There’s a lot of talk about a prepared food tax in Greensboro.
But according to Greensboro Mayor Nancy Vaughan that’s all it is at this point – talk.
Vaughan said, “It’s in a very preliminary stage. There is nothing on the table at this point.”
Vaughan said that currently the city did not have the authority to implement a prepared food tax and that the North Carolina state legislature would have to act to give that ability to the city.
There is nothing on the 2023 Greensboro City Council legislative agenda pertaining to a prepared food tax. The legislative agenda is a list of items that the City Council would like for the legislature to pass, and for a prepared food tax to be implemented, the first step is legislative action.
The fact that placing the prepared food tax on the legislative agenda for the 2023 session was not publicly discussed by the City Council is noteworthy. Of course, a prepared food tax could have been discussed at length in the private sessions where this City Council likes to handle business.
About the prepared food tax, Vaughan said, “I do think that it is worth investigating income streams that our peer cities have. When we are up against Charlotte and Raleigh, that is one of the many income streams they have that we do not.”
Vaughan noted that Dare County down at the coast was one of the six jurisdictions in North Carolina that currently have a prepared food tax.
Vaughan said, “If we want to stay competitive, we have to look at new income streams.”
Vaughan said, “Right now we are the youth soccer mecca, but there are other cities that have newer and shinier facilities. We want to be able to stay competitive.”
She said that it made sense to look at different ways for paying for maintaining the facilities Greensboro has, as well as building new facilities, and a prepared food tax is one of the income streams the city needs to consider.
“If we want to stay competitive, we have to look at new income streams” – Mayor Nancy Vaughan.
– So the Lady Mayor believes that the way to make Greensboro more competitive is to impose a new tax, and increase the tax burden on small businesses. She’s mad.
It does reflect the Alice in Wonderland economics of the far left Greensboro City Council though. They’re all mad.
Please stop taxing the people to death. People on fixed income can’t afford all these taxes on them now. We pay state tax, property tax, personal property tax, car tag tax, food tax, gas tax, ect. Give us a break stop taxing the people. I am a senior and on fixed income. I need my my money more than you do. I see a lot of waste in taxpayer’s money in this city.
Amen brother
This is like taxing corporations. In order to stay in business, corporations have to add all the taxes they pay to the consumer. So it is the consumer that pays the business taxes, including this one.
Of course, they consumer does not have a clue. They think someone else is paying the tax.
We are not a “peer” city of Raleigh and Charlotte. We do not have a real professional sports team. We do not attract the concerts those cities do.
Do you believe or trust the Mayor and the east greensboro city council?
NO! Maybe about as far as I could throw them. . .but wouldn’t want to get my hands dirty.
From the serfs of GSO…
Of course we do, just like we believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause.
Wait, you mean they aren’t real?
Income, from theft. Ideas so good they come at the end of a gun. Government is force. The bigger the government, the bigger the force. A government that can give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have. And they’re almost there.
A lot of money could be saved by stopping funding for the non- profits and council pet groups ( cure violence) comes to mind with apparently no results or the homeless town even by more dismal results.
How in the world is this about Youth Soccer? Since when has Guilford been the Meca of youth soccer? Last I heard from the local club system, we had not produced a single division 1 scholarship in close to 10 years. (my info is a bit dated as my kids have all graduated from the club league).
Remember: There is no living, breathing, Democrat that ever met a tax that did not cause a tingle to shoot up their leg. Has there ever been a tax removed or abolished by Democrats?
That’s right tax us to death!
And since we’re allowed to vote after death, tax us somemore
We already got screwed on our property taxes now our useless politicians are sitting around thinking up new ways to pick our pockets
Wait a minute. They spent a ton of money building more soccer fields at Bryan Park only a few years ago. It was supposed to be a big multiplier in bringing in out-of-town money for soccer tournaments. So in the time since, neighboring towns have built newer and shinier facilities? And we need a prepared food tax in Greensboro so we can build even more soccer fields? I guess the aquatic center is due for an upgrade, too. Tanger Center should be good for a couple more years, though.
The irony of soccer and the swimming pool at the Coliseum is that those sports are dominated by white people. Interesting that the east Greensboro driven council wants to keep taxing us to pay for sports that are not diverse. Add the Performing Arts Center. They do not host a diverse group of talent-it’s all Broadway plays and old ass performers like Sting.
Now now sweetie, don’t be so upset about race just remember skip and slo joe will provide for you.
“When we are up against Charlotte and Raleigh, that is one of the many income streams they have that we do not.”
Mayor Vaughn. . . . .might I suggest you are up against your own citizens? Glad you are telling us your priorities. . . . .businesses first, peer governments second, and Greensboro residents last.
I voted against Nancy in the last election and will do it again if I still am in Greensboro when she runs again, which I dearly hope she will exit her throne.
I think everyone missed the point of her comment.
Vaughan said, “It’s in a very preliminary stage. There is nothing on the table at this point.” Translation: We are hoping the sheeple of Greensboro will forget about this in a couple of months after the weather turns nicer and more people are going out to eat so we can plunder their pockets legally when we quietly and quickly pass this legal form of taxation without clear thinking representation.
Right! We are retired on fixed income + savings. Every snipe at us reduces our ability to cover everything we need.
Even those working cannot keep up with the daily escalation of the cost of living. We like to go out for a meal once or twice a week. Not so often now, and to less expensive restaurants. No $50-75 dinners for us, zip.
Good luck everyone.
To be the most competitive city in NC would only require getting rid of the sitting council and install conservatives that are business friendly, support our police and stop spending our tax money like a Drunk Train Robber. If you have the lowest tax base in NC would in it self attract business and workers and retirees. The legislative agenda should include taking laws off the books that allow the rich to live in retirement villages that pay no city or county taxes but use city infrastructures that the rest of is pay for.