Western Civilization Is At War
Dear Editor
Western civilization is in an internal and external war. Internally, we are fighting against the evil cancer that attacks every facet of our being: how we have come to be, what we are as individual human beings, the essence of our democratic republic and the importance of civic duty.
Externally, we are fighting against the evil of totalitarianism in the form of Communism and Islamic fascism. The cancer grows by the day and I believe that the only hope for the West is to stand up and fight back against our enemies foreign and domestic. Stand strong for individual freedom and responsibility and let it be known to the world that yes democracy is a messy business but we will war against the pure evil that is descending our world into chaos.
James LaMuraglia
The challenge internally is that we can’t agree on who are the bad guys and who are the good guys.
You are right. But your good or bad buy may not be my good or bad guy. Politics aside, we know who the bad guys are.
want to guess one person who he identifies as a bad guy?
The “good guys” are the ones who leave you alone to live your life, protect your freedom, refuse to take away any more of your money, want to protect the border, and maintain domestic law & order.
The “bad guys” want the opposite. Simple.
So the guys who ban books, restrict your right to choose , restrict ease of access to voting, make it a crime to mention certain topics in a school. And oh right, if you are different than them, they want to restrict all your rights….they are the bad guys.
Your mind is an Alice in Wonderland.
I feel sorry for you.
Chris, you need to get a little more fresh air. I believe you have good intentions, but your posts seem to be rants against those with whom you disagree. You will never win over people to your way of thinking if your posts are characterized by the demeaning of others. Give it a rest.
LOL, I live on a small farm so actually get a great amount of fresh air. But thank you for the concern.
This is indeed my place to rant about the destruction of our democracy by the Right – Open discrimination against Americans (for example LGBTQ) – Banning of books, Continued support of the big lie about mass election fraud just to feed the ego of T, yada yada yada… I do enjoy venting here once a day or so. It is cathartic.
Well, we can all agree that Chris needs regular catharsis.
He’s full of it.
Follow the science, eh, Chris, except regarding gender. Right?
Do not care or ignore the Constitution of the United States, do not care about the rights of individual American citizens, want to consolidate the power over the People= bad guys
Cares about the rights of the individual States and and the individual citizens+good guys.
How hard was that
Why then not care about LGTBQ, or a woman’s Right to Choose, etc…? How about allow the candidate that won the election to take office without starting a riot at the Capitol?
Have you read the Project 2025 proposal by Trumps future administration? Talk about consolidating power! It is the most disturbing.
Oh, that’s right you can only see Democrats = Bad and Republicans = Good. The Right sure does love it’s zero-sum game approach to politics. Guess it keeps it easy for the simple minds of MAGA hat types.
Isn’t it cute when stupid men try to look down on others..?
I have never seen evil so rampant, and the Left so ubiquitous and entrenched.
Agree. How evil is it that a party supports blocking a fairly elected official the peaceful transfer of power just to feed the ego of an authoritarian leader who requires loyalty to him over country. And then the party nominates him again! Dark times for sure.
Have you ever heard the term “Begging the Question”? Look it up.
In this instance you are decrying people who support “blocking a fairly elected official”. But that’s the issue isn’t it? Was Biden fairly elected?
You’re begging the question – If you can understand the concept.
It’s just one of your many fallacies and misunderstandings. You poor sod…
Awwww somebody unhappy I ignored their silly rhetoric to make a counter point. Poor booboo.
Biden was fairly elected. The right has been promising evidence of mass fraud for 3 years and has not been able to provide any evidence that stands up to even the most basic of scrutiny.
But go ahead get bent out of shape someone ignored your ignorant statement and made a truthful counterpoint. It is a common strategy the right uses to ignore the truth.
You sound like a silly little child, Chrissy.
But then, you have the mentality and maturity of a seven year old, so no-one’s surprised.
Awww poor booboo….
And next time, try to understand the concept rather than attempting to disprove the facts. Then again, the concept was clearly beyond your intellectual capacity. Why don’t you go draw a pretty picture with your crayons?
Austin still can’t deny the statements I made. LOL.
You mean refute, Chrissy. Refute or disprove, not deny. “Deny” is restricted to a statement made and then abnegated by a single individual or entity.
Your stupidity is showing.
He still can’t do it. The truth must hurt poor booboo.
There’s plenty of evidence the 2020 election and many others were rigged. You won’t find the fact-checked info on CNN.
Any conversation of Donald Trumps behavior must be discussed within the context of the deep state working feverishly to stop Trump from gaining office, trying to remove him from office and harass him continuously after he has left office.
I really want to know what you’re on because it must be good.
The bad guys are the ones who did these things: labeled parents as terrorists at school board meetings, targeted evangelical Christians, conspired with Big Tech to censor free speech, told us what products we could and couldn’t buy, surveillance and monitoring of citizens without court orders, ordered excessive lockdowns, and the political persecution of an ex-President occurred.
Seems to me you are more upset by big business than government. Freedom of speech is not guaranteed by private companies. Your cell phone is a data collection tool where your private information is sold to the highest bidder.
Oh, if you threaten public officials with physical harm, you are a terrorist (although a petty one at best). Even if you do it in the name of Christ.
Funny how Republicans, the great Justice party that screams for accountability and persecuting a sitting president and screaming because DOJ won’t prosecute a leading public health official after he left office…THAT is the party complaining because a crook is being taken to court? Or do Republicans think only Democrats should be persecuted/investigated?
Heck, Trump should thank the States (notice not the DOJ) prosecuting him, it seems to help his cult followers get ramped up to re-elect him.
Let’s just admit that both sides (Dem and Rep) have reached a point of treating governing as a zero sum game where the actual process of working to a common goal is lost. I am sure you are tempted to argue that one side is worse than the other. But, end of the day, a turd is a turd even if one has sparkles and the other doesn’t.
Our crooked liberal government is in bed with Big Business. Please read something other than NYT, WaPo, and CNN.
You are certainly labeled a domestic terrorist if you speak up against school boards. You can’t be free unless you have freedom of expression.
Fauci needs to be in jail for what he’s done to Americans. I know you know, but you just won’t come clean. Typical liberal practice.
Wow, somebody watches too much right-wing news propaganda. LOL
Republicans suck the tit of big oil, banking (deregulation is battle drum of republicans and also what has cause the last two financial crisisthat almost brought down the world economy)
Fauci did nothing wrong other than attempt to explain complex topics to an ignorant public (MAGA people mostly) while data and discovery was still in progress.
But good for you for hating those that your Sheppard told you to…you are a good little sheep. Your momma would be proud.
Hey Chris!
NEWSFLASH : Condescension doesn’t work when your own English reveals that you’re a moron.
Get a dictionary. And a brain.
I used to watch CNN & Fox, but Fox became obsessed with ad blockers so they lost my vote. I’ll do all my research on Google’s news, not Fox, CBS, NBC, etc.
Bad guys ignore the rule and Supreme Court rulings.
Preach on on both replies Brother
Heck, the Supreme Court now ignores past Supreme Court rulings. LOL
Hey Rhino,
What’s up?
No Letters for over a fortnight, that’s what’s up.