In what appears to be a case putting the cart before the horse, the main topic at the Greensboro City Council work session on Thursday, Feb. 16 is “Strategic Framework.”
On Thursday, Feb. 2 and Friday, Feb. 3, the City Council held its annual retreat and spent much of the time, when they weren’t working on their artistic creations, on developing strategy and priorities.
At this work session, the presentation will explain to the City Council why having a strategic framework is important. However, the PowerPoint presentation does not include a slide on why it is important to represent that strategy for the future of Greensboro with artwork.
The first topic of the presentation is titled, “Why Do We Need a Strategic Framework.”
The first point is “North Star.” The facilitator at the retreat used the term “north star” over and over and over again in her presentation.
The other points are:
- Provides Context To Council’s Strategic Priorities
- Incorporates Community Feedback
- Connects plans and priority with mission and vision
- Guides staff and council
- Informs decision making and financial planning
- A Living Document – Five-Year Focus
After spending two days setting City Council priorities, the City Council will also now be told, “Why City Council Priorities Matter.”
Wouldn’t it make a lot more sense to explain to the City Council why priorities matter before asking the City Council to spend two days setting priorities.
According to the PowerPoint, “Why City Council Priorities Matter:”
Priorities from top leaders influence:
- Community Connection
- Community Understanding
- Short-term execution of long-term plans
- The allocation of resources to meet goals
Priorities are developed based on the following:
- Community Feedback – What does the community expect?
- Staff Feedback- What will it take to meet those expectations?
Priorities are a:
- A guidepost for service
- A report card to the community
So now that the City Council has established its priorities, it learns what they do and why they are important.
Word salad to feed their egos. Last time I heard ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS
John, thanks for the laugh. I still shake my head in total disbelief at these clowns and the east greensboro city council.
Most all of them are A$$ Backwards, so why should this be any different.
Per usual as reported since several people are without current knowledge of how government, private enterprise, collaboration, and so much more needs literally to be on every agenda with a written test!
This sounds like a slo joe cabinet meeting with Abbot and Costello “Who’s on First” to me.
John, MOVE ON! Jesus, how many times do we have to read about this retreat. Write about something else. Literally, ANYTHING else. Except for how you hate how Greene Street is two-way, one-way, then back to two-way. That was a yawn fest.
Rant on Bob, take some X-lax or smoke a big fat joint just relax buddy, goodness you sound like you’re about to have a stroke
Thanks for keeping us informed John, we don’t get local information in the fishwrap anymore
Never did. It was not suitable to wrap fish in my lifetime!