A Letter to the Editor From Rhino Times Reader Alan Marshall
So based on the listing of “eligible voters”, the State of NC has a voter ID law but you can still vote if you don’t have one.
Folks, what does that sound like to you? Our “elected representatives”, the people WE choose to represent US, to work to ensure we have a strong, safe way of life, these “professional politicians”, both D & R, have once again managed to do the famous Politician Two-Step and make themselves look like they really care about We the People, when in fact it’s more about the “who’s going to take care of ME” mob.
How hard is this? Don’t talk about “oh, you’re disenfranchising the poor and the minorities!” “Oh, you’re suppressing the black vote, you ugly racist white man!”
Male Bovine Excrement!!!
On the other side, I blame the majority of people (again D & R), regardless of race, sex, creed, religion, color, or whatever cock and bull category you want to come up with (we are ALL human beings), for this incredible abortion we now call an election system because THEY LET IT HAPPEN! It’s the whiny, hand wringing, cable news watching, ‘somebody needs to do something’, non-voting majority that need to get off their fourth point of contact and get out and VOTE. It’s called a Representative Republic for a reason.
When you allow same day voter registration, when you allow “early voting” two and three months out from Election Day, how do we expect to have anything even close to a fair and proper election? My God, even a school child can see the infinite number of ways things can be (and are) manipulated. How hard is it to put aside a locked, guarded room and store PAPER BALLOTS to be counted? Last time I checked, paper ballots don’t crash.
People can try to BS their way through, but with this atrocity eating away at a key foundation to our way of life, something that millions down through history fought and died for, and adding to it this tsunami of illegal immigration taking place, providing the (National Socialist) Democrat Party with the army of mindless foot soldiers they need to complete their destruction of the American Dream, all I can say is God help the United States of America, because Americans don’t seem to want to.
Carpe Diem
I sign my FULL REAL name proudly!
Alan Marshall
The Democrat Party has fought the implementation of Voter ID through the legal system – because they steal elections using vote fraud.
You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure it out.
Wake up all you good citizens and voters! You no longer live in a Representative Republic, you live in a Banana Republic! All your freedoms and pride of being an American are unraveling right before your very own blind eyes.
Alan Marshall hit the nail on the head with his paper ballot comment!! I totally agree and I’m worried we’re looking at a 2016 election all over again.
Well said sir.
It’s ludicrous that Republicans would complain about Democrats using the rule of law to fight voter suppression when what Republicans are trying to do is prevent qualified people from voting at all. Accusing your next door neighbor, the Democrat, of committing fraud is lazy and untruthful.
I don’t think the Author was being lazy and untruthful. A qualified person is a legal Citizen of the United States of America. There is no voter suppression when the Republican goal is to permit valid and accurately recorded votes by Citizens only.
Dan, let’s hear your justification of that comment
Our election system is fine. It has multiple controls, audits and check points to stop fraud already. There is no evidence of mass fraud from the 2020 election. Conservatives are just sore losers and love to sat and believe lies that fit their narrative.
I don’t believe there is massive fraud. But, I confess, I don’t know the definition of it either. When Bush beat Gore by 537 votes in Florida, “massive” fraud was not required. Paul Newby defeated Cheri Beasley in 2020 for Chief Justice of the NC Supreme Court by 401 votes. At one point during the count after election day (mail in ballots) Newby led by a mere 7 votes. These were close, very consequential elections. In the 2018 US House District 9 race, Republican Mark Harris won by 905 votes. But, some in the Harris campaign engaged in ballot harvesting – where an operative collects and often guides the voter’s choices and then submits the ballots. Even though the operative was accused of handled far less than 905 ballets, the election had to have a “do over”. We don’t really know the extent of some fraud. And, I believe most of the controls occur after the vote is cast (security, chain of possession, etc). But, we really don’t know for sure who is completing and mailing “grandma’s” ballot, do we? Can the board of elections really compare the signatures to the registration card? We do know it sometimes just takes a very small amount of fraud to swing an election. So absence of “massive” fraud is not at all assuring.
What you are missing in those examples is that the controls where in place to address the issues down to a level that a handful of votes actually made a difference.
Even more important a lesson was the integrity of Kerry to concede the election for the good of the country. Takes a lot to put country before self. Trump clearly lacks any semblance of that character trait.
Do you really believe that non-sense?
Consider this. Hillary received 65.8 million votes in 2016 compared to Biden’s 81.2 million in 2020. That’s a 23.4% increase in just four years which is pretty much a statistical impossibility.
Trump received 74.2 million votes in 2020 which is the most for any incumbent ever, and we’re supposed to believe he still lost.
No way!
You don’t get to claim fraud because the results ‘don’t make sense’ to YOU. The obvious explanation for the uptick in votes is that Trump is such a divisive character there were likely more votes against Trump than for Biden. (I was one of those votes).
You just sound like yet another conservative sore loser.
Hey dumb dumb, please, please, please explain to me why have dumbacrats all over the U.S. filed law suits to block requirements to show an I.D to vote if the dumbacrat party is not cheating. Lets throw out the old leftist go to…. Racism. The most worn out card in the leftist Marxist socialist commie playbook. Squeal for me boy! Let that wheel squeak….
Many beleive it limits access to voting for lower income people who don’t have a drivers license.
I don’t necessarily agree with them but thst is the reason. So stop the conspirarcy garbage.
Its free to get an ID. You need ID to get a job, to board a plane, to buy a cigarette, to buy a beer, to open a bank account. Why don’t you stop with the garbage arguments, Chris. Literally everyone who wants an ID has one. There are ZERO examples of anyone who needed an ID not being able to get one.
Elderly low income people who
Don’t drive. But again, I personally don’t see ID as a big deal as I agree it hard to beleive that those who have difficulty getting an ID would actually vote.
Still waiting for any valid evidence of mass fraud that tipped the scales in 2020 election. So far it seems like it’s just a bunch of sore losers.
Pretty sure the law specifically states that people over 65 can present expired ID. And you can’t tell me they went their whole life without ID. So what else you got?
Don gave you the example in extreme detail in the Voter ID article. You just disappeared rather than debate him, like you always do. Yet you’ll hang out and call names until the cows come home. Voting as inactive, but still registered voters, is undetectable. And doing it by mail in vote, could easily be done in a mass scale. You’re assuming that the lack of proof means it didn’t happen. That’s a very poor assumption to make. Many crimes go undetected and unsolved, yet they still happened. I guess Jimmy Hoffa never got murdered after all.
Chris, there isn’t a requirement for voter driver’s license. There is a requirement for voter ID. However, in your reply you failed to explain why Dems nationwide have filed suit to block voter ID. The old tired excuses aren’t acceptable! The requirement to show ID is for ALL voters not just black, brown or “female”voters….or did you just say you agree with me?
Relative to questionable “Goings On” around the election year- Polls by computer are no in any way formidable info. I can hold the key down for hundreds of inputs. Just saying- Unless one on one in a poll has happened, it means NA DA, NA DA.
Getting an ID in NOT A PROBLEM FOR ANYONE. ID’s are required to get food stamps; to be an airline, bus or railroad passenger; to buy a cell phone; you need to provide your social security number to electricity, gas service or cable service at your home. Even the United Way of High Point requires an ID to obtain a free cooling fan PLUS you needed to prove you were 65 years old (or older) AND that you had a medical need for a fan. If you were able to attend the Democrat National Convention in Chicago, you had to show your ID 8 times before you were allowed to enter the United Center. For those of you who don’t know, that is where the Chicago Bulls and the Chicago Black Hawks play.
S-o-o, since EVERYBODY has or can EASILY GET a government issued ID (drivers license, passport…) requiring people to provide a Voter ID is NOT RACIST and does NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST MINORITIES OR ANYONE ELSE.
Grow up. Show you Voter ID and be thankful that you are a CITIZEN OF THE US and have the opportunity to vote for the candidate of your choice. DON’T FALL FOR ALL THE DOG DODO THE DEMS ARE POOPING. If you don’t realize just how lucky you are to be a LEGAL CITIZEN OF THE US WITH A LEGAL RIGHT TO VOTE, you will probably fall in line with the next dem lie that Illegal Aliens should be able to vote. If you believe that LIE, then you should be happy to let the people of France, Germany, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran….vote in our elections. WHAT A CROCK OF HORSE DROPPINGS!
No one has claimed that illegal immigrants should have the right to vote. There are a few states that allow legal immigrants to vote in local elections (but not federal elections). Maybe you were confused about that scenario. Stop ranting and take the time to see through the BS propaganda you have clearly been listening to on your TV or radio.
I want to drink what you’re drinking!
Why should ILLEGAL ALIENS (Yes that is what they are called in US government docs) have a right to vote in ANY elections for any office? My comments about people from France, Germany, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran…is CORRECT. ILLEGAL ALIENS already receive drivers licenses PLUS local, state and federal governments spend YOUR TAXES to provide ILLEGAL ALIENS with food, medical care, schooling (with taxpayer funded meals) AND housing all the while denying those same benefits to disabled and other veterans, US citizens who are homeless and countless other LEGAL US CITIZENS. Chris, poor Chris, if you can’t see the nose on your face or do simple research, you are doomed to be an uninformed taxpayer who will shell out all of your money to people who are ILLEGAL ALIENS and don’t give a rats *** about you or our country. By the time you figure that out, YOU will be broke and on the streets with a tin cup and ILLEGAL ALIENS will be living it high on the hog in condos and apartments you can’t afford. So sorry for your future loss.
So you’re saying local elections have zero effect on national elections? Man! The stupid things you post! Please… please stop and think….. pause…. Think some more… talk to a conservative patriotic American and then post. PLEASE!
Wow! That one was surely wrung out!
Do I understand that Chris believes we have heard nest elections’
Bill, I can tell you for sure, Chris is an idiot. He says the dumbest things and I’m sure that he believes the idiocy he posts here. I bet if you were to stay over at Chris’ house one night his care taker probably reads him a bedtime story and checks under the bed and inside the closet to be sure no intelligent people are hiding in his room. Brace yourself if you are new here. The stupidity he has posted on this subject is nothing! It gets much dumber.
Says the conspiracy nutter. Lol. Go watch fox news and refuel your hate and fear.
Texas just removed 1,000,000 (that’s one MILLION) names from their voter rolls. Hundreds of thousands of those names were for people who are dead and should NOT BE ABLE TO VOTE! Cleaning up voter rolls and requiring VOTER ID will help to reduce or eliminate voter fraud. Whats not to like about CLEAN, FAIR and HONEST elections where ONLY LEGAL US CITIZENS VOTE! France has 1 day voting by paper ballots and is able to report the results in one day. What a concept! (drop mic)