Everyone Should Care About Schools
Dear Editor,
Recently several voters have told me, “I don’t really care about the local school board. I don’t have children in school.”
Why should you care?
Of your property tax dollars, 43 percent go directly to Guilford County Schools. Another 9 percent goes to education debt.
The quality of life in your community hinges on the education of those in your community.
There is a correlation between the level of education and crime.
Economic development is dependent upon an educated citizenry.
Companies considering Guilford County for relocation or further development want their employees’ children to be well educated.
The quality of local government is impacted by the quality of local education.
Your day-to-day interaction with businesses is impacted by the quality of education of their employees.
The primary indicator of poverty is education.
The number of social services required by a community is related to the quality of education in that community.
The decisions made by the local Board of Education range from days and times students are in school to the number of buses on the road. In many cases, the decisions made by the local Board of Education are the single most influential parameters that govern the lives of families with school aged children. That reverberates through almost every activity a person engages in from going to the grocery store to getting medical care to visiting the DMV.
In essence, the election of representatives to the local Board of Education has both an immediate and ultimate impact on the quality of a community. Choosing Board of Education representation is an important decision to be made by an informed voter. Informed voters pave the way for freedoms in our country. Be a catalyst for quality of life and freedom in Guilford County and be an informed voter on November 8.
Lynn Andrew
All excellent points Lynn, BRAVO!
I have seriously considered running for school board even though all my children are grown and gone. That does not automatically mean I cannot be on the school board. I have friends and neighbors and I am very much concerned about their children and their future.
The children are our future and if we don’t address issues like this now, we will pay for it later.
Great letter Lynn. Unfortunately the person that most influences these decisions is not elected. The school superintendent should be an election position.
Chris, I disagree. With all due respect, imagine Alan as the superintendent (he seems to be considering a run for school board already) and understand why we don’t need that to be an elected position. We need to guarantee someone that is qualified with their education, experiences, and demonstrated an ongoing commitment to serving education – not someone that uses it as a political platform or stepping stool towards their own personal success. As a high profile role, if this were to become an elected position it would create even more division in our society and at a fundamental level. Further, it’s my opinion that in order to institute change, people need time and support. Consistent, strong leadership with steady and subtle adjustments is a better model for public education than teetering back and forth every election cycle and never giving anything a chance to grow. There are other means to hold a superintendent accountable, which is what I believe you are hoping to gain through making it an elected position.
Yes Ricky, I am considering a run at the school board. I am tired of how the board looks at everything thru a political lens.
Politics have no place in our schools. The 3 R’s should always be front and center. History, science, social studies should be a strong second. But they ALL should be taught without a political agenda being the underlying driving force.
I believe one of the major reasons our country is rated low in education is we waste too much time on silly stuff, trying to indoctrinate our children instead of educating them.
Very fair take. Using Alan as a scare tarictic was effective. (Not that I think he could get elected outside of his volunteer role in PG).
Lynn Andrew – GREAT commentary!
Chris – School Superintendent as an elected position is a moronic idea. All you have to do is take a look at the majority of elected officials of Guilford County, Greensboro and probably other cities and towns.
Well said Lynn,
Voter apathy will be the end to us all.
BTW: Please run for School Board
Alan, as respectfully as possible, you are incredibly underqualified to make decisions for our education system. You are a heavily political person and claim to want to take politics out of education. On Aug. 12 you endorsed Mark Robinson for governor – who has said he is against teaching social studies and science before 5th grade. So do you support educating children or do you support making your opinion overrule the expertise of actual education professionals?
Got a problem, Alan will fix it with the only tools he has, which sadly is only his gun and anger.
Try again.