A Letter to the Editor by Rhino Times Reader Alan Marshall
It’s Wednesday morning and I am flipping between FOX News and MSNBC watching the after action reports on the election.
The folks at MSNBC are talking a very interesting line. Last night they were talking the Party line over and over again. But this morning they were, to some extent, eating their young. To listen to them it was obvious they were abandoning the (National Socialist) Democrat Party and running to suck up to the mid to moderate portion of the Party by criticizing those that had their hand in the back of the Harris puppet making her say all the (and I’m calling it what is was here) crap she was spouting. The (NS)DP actually thought they controlled the electorate and they would fall into line like good little Socialists.
This morning they, the MSNBC puppets, suddenly start talking about how Kamala-lama-ding-dong failed to address subjects that concerned the non-brainwashed Democrat voters and tried to force them to drink the Kool-Aid of Socialism/Communism. Talk about backpedaling!
The thing I found very interesting and telling is how the supporters began quickly abandoning the Chosen One’s rally after she failed to come out and say anything. It sounds like she took a page from the Hildabeast’s playbook when it became obvious she lost.
President-Elect Trump made a lot of promises, a number of which I believe will require Congressional action, and I believe he will push, at least I hope so.
There’s an old Doonesbury cartoon showing the White House that was surrounded by a stone wall and black clouds. The next panel showed the wall crumbling and the sun starting to peek through the clouds.
Now for all the brainwashed, mind-numbed Progressives out there rending their garments and wailing…I’ve been told there are several flights that have been chartered by your handlers waiting to leave the country. That is what you said you would do in the event the Evil Yellow Haired One HAPPENED to win wasn’t it? I’ve also been told Oprah is footing the bill so have a nice flight. (Chris, I got you a first class seat)
Do Galt and Carpe Diem
Alan Marshall
Two thumbs up! Cheers!
Awesome Alan and thank you so much. I’ll help cover “what’s his name airfare”. Just let me know how much.
Kamala-lama-ding-dong. Wish I’da thunked of that one. You lead to race to stoopid-itty-ness.
Of all the drivel printed on this rag…this is the least reasonable, least logical, and worst waste of space yet…keep it up you poor excuse of a human being…
You are entitled to my opinion.
IS that the best you have – name calling? Meanwhile, a convicted felon, rapist and con man ascends the throne. Goodbye Ukraine, and after tariffs, rising inflation.
The con is on! Going to be a long four years.
Chris. I saw a response you made on another Rhino article about President Trump and his loving family. You do know his oldest son is heavily involved with helping pick his cabinet staff. Also his 17 year old son spent the last year helping his father set up blogs and pod cast where President Trump spoke one on one with callers Just like an old fashioned public forum. And his son turned 18 on Election Day and proudly proclaimed he voted for his father. Talk about LOVE. I wonder who Hunter voted for.
I was likely referencing his daughter and wife. They both seemed to have given up on him for his second term. Which should say a lot about the man but MAGA hats don’t seem to care much for details.
You are also wrong about his wife and daughter Chris.
Thanks for proving my point on not caring about details….you know like the truth. LOL
MAGA, the people’s party.
The media just rants about Melania no matter what she does. If she is wearing heels, it is the subject of complaint, but if she changes into tennis shoes, we have to hear the scandal of how much she paid for those shoes. If she and Trump are holding hands, he is keeping her from bolting off to a women’s shelter, if they are not holding hands they are breathlessly reported as on the verge of divorce. Melania, a borderline introvert maintains a low profile for survival. As for the Trump daughters, they seem to be front and center much more than most presidential children. Does anyone know what Biden’s daughter even looks like? Unfortunately, we know what every inch of Biden’s son looks like. Hunter (not an introvert) likes to put himself out there. I also know what Kamala’s glorious media darling model and genius clothing designer stepdaughter Emma looks like. I respect people who have their own look, but in her case, not so much.
We just finished a very long and costly four years. We can at least hope for better. His past record was surely better.
James, it may not be the best, but it beats “deplorable”, “garbage”, “fascist”, and the best of all…”Nazi”.
As for the “…name calling” comment, “…a convicted felon (arguable point), rapist and con man (no proof)…” let me just say, kettle, pot black.
I guess Alan believes two wrongs make a right. Not shocked. He has been lablong anyone who disagrees with him politically as socialist, communist etc…. Just more of the same. Yawn.
Again…kettle, pot, black
Algebra 101: you can’t prove a negative.
The saying “you can’t prove a negative” isn’t accurate. Proving negatives is a foundational aspect of logic (ex. the law of contradiction). Furthermore, if you define “proof” as something that only requires us to show that something is very likely, then you can prove a negative this way as well.
But to be clear, the idea of proving a negative has nothing to do with Algebra where negative numbers are critical to many proofs (such as the proof that in MATH, two negatives DO make a positive). The idea of not being able to prove a negative has to do with a flawed understanding of logic….ie you can’t prove something doesn’t exist, when actually you can.
Yet again, I am not arguing logic. I am arguing ethics. Being called silly names doesn’t justify calling other people silly names….ergo, two wrongs don’t make a right.
But you be you.
Now now Mr. Rich take breath. It wasn’t even a CLOSE race, 315 electoral votes, the popular votes and all of the battleground states. It seems as if the American people spoke.
Last time it was that close, the loser refused to admit he lost and made up ‘The Big Lie’ about wide spread election fraud and motivated his ‘followers’ to attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power by rioting at the capitol.
Let’s see your proof on convicted felon. I think you misunderstood what happened and what will happen. Back to the sandbox, please.
I read that Richard Gere is leaving the U.S. Probably even more gossip. But one can hope. Will he renounce his citizenship, or just wait ’till the Socialists come back?
Maybe he will take Chris,Oprah, Taylor Swift and all the swifties with him. Oprah can pay for the trip, Harris campaign paid her a cool million to campaign for Harris
Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
Nope staying here in the Great State of North Carolina in the Great Country of the United States of America. Unlike conservatives, I appreciate our great country regardless of how is in the president’s office while conservatives bash our great country if they don’t like the person in the office.
But you be you.
There is not enough time or space counter your incredibly …ridiculous (best printable word I can come up with) reply.
Chris you are sooo full of yourself I have never heard any Conservative bashing our country because of who the President is. I may not like the person in office but I’ll always respect the office itself. You are such a pompous buttwipe
As you say. You be you
Chris has way too much time on his hands.
Chris needs to face reality. Trump has a mandate. Send at least 10 million back across the border. Go hug your boyfriend
Three weeks before the election the mainstream media in lockstep begin calling non-college educated voters uneducated ?? They belittled more than half the country. Perhaps this was the education the elite needed, but I doubt it.
Here is suggestion on how to ‘assist’ liberal dems who want to leave America. We can pay for their flight using Spirit Airlines. They just declared bankruptcy so I am sure American taxpayers could get a very good price to fly them the hell out of America. It’s a win-win. Liberal dems leave America at no cost to them and the rest of America gets rid of them which improves life for everyone else. WHAT A CONCEPT!!
Listen to Yourselves. Both spewing hateful and derogatory info. You sound like a bunch of kids crying.
While we are in fighting, Russia, China, N Korea and Iran are laughing at us. In time we will destroy ourselves if we don’t work together to make America strong. Stop whining and name calling- grow up. Don’t you know why you are crying, terrorists are here planning for there next move. Wake Up!
I’m scared of what’s getting ready to happen. My free country was bought by the 1%, who can really give a rats ass about us average citizens. Trumps backed by the militias and fanatics of us average citizens. Even though he made fun of the set of evangelist who went to pray for him the 1st time. They want to force their doctrines on us to make us conform so everyone’s the same. They hate what they don’t understand. But America’s the land of the free and every American has that right. Have y’all forgotten his 1st time? He wants to be king of the USA, what do you think is gonna happen this time?
I will never understand the far left. Just proof America has something for everybody.
Just give me the rule of law and let the constitution rule as our founders intended.
A rapist is a rapist is a rapist. People that vote for rapists to lead this country….. no words.
Trump’s a malignant, narcissistic sociopath. Lied all through his campaign about his affiliation with Project 2025, yet he’s already loaded up his administration with 2025 devotees. Want to talk about tariffs….decimation of the educational system, or maybe we should compare his “team’s” plans to remove every check and balance to prevent a President from becoming an oligarch/dictator.
I hope you don’t mind when they come for you, because they will should you open your eyes to what they’re doing and cry foul. Better eat your fruits and veggies now, and I hope you aren’t in need of any construction- deportation will take care of eliminating necessary workers.
Fly that fascist flag.