The Greensboro City Council will be discussing the budget for the Water Resources department at the work session beginning at 2 p.m. Thursday, April 27 in the Plaza Level Conference Room.
The bad news is that water rates are going to go up. The good news is that, even with the proposed rate increase, Greensboro will still have the second lowest water rates in the state. Burlington will continue to have lower water rates than Greensboro.
According to the presentation, the Water Resources department will be requesting a 10.25 percent water rate increase and a 7.25 percent sewer rate increase. If the City Council passes the requested rate increase, the average water bill for those who live in Greensboro will increase from $51.46 to $55.84. Those who live outside the city limits but have Greensboro water and sewer service pay more than double what city residents pay. With the requested rate hike the average bill for those outside the city will increase from $128.23 to $139.16.
Some of the issues that contribute to the higher cost of water and sewer service include: supply chain issues and inflation, compensation for employees has increased by 9 percent, the price of the chemicals used in the treatment process have risen by 50 percent, and the cost of capital construction has risen by an average of 30 percent.
Water and sewer is a big business and the recommended budget for the Water Resources department for fiscal year 2023-2024 is $165.7 million. The Water Resources department is run as a separate enterprise fund supported by water and sewer fees and not by property or sales tax dollars.
Mayor Nancy Vaughan noted that the Environmental Protection Agency had proposed limits for PFOS and PFOA, and that while the city had committed over $30 million for upgrading the Mitchell Water Treatment Plant to remove these contaminants, upgrades would also have to be made at the Townsend Treatment Plant.
Anybody get an after-tax increase in pay of 10%?
Dumb question, I forgot there is no “after-tax.”
From 1994 to 2004 we lived outside the city limits but were forced to accept Greensboro water & sewer around 1995. We were billed monthly. We were a young family with high water needs (diapers, drinks, laundry, etc) and I despised my water/sewer bill because prior to the City of Greensboro forcing their water down our throats – literally – our community well cost $45/quarter.
My final bill from the city was $75.00 – for one month. They had just increased the fees, again.
When the Mafia extort money from people, they make no bones about it. They are honest criminals. When the state extorts money from you for a necessity of life, they tell you it’s your duty to support society or some such crap.
I prefer honest criminals. If the Mob were doing this there would be outrage and a Federal attack dogs.
I’m old enough to remember when one of the justifications for property taxes was in order to provide municipal water & sewer service. Okay – but then they imposed brand new additional billing just for water & sewer! So where did all the money for water & sewer service go?
In 2004 we moved into the county (thank God). We have a well and a septic tank. The water’s clean, natural, and makes excellent tea. There is no chlorine or other chemicals in it. We love it!
And assuming just a 4% annual increase in the city’s water/sewer fees, we now have about $25,900 dollars more wealth than if we had remained victims of Greensboro ($900 per annum X 1.04 compounded).
Government is inherently a corrupt, rapacious, amoral entity.
I should deuct the cost of our current system. I have had the septic tank pumped twice. It cost $300 the first time and $340 the second time. So we’re actually only $25,260 better off, but those dollars we saved 19 years ago are worth more than today’s dollars, so in inflation adjusted dollars it’s probably more than 30 Grand.
Our water bills are a primer for invoice-padders.
We never had this crap when I was younger (during the Hoover administration). $15/mo. No fees, just the rate.
Just bend over…it’s Greensboro.
I wonder when all residents of Greensboro are going to get tired of all these taxes that this corrupt democratic government (city council) is putting on them .They have historically had Democrats in charge of their government. I cannot understand when they will ever get tired of all taxes they have to pay. Why not vote in some Republicans to lead Greensboro. What do you lose!!!!!!!!!
Those who bothered to show up at the polls disagree with you. If we are not participating in our Republic, we have no Republic.
Council should be discussing in-home water meters so users can accurately monitor their usage instead of blindly having to pay bills based on their word. Ridiculous.
Pleasant Garden is attempting to get water into our business district and while I’m for it, I’m afraid they may try to use this as a lever later down the road.
I’m from Ohio and there the water outside the major cities is controlled by the county. I would much prefer that over giving all that power to an entity such as the Kingdom of Greensboro
I live in Guilford County but growing up my parents and I lived in the City of Greensboro. The maddest I ever saw my daddy was when he was taxed by the City of Greensboro for rain runoff on his roof DURING A DAMN DROUGHT. These people are thieves and could care less about you. Weren’t they just discussing making water available for that developer in Summerfield that nobody wants? Good heavens wake TFU…