Liberals Calling For More Riots
Dear Editor,
The (National Socialist) Democrat Party and their various foot soldiers, strong-arm men and other toadies will not be happy until this country finds itself plunged into a second civil war.
The thirst and desire for total power over the American people that they believe is just within their grasp has driven them to the point of being willing to destroy this great country. They have openly declared that if the president and the Senate fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court, there will be violence. This is not conspiracy theory, this is stated and documented fact. Nancy Pelosi has indicated the House would initiate impeachment proceedings again in an attempt to stop the process.
You want sources? How about their own words posted in tweets?
Reza Aslan, a former CNN host, said, “If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire f***ing thing down.”
Author Aaron Gouveia responded to McConnell’s commitment by saying, “F*** no. Burn it all down.”
Hollywood screenwriter Beau Willimon said, “We’re shutting this country down if Trump and McConnell try to ram through an appointment before the election.”
Dr. Jessie Christiansen, an Australian astrophysicist who works at the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute, said, “IF THEY RAM THROUGH AN APPOINTMENT IN THE NEXT TWO MONTHS I WILL RIOT.”
Emmett Macfarlane, a political science professor at the University of Waterloo in Canada, said, “Burn Congress down before letting Trump try to appoint anyone to SCOTUS.”
Author Aaron Gouveia responded to McConnell’s commitment by saying, “F*** no. Burn it all down.”
Laura Bassett who has written for GQ magazine, the Washington Post, Rolling Stone, Cosmopolitan, among other outlets tweeted, “If McConnell jams someone through, which he will, there will be riots.”
She followed that tweet by saying, “*more, bigger riots.”
I have been accused of fear mongering; I have been accused fomenting violence. I have been called a number of names. All this doesn’t faze me in the least bit. What I have not heard from those same people is condemnation of this kind of talk from people they follow and support.
I would also point out none of these promises and threats of violence are coming from what they like to refer to as racists and white supremacists and right wing radicals. They’re coming from THEIR side. THEY are the ones openly advocating disobeying the law.
Don’t you just love double standards?
Alan Marshall
I’ll just leave this here for you. Watch the videos and tell me that those weren’t racist people screaming “white power” from their cars all because a person stood on the side of the road with a sign? If calling someone by name a b****, c***, and screaming “white power” out your window while blasting your horn is not threatening, I’m not sure I know what is.
P.S. I don’t follow and support any of the people you quoted. You do not know me.
Yep, double standards just like almost EVERY Republican Senator. Hypocrisy at its finest.
You folks are a joke. If your beloved Socialists were in charge they would be doing exactly the same thing. Hypocrisy runs deep. The difference between conservatives and socialists, conservatives abide by the constitution
THEY are the ones openly advocating disobeying the law.
“Let them send it in and let them go vote” ~ Donald Trump, openly advocating disobeying the law.
A. He was being facetious and I’m sure you are aware of that in spite of not wanting to admit it.
B. Show me where he has openly called for domestic violence and openingly threatening to burn down the country.
C. Again I see no condemnation of the open calls for violence, destruction of and the burning down public and private property.
I’d love to show you those things, but I don’t know who you are or where you are.
For the record, I condemn open and veiled hate-speech. Period.
I have never suggested we burn anything down. I offered to talk, you didn’t answer. Whenever you are ready.
Show me where Biden or Kamala have called for domestic violence and “openingly” threatening to burn down the country.
You’ve quoted a bunch of people who are paid to be loud about things all echoing a similar sentiment – that we are not happy with this choice by our Senate leader and if they choose to go through with it, we will proverbially burn it all to the ground. I’m sure you are aware that their terminology was not literally in spite of not wanting to admit it.
Can I consult with you for a moment? I’m a very dissatisfied legal citizen of the United States. There are millions others like me that are also extremely dissatisfied citizens. We would like to to make it known clearly that we do not accept the behavior our Senate leader is displaying and that we do not want, under any conditions, Donald Trump to name and likely get approved, a Supreme Court Justice before the election has been decided. What do you suggest we do? I’ve written letters and called, but it still seems they are going to try to do this anyway. When they don’t listen to our calls – the people they are serving – then what do we do? Just wait quietly while people scream “white power” on our streets? What is the *right* way for us to protest?
Protests are disruptive. Deal with it by listening to what the people protesting are saying and finding common ground. Stop saying OR and try using AND every once in a while.
Alan is a troll.
The answer, vote.
As for the Supremem Court appointment and the popular vote, change the Constitution to suit you.
Also, to get an idea to on how we got here with the Senate, read the article titled A U.S. Government Class on
You mean the one where you make the case that voting directly for your Senator is somehow less power and control than voting for someone else who then is part of the decision process to appoint a senator on my behalf? The one where you leave out the point that by letting us vote directly for our Senators means the senators also are held accountable directly by the people?
I read it. Only showed me that you long for “the good old days”, the era of Jim Crow that would oppress millions just to cling to your own power and *status*, and that you probably are one of those unreasonable Americans that takes Tucker Carlson seriously.
mw, what law are you referencing? You give a link to make YOUR point but haven’t addressed what Alan was pointing out which is the left is constantly talking about burning it down. Well the seat I hope is filled very very soon and when the mob gets out of hand they and by they I mean all of you will wish you had just moved to Canada . If you do t like the laws here just get the hell out! Unlike your pals in China, we and by we I mean patriotic Americans don’t give a damn if you leave. Btw the constitution that you dumbacRATs despise so much says the sitting president shall recommend the replacement and unless I’ve eaten some of Lizzys magic mushrooms Donald J.Trump is STILL the PRESIDENT OF the UNITED STATES of AMERICA! And one more thing… watch your peaceful protests if you have doubts whether or not you know what violence is.
My link wasn’t to make my own point, it was to counter Alan’s point:
“I would also point out none of these promises and threats of violence are coming from what they like to refer to as racists and white supremacists and right wing radicals.”
I showed you a link where clearly racist individuals in Alamance County were threatening someone for holding a sign.
I also provided a direct quote where Donald Trump suggested openly to go break the law and attempt to vote twice. While you might think that was facetious because you may actually think it’s insane to do that, many of his followers will do just that and disrupt our elections. It’s already happening in early voting states.
It must be difficult being as incredibly stupid as you are. Good luck to your offspring, because they sure have some work to do to make up for you.
I am just a newborn person who reads the crud that is espoused from the LEFTIST who write in this magazine.When the door is opened you will get all types of people who do not have a clue about real life situations that does not include this rioting people who are anarchistic.They are wicked and have O feelings for the businesses they destroy.All should be locked up and stay in prison 10-20 years.Go Alan you are right on . The others who wrote in are so indoctrinated with the Democratic philosophy.Me I don’t want the new taxes Joe is promoting,he also said he would delete Trump’s tax cuts.There goes my new car I wanted to buy or that Caribbean Cruise I was planning for next summer.Also the unemployment will skyrocket because companies in Us will start sending their jobs overseas.
I’m sorry you might miss a cruise or drop-top in the near future so someone else can get affordable cancer treatment.
I weep for your loss.
༼ ºل͟º ༽
A portrait of dear Alan. Just another troll.
Oh my . Told my three kids it would come to this 20 years ago …coming true absolutely .
As usual you are spot on, Mr. Marshall. As far as the “Bleeding Heart” Libs who condemned your remarks, I’m sure they support the Communist-Marxist-Socialist-Anarchists such as BLM and ANTIFA, rioting (not Marching), Burning down buildings, looting, assaulting, murdering, etc. all in the name of so called “Social Justice” who are actually demented American hating, freedom hating, give me everything free and let someone else pay for it useless worthless P.O.S. Scumbags. Keep the faith Mr. Marshall, there are millions who think exactly like you and I.
The level of misunderstanding among these commentators concerning the constitution and what it directs the president to do concerning a vacancy on the supreme court is unbelievable. When a vacancy takes place, it is the responsibility of the sitting president to name a replacement and for the senate to either approve or reject. This is how the process has worked for our entire history with the exception of the Obama nomination which the senate would not hold hearings for. Its tough to be in the minority once in a while isn’t it Democrats?
It isn’t confusion about the constitution, it’s the clear double-standard the GOP is playing now campared to almost exactly 4 years ago.
As a reminder, the constitution doesn’t define the makeup of the supreme court, statute does. Get ready for a bigger, bluer court after the GOP makes this stupid move.
Mw, man you are really stupid but then again I believe it is required to support the radical left. We’re really unhappy… boo hoo… too bad that crappy ol document that my forefathers (natural born citizen) wrote keeps putting you commies back in your places! Ha ha!!!!!i In the words of my football coach…. tough $hit! Get over it AND if you cant do that… GET THE HELL OUT!!!!
I’m glad you are still thinking your football coach’s mentality of hitting the other person harder is the way to win all your battles.
What do you mean by “(natural born citizens)”? By putting it in parentheses you are giving the impression that there is some sort of superiority in citizenship based on if you were born here or actually went through the immigration process. Are you bringing up brother claims? Or are you just bigoted?
Roughly 18% of the signers of the Constitution were immigrants. They weren’t the same immigrants you fear today, because they were as white as white men come, but they were not all “natural born citizens”. Guess you should rip up that document now….
Mw, elections have consequences!
We aren’t the minority. 65,853,514 > 62,984,828.
The last time a republican won the popular vote to gain the office was 1988.
Are we having fun, yet?
Anyone else notice the left never posts anything in support of Biden and his record, or non-record I should say, but only post attacks toward Trump. Basically, all they can muster are ad hominem attacks. That’s all they got.
Because a tree would make a better president than Trump. It’s not that we don’t support Biden, it’s that you don’t understand how disgusted we are that (1) a person of Trump’s character would even be considered a leader and (2) that almost (not quite) as many people voted for him and his racist, xenophobic, rich-get-richer platform as voted for someone that many of us would be proud to call our President and leader. Since his election, the world knows we are a joke.
I don’t expect to change your mind. I expect more name calling and using phrases like BLM supporter or anti-fascist to somehow try to insult me. Like, am I really going to feel like a bad person because I think black lives matter and because our President seems to be actively conditioning the American people to prepare for a war against each other over an election he expects to lose?
I’m looking forward to being on Alan’s team if one of the more left-wing conspiracies plays out – Trump loses and won’t leave office. Alan, how will you fight for your constitution then?
I believe that Prez Obama made the statement to a Republican senate,when they questioned Obama about a decision he had made and the Republicans did not like .He said Elections have consequences.This is why the Republican senate decided not to interview Garland in Obama’s last year.DID YOU GET THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!? The same applies now McConnell and the Senate are led by Republicans.So I would guess that elections do have consequences,wise up Democrats.The same thing has been going on with all the judges that Trump is putting on the various courts throughout the US.It was in the ast that there had to be 60 votes in the senate .Who remembers Harry Reid’s and the Democrats had the law changed to a majority.Does anyone recall Kavanaugh -supreme court.If the Dems decide to change the number of Justices in 5-10 years it will bite them in the backside again .Vote Forest/Tillis/Trump.
@rich, HAAA, the three STOOGES. LOL! Dumb as dirt, Graduate of the Richard Burr how to be a senator and get rich under the table, and the antichrist.
“Now that we clearly see Antifa as terrorists, can we hunt them down like we do those in the Middle East?” ~Matt Gaetz, R-FL
In case that is confusing for some, that is an elected official advocating for the extrajudicial killing of your fellow Americans because he seems to think that being against fascism is somehow being a terrorist. To be clear, ANTIFA is not an organization, it is the idea of being against fascism. Further, ANTIFA has never been declared a terrorist organization and it is not a crime or terrorism to be against fascism.
@MW, don’t you see that this group is too ignorant to understand what Antifa stands for?? They don’t bother to actually understand what is going on, they just blindly follow what their “Dear” Leader (who is an ignorant and dangerous FACSIST) says. So let’s let Webster help out:
Fascism – a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. A tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control.
Not sure how ANYONE that declares themselves “Patriotic Americans” can sanction the Fascism of the current WH occupant. EVERYONE (except white supremacist or Nazis) should be proud to be Antifa.
Lizzy, you socialist idiots that support defunding the police and burning down people’s property who are only guilty of getting out of bed and working hard to earn a living and making a better life for their families are the problem with this country. I’m not ashamed of my race nor will I apologize for being born the way I am. You Leftwing commies want to take away from those who are willing to work for what they EARN and give it to your lazy friends who want everything for free. Well stupid… NOTHING IS FREE!!!! Freedom was granted to you by others who were willing to fight for it. I am willing to wager anything ANYTHING that you and you socialist Antifa supporting jackass pal mw haven’t served your country. I would also be willing to bet you think the real Patriots of this country are going to continue to allow the terrorist organization Antifa to continue to destroy this country and attacking innocent Americans. Well you and your friends would be dead wrong. Figuratively speaking of course ; ). The best way to deal with a bully is punch them in the face. I’m your huckleberry and just in case your going to say… but I’m a female or I identify as female I’m one of those folks who believe in equality! GET SOME!!! GET SOME!!! You just don’t lead them as much.
Lizzy and I have not once supported literally defunding the police. You clearly don’t understand what the movement is calling for anyway, but we haven’t called for it on here nonetheless.
We have not once condoned violence, rioting or destruction of property.
We have not once told you not to be proud of your race or heritage or apologize for it. I’m proud of my own heritage as well.
You seem to be projecting something and expressing it as a lot of anger and confusion. You seem to be screaming and threatening us directly with a punch in the face, idolizing a western film where the sheriffs kill the bad guys likening is to bad people that deserve punishment. You even suggest something about us being “dead wrong” and confusingly say figuratively speaking with a winky face to imply you actually want us to be dead.
You are right about me. I have not served in the military. There’s many ways to serve your community, and fighting a war I don’t believe in doesn’t make sense for me. My partner has served our country more directly.
I hope you will seek and get the help you clearly need. Please, GET SOME!!! GET SOME!!!, psychological and emotional help.
@apatriot, I think you are a backwoods, ignorant and guessing, what mom referred to as white trash. IF you served, then you should be ashamed that you are now embracing a fascist pig. You know, the kind of fascist pig that was at the root of WWI an WWII. PS. I’ve never advocated defunding police or burning property. I wholeheartedly support freedom of speech and assembly guaranteed by that document you all harp about. And antifa isn’t a terrorist organization, it barely shows up as a left wing militant group (which gained it’s current popularity after YOUR boys showed up and ran over protesters in Charlottesville). But that wouldn’t be the case for the 51 right wing militant groups such as YOUR KKK, Boogaloo, White Aryan, FEAR (which really is a terrorist group), Oath keepers, White Patriot Party, Proud boys, and so on and so on. So pffft on you.
Lizzy, spouting racist judgmental hate like the true communist piece of trash you are. Double standards? Of course you’re a libtard. I thought you considered yourself intellectually superior to me (insert laughtrak here) .i guess you don’t know much history or you wouldn’t throw your fellow DumbacRATs (KKK) into the terrorist list you obviously sat all day looking up on the southern poverty law centers website. So typical… blah,blah, blah she drones on and on. Just FYI interstate 85 will take you all the way to Mexico. I hear it’s nice this time of year. Me… I’m happy right here in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA!!!!!!
Sincerely, your Captain
We have fascism? Really? Where? We have a an elected form of government, the right to private ownership of property and business.
Oh, do mean we have overt, systemic racism? Then how is we have two, count them two, black candidates for Lt. Governor in this state. We have seen innumerable DOCUMENTED SOURCES of examples of blacks and other minorities in positions of power. We even had a black (well, mostly black) President for not one but two terms.
Looking at the totality of all that, I must say you’re right. We are elbow deep in fascism.
I don’t think you understand the systemic part of that phrase. Systemic racism doesn’t disallow all minorities from becoming important leaders, it oppressed MOST of them.
Systemic racism is the FACT that there are clear disparities in health care, policing, education, employment, housing, and basically all factors of society that are very closely associated with race.
Obama was the exception. Your Lt. Gov. options are the exceptions. In this perfectly equitable world you think you live in, why have there been ZERO minority governors of NC and only ONE woman? Why have we only had 4 women and 3 minorities on the Supreme Court EVER, but 108 white men? Why is there a gender and race wage gap of about 70%? Why are white children at the same aptitude more likely to be placed in an advanced course than black children?
Systemic means it is pervasive throughout society. It does not mean that we cannot have a single black president in our 100ish years of *equality*.
You just revealed how lost you truly are. You take the time to clarify “mostly black” to just make the point for me. If he were darker skinned, he might well not have won.
MW, has it ever occurred to you that since White people make up the majority of the population white people would make up the majority of the workforce? Sorry, I guess I should have told you to sit down first. Pfft, who am I kidding? You’re too much of a Leftwing nut job for this to make sense to you.whine cry, and moan is all you libtards ever do. The reason you knuckleheads are ALWAYS exercising the 1st amendment is because it contains the word FREE in it. That’s the biggest problem with dumbacRATs, they’re too lazy to work for anything! If we’re all the same and it clear to me we are not, then why is it I hear folks “it’s a black thing, you wouldn’t understand it” and see black folks wearing shirts that have the very same message on them. Seems a bit racist to me. Hmmm, how about an apology from my ancestors and let’s do a reset. All of you unhappy people from (you fill in the country continent)!anywhere other than the UNITED STATES of AMERICA head on back to where you came from think about where you want to be and if it is the UNITED STATES of AMERICA come on back STAND UP and PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA and let’s get back to being the “UNITED” STATES of AMERICA.
Your nod to statistics is great! Let’s dissect that a little bit. Why do non-melanin people make up 80% of Congress but only 60% of the population? Since 1870, there have only been 10 total black people in the senate. From an statistical equality perspective there should have been roughly If it were equally distributed opportunity, one would expect those numbers to be fairly close. Should we dive into more numbers about racial (in)equality in this country or will that hurt your head too much?
Next, why do you think I’m any less American than you? Why do you constantly demand that I leave and go someplace else when most folks understand that’s only really an option for the very well-off. You don’t advocate for open borders, yet you want them opened so there can be a mass exodus of people you disagree with.
Your racism oozes through your perforated retorts.
You keep using personal insults (towards people you don’t know) to justify your position. It’s a weak and useless strategy.
I will gladly pledge allegiance, and am only asking that last part stay true. JUSTICE FOR ALL.
Innumerable? I think you just gave away that you can’t count.
Innumerable? There are five Fortune 500 companies (a group of powerful people) with black CEOs. I can count to 5, Alan, can you?
AND… Those 5 are the exceptions, not the rule!
Mw, spoken like a true fascist! Again if you hate this country and the constitution so much get the hell out! Who is forcing you to stay? Oh, I know… if you scream loud enough and throw things and tear up all that is nice around you I’ll give you what you want. That’s called being an immature child throwing a temper tantrum. Usually a good stern scolding would get your attention but I can tell from your rediculous rants your the type of kid that needs their rear end tanned. I’m your huckleberry. You don’t know me.
Are you threatening me?
Mw, you’re just sensitive. I’m a peace loving happy go lucky rattle snake. I do not make threats. They’re a waste of time. I guess the short answer for a simple minded doofus like you is NO! I’m not threatening you. : { Get over yourself. You are not all that… even if you are a commie socialist terrorist supporting chump!
Figured you’d back down when called out. Maybe put your pads on first next time.
Clearly we have a troll in these comments. It is not Alan- and it takes bait. Apparently I take bait, too. I could ignore most of the bullying attempts of the paper tiger who continued to spout the same old propaganda.
But I had to respond to the supposed confusion about antifa. (I will not capitalize as spellchecker insists.)
The “clarification” of antifa as “the idea (sic) being against fascism” is so sweet. Who isn’t against fascism? No one is against antifa because they claim to be against fascism. I do not care who you are against- physical violence, property damage and murder are the acts of criminals and cannot be justified.
Keep the faith, friends.
ANTIFA is not defined as a terrorist organization (yet) because they appear to be highly decentralized. Please also note that decentralization is becoming more common among defined terrorist groups as a way to avoid detection and capture.
I cannot understand defense of a group that that uses violent intimidation under the guise of being “anti-fascist” when those same tactics helped bring Hitler to power.
The difference between antifacist activists and Nazis in Germany is very simple. One group is protesting for equity, while the other is using what were, at the time and in the culture, legal methods to claim power and oppress (and kill) millions. Shame on you for equating people that are protesting the clear power grabs of this administration to Nazis that set out to exterminate millions. We see your alliances.
I agree with you, violence and murder are not appropriate. But you’re equating all those to the acts of a few.
In your description of antifa as this militant group you seem to be accurately describing:
Bugaloo Bois
KKK, Neo-confederates
Proud Boys
Sherrif’s posses
Neo Nazis
Open-carry mobs
Unaffiliated white mobs
Bugaloo Bois – Have no desire to associate with them
KKK, Neo-confederates – Have no desire to associate with them
Proud Boys – Have no desire to associate with them
111% – Never heard of them
Neo Nazis – Have no desire to associate with them
Oathkeepers – Have no desire to associate with them
*Militias* – You are aware that NC along with approximately 25 other states has a state militia aren’t you?
Sherrif’s (sic) posses – Seriously? Are you saying a duly appointed sheriff does not have the right and authority to organize and deputize citizens for the purpose of assisting in law enforcement?
Open-carry mobs – So a group of people peacefully exercising their lawful, Constitutional rights are a mob, but rioters are “peaceful protestors”? Oh, that’s right, it only applies to groups you disagree with.
Unaffiliated white mobs – Again, seriously? You are openly showing contempt and denigrating unaffiliated WHITE ( racist comment ) voters as “mobs” but again giving rioters “peaceful protestor” status? Again, it only applies to groups you disagree with.
As hard as it is, still loveya, still mean it.