The Tragic Uncle Joe Show In Afghanistan

Dear Editor,

During my 20+ years as a soldier I participated in many military operations, both well publicized and some low key. Most went pretty much as planned and some not so much. 

All that having been said, the … circus … we sat and watched at the airport in Kabul was a wonderful example of what we have to look forward to from The Uncle Joe Show for as long as we allow it. It became tragic near the end when 13 of my brothers and sisters were killed by a suicide bomber.

Retaliation was required. What was Uncle Joe going to do?  Of course, this is an excellent opportunity to introduce his master military stratagem he named, “Over the Horizon Strike.” No more military casualties! Remote control revenge!

The strike is launched, a truck load of suicide “martyrs” the target. “Multiple explosions” erupted. Multiple suicide bombers stopped by Joe and his new military strategy … NOT!

One source says after an exhaustive eight plus hours of reconnaissance by what was reported to have been Taliban personnel, a Predator drone launched a Hellfire missile and killed … wait for it … an Afghan aid worker and up to nine children loading water for refugees!!

  Right after the strike but before someone else pointed out that it was civilians – local aid workers and children – Biden and his cronies were high fiving each other over their “retaliatory strike” before bothering to confirm who and what they did. I will give them credit for admitting (reluctantly and much later) they misidentified the target and had not verified what the target was before making the hit. Or they let themselves be used by the Taliban to give us one last black eye.

What has me concerned (and scared pants-less) is all of this, plus what has happened on our southern border up to now, is just the beginning. If this is what he can do in 10 months, God help us for the next three years. The only saving grace is that there is another election in 2022 where we have a chance to at least gain the majority in the legislative branch and minimize the damage until 2024. Until then, we as conservatives must hold our ground. We must stand together or hang separately.

The choice is ours.

Alan Marshall