The Greensboro City Council is trying a new tactic to cover up whatever happened at the home of City Manager Tai Jaiyeoba on Dec. 28, which resulted in four Greensboro police officers and Guilford County Emergency Medical Services responding to a 911 call.
According to a press release from the City of Greensboro, “The entire body of the Greensboro City Council has reviewed the body worn camera video from the Dec. 28, 2023, police response to City Manager’s Jaiyeoba’s home.”
And determined for the people of Greensboro there is nothing to see.
This is the same City Council that kept the people of Greensboro from knowing anything about this event for almost a month from Dec. 28, when it happened, until Jan. 23, when the Rhino Times published the first article about it.
That first Rhino Times article had to be corrected because the city refused to release official information about the incident until after the article was published.
The mistake in the news coverage that the city was most upset about was the quote from the CAD report, “CALLER ADV CITY MANAGER IS KILLING HIS CHILDREN.” However, days later when the City of Greensboro finally found the time to officially release the CAD report, it still read, “KILLING.”
The CAD report has reportedly been altered to read, “CITY MANAGER IS HITTING HIS CHILDREN.” But if that rewrite was done the city did not find it necessary to release the rewritten CAD report to the Rhino Times.
On Monday, Feb. 19, the News & Record will be in court requesting that the body-word camera (BWC) videos that the City Council viewed this week be released to the public. The City of Greensboro will be opposing that request. According to the press release, the belief on the City Council is that the councilmembers have seen the BWC videos and there is really no need for rank and file taxpayers to watch the BWC videos and make up their own minds about what happened on Dec. 28, 2023.
The City Council watched the videos and reported that “nothing happened.” Certainly the taxpayers should be willing to completely trust the members of the City Council to be honest and transparent.
Looks as is the City Council and attorney Watts just passed a new resolution. Domestic violence is not a crime. No arrests from this point on. Have at it ladies and gents. Have no fear no arrests will be made.
Yes. As Steven Van Zandt once said, “We can chalk this up as cultural differences.” It’s almost as if they sympathize with Toby on this. Oh, wait… Of course they would, because SEVERAL council members have had their own family embarrassments aired in tye papers & on television. Any way you look at it, the council is a damn disgrace to the community.
If the city council viewed the video and determined there was nothing to see, then what’s the harm in releasing that very video to the public?
Just let a local LEO make a mistake or do something improper while in uniform and I assure one and all that the members of that board of whatevers will hopscotch to the nearest TV camera to express their disapproval at the shame brought to THEIR city!
Not the first to say they are politicians of the lowest order.
John, who are you to question your betters?
Have you forgotten that journalism is no longer needed?
We just need to totally trust that the elite know better, and have our best interests in heart at all times.
For shame, trying to shine a light on the cockroaches just to watch them scurry.
We don’t need to get into whom did what to whom,there is no time for that,
PEOPLE ARE HOMELESS, have you no heart, those tireless soul that run our perfect city, need to deal with that issue, oh and leaves, don’t forget them
I love the satire here. If the city council cared anything about the homeless the way they want the public to believe they do, they’d open up their yards & homes to them. Of course it wouldn’t last long once they realized that there’s more going on with folks than needing a place to stay. They can talk about it all day long, but if they had to live with it for a month I guarantee they would have a whole new outlook and agenda. Of course folks need help, but money or housing is not going to fix anything.
This should be made available for all to view. If “nothing” happened, then there’s nothing to hide. Lets set it up at the Carolina Theater and serve pop corn and cotton candy. The whole council is a three ring circus anyway.
I’m shocked, SHOCKED to see the report of nothing found in a report to the City Council
Your shredded information your excellency
Oh, thank you…burn that please
Cannot find it defensible or believeable the voters of the Gbo. City Council members have continued to vote for most of these people to manage their City. Do they care; are they aware of the inactions and wrong actions and lack of common sense of these elected people who don’t follow the rules of the office? So glad I stayed in the County when I moved.
If nothing happened, why are they hiding it from us?
My father used to have a pithy aphorism for certain people, after Great Britain began to experience large scale immigration from Africa and The Caribbean. “Stupid, selfish, and violent”.
I always had a great deal of respect for my father.
No surprises here. Betting the citizens will vote the same ones in again. Getting 3rd world every day.
For me, it’s not so much about the incident itself but how it was kept hidden from the public. It would appear that the city manager used his power and influence to keep it quiet and make sure that a computer generated record was not created. That would be special treatment that the rest of us would not have. It there was a police call to my house, could I ask that they would not create a computerized document to go into in permanent records? Would the city council protect me and say there is no reason for body camera footage to be seen because it was just a family matter and these things happen?
Let me channel “Chris” a moment.
It’s so refreshing that we have a city council that is willing to earn that big pay raise by endeavouring to protect the rank and file citizenry from the late unpleasantness involving the cuty manager. Greensboro is so fortunate to have such a dedicated city manager. His devotion to making sure the citizens of Greensboro are safe is just mot appreciated by all the malcontents. Charlotte’s loss has been our gain. The streamlined police department has made us all safer, citizen and non- citizen alike. He has insured we have greater resources to help the homeless, the lame and the halt. Our mayor and the council are absolutely committed to transparency and being open to to the desires of the people of Greensboro. We’ve never had it so good!
So, there….
Good one, Dave!
Are you kidding me?
LMAO Dave!
Only a fool doesn’t recognize when his situation has changed, and adjusts accordingly! You live in a new day I would except that! We control everything in four directions one day you will learn! Until that day you willl have continued heartache and disappointment!
6 murders already this year all types of crimes are up homeless and hunger are rampant police and sheriff’s vacancy positions are at an all time high. You and the “we” you speak of are doing a great job. Keep up the good work. Anything to say. I’m giving you permission
Have you watched the movie Mad Max? This is where we are headed with the changing demographics and White politicians who cater. Welcome, Big City. This is your future, too.
Who is “we”, BlackCity?
It’s black city and the mice in his pocket.
The primary issue has been glossed over by Council. BWC footage won’t show what happened at the house before police were called. The so called “family matter”. The biggest issue here is, did the City Manager use his “position of power”, to influence the police department (under his command), to alter their actions and procedures, to keep him out of a negative light, if not completely in the darkness altogether. I think that is readily apparent that he abused his power to do just that. If any Chief or department head, or any other city employee for that matter, did this, they would most certainly be let go. Reminds me of how things work on the federal level, with 2 tiered Justice.
Well well the city had to finally fesh up to what we already knew. On the AM news and headlines in the local fishwrap, the manager did call the Police Chief but protocol was not broken, whatever and pigs can fly. Why the lie about there not being a computer report filed and why can’t it be accessed. There is still something being covered up. Can the Police Chiefs cell number be published so everyone can give him a call for a get out of jail card.
Your question regarding the use by the city manager’s “position of power” to influence the police department is a rhetorical question. Every fair-minded person familiar with the facts knows that the answer is, yes, he did. However, this issue extends beyond the City Manager. This issue extends to Chuck Watts and his legal department, Nancy Vaughn and the entire GCC, and the entire police department.
The worst thing was the attempted coverup… needs a new city manager…..he can’t even operated an efficient leaf program.
Sounds to me like it is time for a good old-fashioned “leak”. There should be no complaints, Democrats & Republicans have used this simple but effective technique for decades.
To all the citizens of Greensboro just remember “ when the truth is unthinkable it’s easier to believe the lies “
Looks like domestic violence is ok now without arrest. What I want to know is do we have to live with the persons we want to beat up or is it ok to hurt someone that is in our homes that doesn’t live with us. I have several people that I want to beat the devil out of them that does not live with me. Is it OK to attach them and hurt them because I don’t like them? I don’t want to be arrested so I want to make sure that it is ok to beat them up. Since domestic violence and violence is ok in general now we need to be given the rules as to how to handle ourselves when we have situation when we need to beat the crap out of someone because it seems to be legal now. There seems to be different rules for different folks. This situation needs to be corrected immediately. OUR City, Greensboro, is better than this behavior. Lets make things RIGHT!!!!!!!!
Let me explain something to these people. Greensboro can be sued by any citizen for this kind of behavior. This is sick and destroying our city. We, the CITIENS, deserve better and we can have things better. We DO NOT have to let things be this way. Things will change and be corrected to make living in Greensboro a good place to live and have a family to love and be together without fear and violence, WE THE CITIZNE OF GREENSBORO DESERVE BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What kind of city do we live in? Is violence tolerated. Can I invite someone over and beat his ass. Does he have to live with me before it is ok to beat his ass? What level of violence is ok? This is a new level behavior that we need to understand. Please tell US the citizens how we can live our lives in this city?
I hate to ambit this but Allen Johnson who I rarely agree with wrote an editorial in the Sunday fishwrap about the City Manager and the Police Chief. He like me thinks the Police Chiefs cell number should be published for all the citizens of Greensboro so we all can have the same consideration the manager enjoys. Never to be arrested, relief is only a phone call away. All concerned citizens should be at the next council meeting and asking for the chiefs number. The council created this mess let’s all let them enjoy their moment of glory.
2 Police officers and 1EMT firefighter killed in a Domestic Violence call today. Domestic Violence is the number 1 call Police respond to. Why does the city manager get a pass on this. Council do what’s right this is not going AWAY
Domestic violence and violence in general NEVER stops nor goes away!!! It will repeat itself. And the next time might even end in someone being killed. Want that make a name and reputation for Greensboro.
But if he is released from his employment, we might not get the light rail system running up the middle of Friendly Avenue