Greensboro announced this week that it has hired Reginald Mason as the first Greensboro Transit Department director.
Greensboro City Manager Tai Jaiyeoba has added a host of new departments and offices to the city administration, and the newly formed Transit Department is one of those. It will take over the operation of the Greensboro Transit Agency (GTA) on Aug. 23.
The Greensboro Department of Transportation (GDOT) has been overseeing the operation of the city bus system since 1991 when the city took over the operation from Duke Power, which operated a private bus system in Greensboro from 1925 to 1991.
In the press release, Jaiyeoba said, “Reginald touts an impressive career, managing transit agencies in cities much larger than Greensboro. This positions him to develop a strategic approach to introduce innovation and efficiency to our existing transit system.”
Before accepting the job in Greensboro, Mason served in safety, security, risk management and operations roles at major transit agencies including Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco and Houston. He most recently served as a project certification manager for the construction consulting firm Hill International in Phoenix.
Mason has a bachelor’s degree in safety management and a master’s in occupational safety and health management from Indiana State University. He also has a master of public administration from Golden State University.
Mason said, “Greensboro’s transit system has a solid historical foundation, which is what drew me to apply for this position. I’m ready to collaborate with staff and the community to implement shared ideas designed to make navigating the city easy and convenient.”
As transit director, Mason will be responsible for city-wide transit planning and transit management, as well as developing long-range public transportation plans.
The two major components of GTA are the fixed route GTA buses and Access GSO, which provides transit service for the handicapped.
In July, GTA added a free downtown trolley service that operates diesel buses painted to look like trolleys on a route downtown from Thursday through Sunday.
Diesel busses….wow! Sounds like more govt giveaway jobs…your tax dollars at work.
Hope he can fill all the empty buses that I see everyday!!!
Maybe the new guy will figure out that you don’t need a 400,000 + bus on most of the routes in GSO. The small buses used by PART. For what GSO is paying you could put every rider in an Uber and still have money left over. The GSO transit system is another money pit.
Just curious. How much are we paying this new director in annual salary?
Anyone want to bet what his race is.
Fill them with leaves, Reggie.
I guess there’ll be someone to blame when those Proterra bus start to fail… With Proterra going bankrupt, parts will probably be hard to come by!
give up on huge vehicles & ‘routes’ & ‘times’ – buses etc. subsidize ‘uber’ etc to take the FEW ridership directly too & from their destinations using existing communication tech used currently. save $$MILLIONS$$ < pollution & congestion & wear on roads.