A Letter to the Editor from Rhino Times Reader Alan Marshall

People have heard and written about how, IMO, one of the biggest problems with our government at almost every level is the curse of partisanship. Small towns, for the most part, don’t have this problem because the elected officials are neighbors and friends who ran for a seat on their local government and care about where they live.

Big cities and up are where you are seeing the partisanship/party politics overshadow the needs and wants of the people. This is where you start seeing those I refer to as “professional politicians”. They’ve become deaf to the People and are more concerned with getting and holding power, and that means kowtowing to a select group of people. People with money and power, people who can do things for them and this include Rs as well as Ds.

 If you want the obvious example just look at the House and Senate. (Note…here is where I start referring to the (National Socialist) Democrat Party part of the party.) Both sides are guilty of this but the Democrat side, beaten into line by the (NS)DP wing, have said openly they will fight the Republicans at every turn. And I will say Republicans have been guilty as well. But the problem is me, others, and it should be ALL of us, reminding the elitist “representatives” they work for ALL OF US, not those few they bow down to! Senators, you work for the States, not the Party! Representatives, you work for the People, not the Party! People, you are letting this happen, you are letting these overpaid scam artists play you instead of making your wants, needs, and desires known and HOLDING THEM RESPONSIBLE! And before you ask how, remember every 2, 4, 6 years you have the power to tell them YOU’RE FIRED, but only if you quit whining, get out and vote!

The other thing is to go to the school board and DEMAND that the U.S. Government, not social studies, not world government but U.S.Government be put back in the curriculum and be REQUIRED in order to graduate. Finally, enforce our federal laws. For example, where in our Constitution does it say a foreign country can set up their own police force in our cities? Not enough room to talk illegal immigration.

“… Government of the People, by the People, for the People…” Sound familiar?

Go Galt and Carpe Diem

Alan Marshall