Evil Has Been Unleashed
Dear Editor
Thank you to Sarah Huckabee Sanders for labeling our culture war succinctly when she stated, “It’s normal versus crazy” during the rebuttal to the State of the Union address. I will add to this description by stating that the left in this country are barking mad. They are what I call “relativist absolutists.” Anything goes as long as you do not oppose their power grab.
It does not take a philosopher to understand that the relative absolutists’ plan is to collapse our society so that they can rebuild it in their image and likeness.
Evil has been unleashed and I pray that the American citizenry will reject mayhem and restore our democratic rrepublic.
Jamie LaMuraglia
Amen!! I pray you are right!
I agree. I have never seen evil so rampant. The political Left has been in the ascendant in the West since Reagan and Thatcher left office, with results that would not be believed then.
A deliberate and calculated policy to fail to enforce our border. A sick agenda in public schools to expose small children to perversion. An unconstitutional and totalitarian mandate to force an unproven chemical cocktail into your body. An unconscionable economic policy resulting in the debasement of the Dollar and the dilution of the life savings of seniors. And foreign policy humiliations reminiscent of Carter, that cause great joy amongst our adversaries.
And as an exclamation point, an unambiguous celebration of Satanism during the most watched event in television, aptly named “Unholy”.
The battle between good and evil is here.
Most of the issues your rattle of on about (other than your bigoted view of LGBTQ and your ignorant views on public health) are just fear mongering.
Congress has failed us on immigration for years. What we face today is a president bound by law and human decency with a mass of immigration from failed economies in South America, Haiti and Cuba.
Economic policy is starting to show signs of working but is largely impacted by global issues. I would be interested in what you think should be done differently given the massive cuts to tax rates for wealthy and corporations by the Republicans.
Foreign policy, we have a leader standing up to Putin and putting pressure on China over chip manufacturing to protect our national security. What else do you propose he do differently?
Satanism during the Superbowl halftime show? Now your tinfoil hat is just tilted a bit to the crazy side Jamie mentioned in their poorly written letter.
Lyin’ Chris, full of BS as usual.
He thinks Biden is standing up to foreign adversaries!
He thinks the tsunami of illegals pouring over the border is the fault of Congress!
He thinks this administration’s economic policies are working!
He thinks a celebration of Satan with flames and horned heads named “Unholy” is not satanic!
Lyin’ Chris is deluded, deranged Leftist. I feel sorry for him.
Well said, Jamie. The ruling caste promotes anything that increases divisiveness and resentment. CRT is poisonous to civilization, fomenting racism where none would naturally exist. Tearing families apart via trans insanity is perfectly in line with Mao’s strategy to increase the power of the ruling caste.
Lmao. Crazy is the Qannon crowd that many Republican support. John Kennedy rising from the dead, Trump secretly running the military, pedo meetings in the basement of a pizza joint with no basement.
But the sad part is people writing fear mongering letters about doom and gloom about the other political party without any real I justification for their fear. Sad really
Chris: You confirmed the reason and point of Jamie’s Letter to Editor. I assume you are OK with the crazy side.
Y’all keep praying. We’ll keep taking action. But thoughts and prayers sending your way, hope they help. Lolz
Yeah, you people fit the name Demoncrat.
Comment : how can you tell if a Democrat is lying??? They open their mouth. Watch and listen to our president , if he’s not lying he’s bumbling over his notes that have been written by his puppet master. We as people do not know who is the actual leader of the US is .Our president cannot speak without his notes , which has instructions to call on which people to ask questions. I just watched this fiasco on Shooting down these 4 balloon’s /space ships . He could say for sure the first was China’s and the other 3 weren’t Chinese. But yet they have not found the other three to determine whose they were.
Healey and Austin, I agree wholeheartedly and could not said better myself. Since his very first act of shutting down the much needed oil pipeline and now looking to restrict or even shutdown the Alaskan fields showed where they, the (National Socialist) Democrat Party, were oriented and intent on destroying the American Dream and with it America itself. They will not be satisfied until they have us all under their iron boot of total control and the concept of individual freedom buried in the dustbin of history.
Until we, the free thinking, free willed, the free individual freedom loving true Americans wake up and begin taking back our government and more importantly our way of life given to us and defended time and again by our forefathers.
I have told people for 30 years that there is a Second American Revolution brewing and now, more then ever, I’m believing the time is close.
Jamie, please keep up the voice and the drive.
Wow. Doom and gloom to point of prophesizing about civil war? Going dark just because your political beliefs are not the belief of the majority of Americans. So much for patriotism.
But do tell, what way of life have you lost Alan? What freedom to you longer prosses? You still have your guns, you can still speak your mind publicly (even if you are bigot like Austin), you can still travel across this great country as you please. And what is really great is that people of color and LGBTQ people have the same freedoms as You! People who pray to a different God have the same freedom as You!
The REAL issues we face are not political. Climate change and its impact on economics and global political stability. Healthcare system that is bankrupting Americans, Immigration from failing countries in South America, and access to quality education for our next generations that have to inherit these problems.
Yet you want to worry about CRT, Sex Education in schools, Wokeness of people with compassion for others different than themselves, and public health mandates that have ended.
Is THIS really what you want to go to war over. Sad. Really sad.
And what’s so sad is that he has at least two close family members who are LGBTQ.