Cary a 54.
Fayetteville didn’t do so well in the index, only mustering a score of 34.
Well, I guess I know where to relocate.
Perhaps one should ask about LGBTQ evictions and watch that score plummet.
People have a right to be whatever they want, as long as they don’t interfere with my rights, too. I am not in the street in people’s faces shouting and stonewalling my position above all others. No one is neither always right nor always wrong about their beliefs and opinions.
“Can’t we all just get along?”
Lol — #1 in something.
There’s nothing wrong with sexual deviants working for the public, but their sexuality ought to be irrelevant, as is the sexuality of normal people. If your job is to set the timing of traffic lights, or process property tax bills, what you do with your genitalia is immaterial. So you should be hired and promoted according to your ability and work ethic, just like everyone else.
This whole protected class of MGBGT people smacks of favoritism, and is, and ought to be irrelevant.
We don’t care what you do in your bedrooms.
Just do the job.
The MGBGT was a great sports car.
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. Leviticus 20:13
Equality my @$$.
Yes “Just Sayin'”, but that’s between them and their God.
It doesn’t disqualify them from “public service”.
Ahhhh yes.
And I remember the Triumph TR-6 & Austin Healy Sprite quite fondly also.
“Normal people”… you are such a bigot.
No bigotry in my heart, Chris.
But there’s a lot of anger is yours.
Sexual deviance really!! Come on such homophobia in that statement.
There is no homophobia in the truth.
Homosexuals and other atypical people deviate from the norm, therefore they are deviants. Fact.
The Left is fond of ascribing to conservatives the most heinous motives. They like to engage in gratuitous character assassination of us, but it is groundless. It’s actually an example of projection, as Leftists are the most envious, spiteful, bitter, and hateful people you’ll ever come across.
He is such a bigot towards LGBTQ he refuses to acknowledge his bigotry as he truly believes his hate for that community.
Somebody here is overflowing with hatred, prejudice, and spite – but it’s not me.
Take a look in the mirror, you sorry little man.
we only have to look at your words.
So tell me the words.
Great fun but plagued with Lucas electrical components
“Why do the Brits drink warm beer? Because Lucas makes the refrigerators”.
I suppose that since we score so high on DIE (Diversity, Inclusion and Equity) that when it’s noted that someone is hired as black or Hispanic and LGBTQWERTY that if a white, heterosexual female (a real female) is hired that that information will be offered in the name of DIE?
Ahhhh yes.
And I remember the Triumph TR-6 & Austin Healy Sprite quite fondly also.
We don’t need to tell anyone about our sexual interest unless we are going to bed with him or her. And no other persons need to know. Why do we want everyone to know what we enjoy and want in the bedroom. Keep it PRIVATE!!!! We don’t have anything to prove or do we need to change anyones mind to think the way we feel. Love is love and to give ourselves to anyother person is very special. Keep quiet and ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY our lives with someone we love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP trying to prove to ourselves that WE ARE ALRIGHT!!! Well I quest everyone knows now that I LOVE MEN And I don’t care what YOU think!!!
What if you were told not to bring your wife to a function because people found it offensive? Or that they would not be a vendor for your wedding because they didn’t agree with who you were marrying. This has never been about sex…homophobia is just about ignorance and hate.
“What if you were told not to bring your wife to a function because people found it offensive?”
Hmmm, that’s a tough one…oh yeah, I wouldn’t attend.
“Or that they would not be a vendor for your wedding because they didn’t agree with who you were marrying.”
Another tough one. Let me think…oh yeah, I wouldn’t hire them.
How racist, homophobic, etc. is that? If I don’t like and/or agree with you for whatever reason then I will avoid dealing with you to the extent I could.
But I’ve noticed if they confront you for telling them you do not wish to do business with them they get their knickers in a wad, start calling you hateful names, try (and in too many cases succeed) to destroy your business and/or life. And why do they do it? My personal opinion is they’re ignorant and feel inadequate vs. those who simply live their life quietly and keep it to themselves.
I hear them saying “let me live my life my way!” OK, no problem, but you have to do the same for me and if that includes me not wanting to interact with you then, live with it. It works both ways.
“This has never been about sex…homophobia is just about ignorance and hate.”
WOW, thanks for that incredible insight there Dr. Ruth. Thanks for saving me all that therapy money.
Thanks for an amazingly lucid and logical rejoinder, Alan.
Chris can’t stay focused. He’s like an unhinged triggered woman who sees red all the time.
And we don’t care what you do – (so long as you leave the kids alone).
A child is far more likely to be abused by their hetero parent or family member than an LGBTQ person by far…..
Then we agree that a child should be off-limits for any and all sexual predators.
It’s strange though that the Left forced the Boy Scouts to admit adult male homosexuals, who promptly availed themselves of the available opportunities, resulting in massive lawsuits by the victims’ families against the Boy Scouts.
And that, dear reader, is how the pure evil political Left tries to destroy a good, decent, and Christian organization (in the name of equal rights).
Regardless of how a person or group of persons identifies one is no more special or more privileged than any other person or group of persons. At least that the way it should be but the city seems to see it differently. Promoting equity, diversity and inclusion is fine as long as a certain group is not highlighted for this.
That’s all great unless you are a firefighter and you voice your views on social media stating that you don’t agree with that lifestyle and wind up getting fired for your opinion.
If it was the other way around, the person would be praised for voicing their opinion.
Seems to be a double standard in this city.
Btw…wonder if the American Civil Liberties Union is stepping up to fight for this firefighter .
How about a perfect score in the doing business in Greensboro index. Then we would have something to be proud of
We were just named 9th best city n the country to do business in, we can walk and chew gum In Guilford county
69 and counting big city. 69 and counting.
It would be nice if Greensboro would be a city of taxpayer equality and inclusion again…some pay and get nothing (even lose the few things their tax dollars paid for…can you say good police protection, leaf removal, competent schools, fairness in how tax funds are allocated, etc.) and others get all for nothing…can you say “Cure the Violence”, super expensive public transportation with 2-3 riders per bus, housing for homeless from around the state and other states, freebies for many able to work but refuse to, etc. It is such a shame what this city has become! When people say just leave if you don’t like what is going on…easier said than done for many who have been here their entire lives…do wonder what the idiots in charge would do without the tax dollars they “hijack”!