The Guilford County commissioners all seem to believe in God.
However, the board had a sudden change of heart this week as to whether or not the county should put the inscription “In God We Trust” on 10 prominent Guilford County buildings – as Commissioner James Upchurch has proposed.
The item was put on the agenda and was set to get approved by a majority of the nine commissioners – perhaps even unanimously – on Thursday, Aug. 17. However, after comments Upchurch made in the Rhino Times, the support evaporated and now the motion is expected to fail.
Upchurch, when explaining the rationale for the move to the Rhino Times earlier this week said, among other things, it’s important to make a statement about Guilford County’s values at this time when – both statewide and nationally – traditional values are under attack.
Chairman of the Guilford County Board of Commissioners Skip Alston, who had previously favored the move, said that he’d told Upchurch that he would support the inscriptions as long as the action was not politicized. Alston told the Rhino Times on Wednesday, Aug.16 that he had been perfectly willing to support putting “In God We Trust” on 10 buildings provided it was done as a display of respect for what is our national motto.
Alston said 64 other counties in the state had done something similar and he added that the county attorney had prepared a very carefully worded resolution that explained – with zero political bent – that Guilford County was making the move to support our national motto.
He said the comment Upchurch made about traditional values made the matter political. Alston said Upchurch had turned the agenda item into something that brought in the conservative versus liberal debate and now he, Alston, would not be supporting the motion.
Upchurch told News 2 on Wednesday that he believes he has the votes to pass the motion. However, since the Democrats took control of the Board of Commissioners in December 2020, everything Chairman Alston has supported has passed, and everything he has opposed has failed. So, the writing on the wall is that the writing on the county buildings will not get written at all.
In a public statement on the matter, Alston wrote “Any commissioner has a right to bring up new topics for consideration. However, based on the recent comments made by Commissioner Upchurch in a Rhino Times’ article, and the feedback I have received from the community, I have some concerns on any underlying intent. I want to be clear that I support our Country’s National Motto; however, it is my goal that we continue to work as One Guilford and work towards unity in our community. I will not be supporting the agenda item.”
It would have cost about $40,000 to put the inscriptions on the 10 buildings.
Glad to see this won’t be moving forward. That’s $40,000 in taxpayer money that won’t be wasted on a useless project. Now let’s stop other wasteful spending and focus on things that will actually benefit the community!
They are all Godless.
LMAO!! Alston politicizes everything once he opens his mouth. What BS.
How about “In Skip we do not trust”
Why the county commissioners placing county politics before God. Do you not trust GOD? It is our national motto or does this not apply to Guilford County?
Will you do what is right or politically correct?
Typical Skippy reaction. We knew it would never happen. After all, it’s only an assumption that the County Commissioners believe in God.
I just want to know how the h*** Skip keeps getting re-elected!! He’s a no class racist jerk and I can just about guarantee he will find a way to funnel that $40 g into something he wants funded!! He doesn’t care about this county or it’s residents. He cares about Skip! Put In God We Trust on those buildings Skippy! You claim to love and worship God so put your faith before your mouth and politics because politics ain’t gonna get you into Heaven. As for other religions, why can’t God stand for whatever God they believe in? And for goodness sakes… don’t let Skippy convince the county to funnel that money into the Woolworths building/museum. It’s already a money pit! I really want to know what the crap is wrong with our city and county leaders. Where did their brains take a vacation to and refuse to come back from. Not one of them is making any sense anymore except a couple of them and they are fighting a losing battle with the commicrats in control.
Skip keeps getting elected because of the district system. We need to go back to all at-large voting.
(Board Chairman’s office) Whew, managed to dodge that one!
As for his public statement, I refer you to one word…doublespeak
Skip Alston is a racist pos.
Skip-the-Hyp (in)action.
I totally support not having “in God We Trust” on public buildings.
Nothing is under “attack”. This is not a “ Christian Nation”- it is a nation where you are free to be a Christian, or a practitioner of any other faith. Public buildings should not be labeled with any faith based reference or deity.
I guess you need to give all your money away that phrase is on everything you spend
This Country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. We are all privileged to practice any faith we chose, or do not choose. Our Bill of Rights are privileges guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Any of these can be modified or nullified (like today) by the Govt. We have to fight for our privileges.
Everyone has the privilege to pray to their God. I will pray when I want, to my God at any place I want. My opinion, when the lords prayer and the pledge of allegiance was taken out of our schools, courtroom and other government, public places is when this country started a turn down. We are not respected through out the world as we once where. Countries have turned their backs on us, yet scream for help when attacked. IE: Saudi Arabia,Kuwait and Ukraine to name a few. Yes, we are a country that has many freedoms that most do not. We may not agree but we must respect each others beliefs. The only true answer will be on Judgement Day. Again, only my opinion.
I guess you will eventually learn or you will move the former costs you nothing!
City guess you know now that Greensboro is bigger than Durham in the murder department
The way I heard it, it’s “In God we trust; all others pay cash.” I really think it’s preferable for government to stay scrupulously neutral and leave any and all statements of opinion or conviction off of our public buildings.
Which God ?
I have to say you have a valid point, though I know which I look to
The one you will face when you leave this world
Finally I thought our city for once was moving in the right direction!
Mr. skip had to put his unwanted 2 cents in..and everything is on hold!
In God trust
Totally agree with you Drew Dix. This nation, including Guilford County is a melting pot of many different ethnicities, races and religious beliefs. While I may believe in a Christian God there are many others who believe in their own gods. How dare we not honor and respect other’s beliefs. We ( Mr. Upchurch ) should not impose our/your beliefs on anyone, period.
What a travesty that one idiot could lead all the sheep. Skip needs to move to China.
The Nazi soldier wore a belt buckle with “Gott mit uns” written on it. Look where that went.