The Greensboro City Council was an annexing and zoning machine at the Tuesday, Jan. 18 virtual meeting.
Councilmember Sharon Hightower slowed things down as much as she could by asking questions that had usually already been answered either in the presentation or in the agenda attachments, but in the end all 12 votes on annexation, zoning and rezoning at the Jan. 18 meeting passed unanimously.
Councilmember Justin Outling was recused from three of those votes because of a conflict of interest.
It appears that the Greensboro City Council may have gotten the message that for Greensboro to grow, property has to be zoned for higher residential density and more intensive land use.
The 12 unanimous votes resulted in five different development projects receiving approval to move forward. Of those five projects, four were on McConnell Road and involved land in unincorporated Guilford County that was annexed and then zoned by the City Council.
One of the two annexation and zoning requests that had someone speak in opposition was for 169 acres at 4417 and a portion of 4453 McConnell Road.
The request, which the City Council passed unanimously, was for Planned Unit Development zoning with a limit of 630 single-family homes and townhomes.
The main objection voiced was that the development was too dense and that the number of homes should be cut in half.
Amanda Hodierne, an attorney with Isaacson Sheridan representing the owner and the developer, noted that according to the site plan about 60 acres of the 169 acre site would remain open space and that the density would be 3.7 units per acre, which fit in well with the city’s residential zoning districts.
At the end of the meeting City Councilmember Nancy Hoffmann summed up the evening’s work saying, “If I aggregate everything we have been able to do this evening, fortunately Mrs. Hightower made some reference to that, we annexed into the City of Greensboro 366 acres of land and the infrastructure investment that is going to be made in those areas is another $20 million and I didn’t aggregate the exact number but I think we are talking about the projects that we approved tonight as 1,200 to 1,300 housing units. That’s absolutely amazing, when you aggregate what this really means, and it is just an indication of the direction this city is moving in and the excitement of growth and the opportunity that we have.”
At some point, folks who are tired of idiots running Greensboro, will move away (in droves). Then, what will they do with all those rental units? Most likely – FREE govt’ housing for illegals.
Or the homeless and section 8
Yeah, all the new jobs that are coming from Toyota, Amazon, etc… If you hate Greensboro so much, maybe YOU should leave.
Chris – you continue to verify that YOU are a moron! Nothing was said about hating Greensboro. You’re just sitting there waiting to jump on anyone who has a different opinion than you!
Yeah, the city is growing and outskirts are requesting to join… The city is growing and increasing the size of the tax base. Property values are going up and large organizations are considering launching new ventures here or relocating to Greensboro. Not a lot to complain about, but you’ll find a way.
I also like how you predict folks leaving (in droves) and then assign the housing to “illegals.” You’ve got to borrow things to complain about. It would be sad if it wasn’t so funny. Feel free to get a jump on the rush to move out of Greensboro.
It’s obvious that your politics are your personality. It’s too bad (for you) that the economy is roaring, the stock market hit 68 records in JB’s first year, unemployment is at 3.9% , 5.6% GDP growth and wages are up. Don’t worry, I have faith that you’ll find something to complain about!
Sour grapes. Bonus (sour) grapes for finding a way to blame “Illegals.”
This is your brain on Fox News.
Hey short memory if you remember several years ago Gso. had a rather bad drought severe water shortage this was before the new lake on 220 opened but it showed the water problem Gso. has. There’s really not a large water supply in this area especially for the amount that Gso tries to supply there is simply not enough infrastructure water or sewer to keep expanding outward. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to grow as long as you can support it but growing the tax base simply for revenue has its limitations. The city already has a police shortage and every time something is annexed the city is by law obligated to provide water, sewer, police and garbage collection. At some point the end does not justify the expense
Grumpy, old, fearful “get off my lawn” complainers like you are not attracting new businesses or helping grow local GDP or increasing the sum of human knowledge. You’re not even helping lower crime, poverty or pollution. Many like me are moving INTO Greensboro because of the low cost of living and the fact that, like our previous hometowns, it’s not run by atrophied confederate ‘good ole boys” who want society to look like it did in the 1800s. Maybe your great-greats made a living owning and hating other people but that’s no longer an option in the 21st Century. Call a realtor, who would love to list your host so you can move as far away from here as possible. Conservatives should be judicious in what they want to ‘conserve’, because progress and technology grind inexorably FORWARD.
This is what happens when the people you elect are either related to, friends of, or themselves in the field of real estate law, development, or real estate sales. It’s always been this way. They financially profit from annexation and zoning changes while the people who live in the area object, are patted on the head, ignored, their home values, and quality of life is diminished. It’s disgraceful.
Well said Deborah…. you are exactly correct and I definitely agree.
The moderators are keeping this a safe space for people like FJB. 🙂
Greensboro is a growing city where a person can thrive and find joy if their politics are not their personality.
Obviously, a liberal FOOL.
I guess the only thing the moderators will allow is if I get a lobotomy and join you in waving my cane in anger.
The mod is so fragile. I even printed this out so that I could pretend that rhino times was a viable business again.