Not A Fan Of Mark Walker
Dear Editor,
Mark Walker for Senate:
- Mark started out with his first run for Congress with $5 contributions from grass roots. I was concerned how a minister at maybe $40K per year would adjust to $176K plus $2M expense budget. He quickly moved to $250-a-plate dinners. The attraction of the DC swamp is overwhelming.
- When redistricting converted the 6th District to a mix rather than a red stronghold, he pulled out of the house race at the 11th hour, forcing an underfunded, late in the game Lee Haywood to face an opposition candidate. I would have thought more of him if he rose to the challenge. We ended up with a liberal immigration lawyer. It appeared that a winning record was more important than his constituents. He should have tried. This is really unforgivable.
- Mark Meadows and Walker were on the Freedom Caucus together. Mark Meadows is a close advisor to Donald Trump. I suspect he was the reason Trump endorsed Ted Budd. It is of concern.
- Mark has chosen to remain in the Senate race even though he trails the three GOP candidates. He will split the conservative vote and potentially pave the way for McCrory to win. This is not in the best interest of Walker’s previous constituents.
Joseph Heller
Mark Walker = RHINO (Republican In Name Only) Wouldn’t vote for him if it were a one person race at this point.
Mark Walker is no Republican. Mark Walker IS a RINO. Problem understood.
Joseph Heller, let me help you understand Candidate Walker and the political climate. Full disclosure, I am a huge supporter of Walker. He has served as my congressman and I hope he is my Senator.
1. Walker is not financed by big money from super pacs like Budd who is taking millions from Club for Growth – the most ever for a Senate candidate. It takes big money to run a campaign. A $250 plate fundraiser is really a low priced event. Plus, over 95% of Walker’s events are not fundraisers, they are community events open to the public. Have you not seen the $2,900 sponsor events for Budd and McCrory?
2. When Walker’s district was redrawn it became an 19+ Democrat Congressional District. No Republican has ever won more than 8+ Democrat district. Love that Lee Haywood stepped forward and ran against Kathy Manning, but a win was impossible. Walker, after serving three terms was ready to vie for Burr’s Senate seat.
3. You do not know the back story as to why Meadows backed Budd. I speculate that it had to do with Meadow’s vacant seat and Meadow’s expectation that Walker endorse Linda Bennent, a good friend of the Meadow’s. Instead Walker endorsed Madison Cawthorne. That tells me Walker is a free agent. I believe he made the correct endorsement.
4. Walker wins every straw poll. He won at the 2021 NC GOP Convention after McCrory, Budd and Walker spoke. He won the straw poll after the recent debate. A debate Budd did not even bother to attend. Walker’s supporters continue to express a desire for Walker to stay in this Senate race. We have seen him win against all odds before and we think he can do it again.
5. Why is that every endorsing sheriff in Mr. Budd’s current congressional district has endorsed Mark Walker for Senate.
6. Mark Walker was the only Senate candidate to support Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson when Robinson was attacked by the media.
7. When Walker went to Washington, DC to serve he stayed connected with his constituents, frequently was seen taking a position on national issues and appeared on news programs and did not succumb to the swamp.
I’m wary of Walker too, Mr Heller. I’ll never forget watching a TV debate between him and Phil Berger Jr in a Congressional primary. Walker tried to paint Berger as some kind of extremist, citing a Supreme Court decision in which a party named Berger had been defeated. Berger vehemently denied any connection with the case. I decided to dig a little and discovered that the case Walker cited had been decided in the 1930’s – decades before Berger was born. Walker must have known that, so this was a gratuitous lie.
Walker is untrustworthy.
Whom among them are?
We activists in the 6th district know Walker best. In 2014 when he showed up as a choir director with a title of music minister we had our doubts. He usually says the right things. He said he would not vote for John Boehner and that he would not take PAC money. He took Boehner PAC money and voted for Boehner. We did not believe his lying excuse on his apology tour right after he was elected. He used God’s name and tried to get into churches. I know the man who got him in many churches this time. He has duped so many Christians with lies and exaggeration. I was told he literally begged Club for Growth for endorsement money. Club for Growth endorsed Budd, Trump, Disantis and Rand Paul. They won’t endorse someone who was in bed with Paul Ryan who quit on Trump. Ryan sent a letter of endorsement to all of us in the 6th about Walker. Walker attacks Budd daily. He exaggerates his photo ops and endorsements all the time. One or two senators endorsed him like Romney who hates Trump and Tim Scott who is only warm to Trump. One Freedom caucus congressman who is naive and endorsed him early was Cawthorn. He states on social media, he is the only candidate endorsed by senators and the freedom caucus congressional members. Not true. He was against the Freedom Caucus. Meadows new this as did Trump!
Walker lost any chance of my vote when he ran away from my district because he was afraid to run against Manning because he figured he’d lose. Abandoning a historical GOP district out of fear was what a scared person does, and I don’t want representation from a fraidy cat. No to Walker.