The City of Greensboro loves building sidewalks, digging up roads and replacing water lines – and now there’s a new project on the way that will mean the overhaul and improvement of over 30 pedestrian intersections around the city.
The new project will consist of – depending on the intersection involved – pedestrian traffic signal additions and upgrades, better signage and crosswalk markings, and modifications of curb ramps.
The City of Greensboro is currently conducting environmental and engineering studies for 31 pedestrian signal improvements.
The main goal of the project is to enhance pedestrian safety at the intersections being revamped.
According to city officials, most of the affected intersections will receive electronic pedestrian signals activated by push buttons, as well as crosswalks that connect to existing sidewalk networks.
The actual renovations are expected to begin in 2025.
Here’s a list the city released of intersections that will be getting the makeovers:
Brightwood School Road at Lees Chapel Road
East Bessemer Avenue at Huffman Street
East Bessemer Avenue at Winston Street
East Bessemer Avenue at Yanceyville Street
East Cone Blvd at Yanceyville Street
East Cornwallis Drive at Yanceyville Street
East Lindsay Street at East Bessemer Avenue
Lees Chapel Road at Yanceyville Street
Martinsville Road at Pisgah Church Road
North Church Street at Lees Chapel Road/Pisgah Church Road
North Elm Street at Pisgah Church Road
North English Street at Phillips Avenue
Pinedale Road/N Holden Road at Benjamin Parkway
Pisgah Place at Pisgah Church Road
Randleman Road at I-40 EB Off-Ramp
Randleman Road at I-40 WB On-Ramp
Randleman Road at I-85 Business NB Ramps
Rankin Road at Yanceyville Street
S English Street at McConnell Road
Sixteenth Street at Yanceyville Street
Textile Drive at Yanceyville Street
West Friendly Avenue at Chimney Rock Road
West Friendly Avenue at Friendway Road/Coble Farm Drive
West Friendly Avenue at King George Drive
West Friendly Avenue at Old Friendly Road
West Friendly Avenue at Stage Coach Trail
West Friendly Avenue at Urban Loop (I-73/I-840)
West Market Street at Montrose Drive
West Market Street at Norwalk Street
West Market Street at Westgate Drive
Willoughby Blvd at Pisgah Church Road
If you have comments or suggestions, or you know of any particularly dangerous pedestrian crosswalk areas that the city should address, you can submit your comments on aspects of the crosswalk enhancement project through Friday, May 10.
Comments can be directed to Transportation Engineering Manager Chris Spencer at 336-433-7218.
Pedestrian mishaps would be fewer than half of what they are if people would look at the street instead of at their phones.
Right! Slowly backing out of a parking space at a busy shopping center, yet another idiot with their face in a dumbphone passes right behind me – lucky I saw her just in time. She couldda gotten squashed, and it would have been my fault. I guess she assumed she had the right away, it it would be my fault (right). How does having the right away help either one of us after you are injured or killed?
People are addicted to these things, to our detriment. We don’t know how to interact with a human being.
is the problem the ‘phone’ or the other device: ‘vehicle’ ?
Anyone using their dumbphone where there is traffic is the dumb one. My worst experience was having a person ride their bicycle right behind me while I was slowly backing out. Their face was buried in the dumbphone.
Several years ago, my wife & I went to Thanksgiving dinner at Mom’s. There were ten people at our table, seven of them had the dumbphone on the table next to their plate, scrolling up and down. I was disgusted, and told them so. I came to see them, not to watch them play with their machine.
People can stare at that thing, or the idiot box, all day; while our country is destroyed by her enemies, both foreign and domestic.
Read a book. Any book.
Very good of the City to consider the plight of pedestrians (I hope I’m not starting to sound like “Chris….) but with that consideration I would like to suggest the City do something about the condition of the steets themselves. I would hate to read about some hapless pedestrian falling into a pothole and disappearing entitely. I’m old enough to remember when ee eere considered “The Hood Roads State” and our city had crews that patched and tarred cracks and breaks before they became potholes. Is someone in GDOT striking for Secretary of Transportation?
22 out of 31 are minority neighborhoods?????
What are pedestrians? See any? People will drive one block. Parts of Guilford College Rd. have sidewalks, now installed on both sides. I hardly ever see anyone on either walk. Friendly Ave? Nope. W. Market St? Nope. Horsepen? Nope.
Therefore, the City does make work installing sidewalks, parking lots, etc. And takes their time doing it, so as to protract the employment and thus raise the cost.
yes: where smart people live.
This sounds like a left over idea from the former nigeran playboy. It was to pacify wells and Hightower
great ! thanks !
Yep…more waste to pacify certain council members. No names need to be mentioned.
Sorry JV I already did. Wells and Hightower