A Letter to the Editor From Rhino Times Reader  Alan Marshall

So based on the listing of “eligible voters”, the State of NC has a voter ID law but you can still vote if you don’t have one.

Folks, what does that sound like to you? Our “elected representatives”, the people WE choose to represent US, to work to ensure we have a strong, safe way of life, these “professional politicians”, both D & R, have once again managed to do the famous Politician Two-Step and make themselves look like they really care about We the People, when in fact it’s more about the “who’s going to take care of ME” mob.

How hard is this? Don’t talk about “oh, you’re disenfranchising the poor and the minorities!” “Oh, you’re suppressing the black vote, you ugly racist white man!”

Male Bovine Excrement!!!

On the other side, I blame the majority of people (again D & R), regardless of race, sex, creed, religion, color, or whatever cock and bull category you want to come up with (we are ALL human beings), for this incredible abortion we now call an election system because THEY LET IT HAPPEN! It’s the whiny, hand wringing, cable news watching, ‘somebody needs to do something’, non-voting majority that need to get off their fourth point of contact and get out and VOTE. It’s called a Representative Republic for a reason.

When you allow same day voter registration, when you allow “early voting” two and three months out from Election Day, how do we expect to have anything even close to a fair and proper election? My God, even a school child can see the infinite number of ways things can be (and are) manipulated. How hard is it to put aside a locked, guarded room and store PAPER BALLOTS to be counted? Last time I checked, paper ballots don’t crash.

People can try to BS their way through, but with this atrocity eating away at a key foundation to our way of life, something that millions down through history fought and died for, and adding to it this tsunami of illegal immigration taking place, providing the (National Socialist) Democrat Party with the army of mindless foot soldiers they need to complete their destruction of the American Dream, all I can say is God help the United States of America, because Americans don’t seem to want to.

Carpe Diem

I sign my FULL REAL name proudly!

Alan Marshall