The work product of the all day City Council retreat is a set of long term goals.

The City Council met from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24 in the ACC Hall of Champions at the Greensboro Coliseum for its annual retreat.

By the end of the day, during which they spent most of their time working in three groups of three under the direction of strategic consultant Meredith Powell, the City Council came to agreement on five long term goals that are supposed to form the basis of what they try to accomplish in the next couple of years.

The long term goals are:

1) Raise per capita household income by 15 percent by 2025.

2) Form partnerships to increase committed affordable housing of 0 to 30 and 30 to 60 area median income by 1,000 units by 2022.

3) Reduce violent crime overall by 20 percent end of 2022.

4) Bring the fund balance to 15 percent of our annual budget by 2023.

5) Increase by 20 percent the number of people that can reach their place of employment without the use of their personal vehicle by 2023.

The City Council did not discuss in any detail the cost of completing these goals but mainly discussed whether they were achievable or not.

For example, at the urging of Councilmember Michelle Kennedy, at one point the affordable housing goal was to build 1,000 affordable housing units by 2022.

Kennedy also said that they needed to target the lower income level for affordable housing, the 0 percent to 30 percent range and the 30 percent to 60 percent range of the area median income.

Councilmember Justin Outling said, “The city as a general matter doesn’t create housing.”

Mayor Nancy Vaughan said, “We have to find partners. We aren’t going to build housing.”