Greensboro Streets Treated Like NASCAR Tracks
Dear Editor,
Signs need to be posted on billboards at every entrance into Greensboro: “All visitors to Greensboro may toss their garbage and trash onto our roads, curbs, lawns – same as our residents do with their trash and garbage bags.”
Signs also need to be posted on West Market Street: “All visitors to Greensboro may drive 70+ mph on West Market Street; may drive through red lights and stop signs; pass stopped school buses – same as our residents do treating our roads as if they were NASCAR race tracks.”
We’ve defunded our police and we have no local political leadership.
Tony Chibbaro
All Those Who Kill Should Be Punished
Dear Editor,
I would like to comment on the killing of a cinematographer by Alec Baldwin. I am against all executions but I think there should be a minimum “death penalty.” By that I mean that anyone who causes someone to die should receive some sort of punishment whether the killing is accidental, self-defense or cold blooded murder. Some killers are executed. Some go to prison for “life” and some don’t receive any punishment. Police officers who kill are suspended with pay.
I am usually against’ mandatory minimum laws but I think that we need a national law that states that anyone who takes the life of a human being should be fined at least $100 and spend at least 24 hours in jail. Some killers of course would receive more punishment.
I read one news report that Baldwin ”accidentally misfired a prop gun.” Alec Baldwin pointed a gun at someone and shot her dead and wounded someone else. In my opinion any person who takes a life should receive some sort of punishment.
Chuck Mann
Punishment for killing in self defense? Yeah,that sounds like something Chuck would come up with.
About once a week, I get on I-840 at Lawndale and travel to Wendover and return. I have NEVER seen any kind of law enforcement on that section of highway. I drive the speed limit and have vehicles passing me like I’m sitting still! I had a white expensive sports car pass me doing at least 150; the wake rocked my car violently.
I’m sure everyone has experienced the numerous law breakers on our streets. Another thing that has been steadily increasing is vehicles with loud exhaust systems; obviously illegal, but the police ignore them.
I blow my horn when fools do something stupid; many times, I receive the finger salute.
City Council is too busy giving away free stuff to pay attention to the quality of life of us who have earned our money.
Don’t forget the Wendover Freeway. Perhaps we should pay speed cops on commission – givum a car and turnem loose. There will be lots of long hours, they more they work, they more they make. Is there any better motivation? There is plenty of work, especially during drive-time.
The Old Fart’s revenge is to drive real slow while being tailgated.
The rest of us – who don’t have all day, every day, for dawdling and loafing – don’t mind if you want to drive real slow. Just don’t block the fast lane while you’re doing it, Grandpa.
It’s a simple matter of consideration for others.
And you won’t get tailgated.
Will someone please get Tony some cheese to go along with his whine,
We might need some cheese for Mr ED too.
Obviously, a law breaker!
Chuck, not being informed about gun safety, Alec assumed the pistol was unloaded, and did not check it himself.
On another note, Alec & Kelsey Grammer did a TV pilot for ABC. Although the pilot scored very high, it was not picked up because Alec & Kelsey are white. Thank you ABC, thank you Disney. So it follows that the Salvation Army got their cue from Disney.
He assumed the gun WAS loaded. Just that it was loaded with blanks versus real ammunition.