Schools Were Once Under Local Control
Dear Editor,
I just watched a report on the bill signed into law in Florida banning teaching or discussing homosexuality and associated subjects in public schools in grades K-5 and how the Left is going ballistic, screaming about how all who supported it (a large majority of Floridians) are neo-Nazi bigots who want to kill all gays, puppies and kittens. Don’t worry about how our children are losing valuable teaching time on the basic subjects of reading, writing and arithmetic and how our schools are failing to provide proper basic education because they don’t have time for the basics.
Let’s remember that there was a time when local schools were under local control of locals, i.e. the people of the community, and it was locals, parents and non-parents alike, that controlled them. Then along came the camel (the federal government) that proceeded to stick his nose under the tent a little at a time until he had total control of the tent and its occupants. This, by the way, also applies to a lot of other aspects of our lives.
And before you start in about the “elected members” of the school boards just look at what’s happening in Washington. Last time I checked, AOC was supposed to be there to represent a group of people in a selected area of NYC, not a huge swath of America.
What is happening to our schools is an open secret and an example of what is happening in so many areas of American life. And the worst part is the American people are the ones that let it happen by becoming apathetic and buying into the government leftists BS about how they know “what’s best for us” and for us to not worry about it. What truly bothers me is good people have bought into this and now have no idea how to correct it short of an open revolt.
Talk is cheap and easy, but how many are willing to quit whining and actually do something about it, regardless of what it takes. To paraphrase the old Toyota commercial used to go, “You asked for it, you got it … socialism!”
The price of correcting this rodent coupling, which we allowed to happen, will not be cheap. How many of you are willing to pay for it?
BTW, Chris, please tell me where I’m wrong about our schools. Please be specific and factual … if you can.
Alan Marshall
Beware Of Republicans
Dear Editor,
Be alert, informed and ready to vote for those who have your best interests at heart and not for those who are looking to undercut you and your family.
Give your full attention stated plans of the Republican Party: Sen. Rick Scott (R-Florida) has been given the responsibility of formulating his party’s position for the upcoming mid-term elections and that a plan includes raising taxes on many of the lowest paid Americans and, in addition, cutting Medicare and Social Security benefits.
If Republicans win back the US Senate, you need to know some of what’s coming.
Bob Kollar
Amen Mr. Kollar. As I am neither R or D, the toss is likely bad on both sides of legislation. Having said that it is vital, if you vote, to know what the proposals are.
Or you can keep Democrats in power and pay more for gas, pay more for groceries, pay more for everything because Biden and the Democrats would rather pay Putin for Russian Oil than have it here in the US of A, where it keeps people employed, less per gallon which improves all aspects of life. Vote Republican so we can get the growing good economy back we had under Donald Trump from 2016-2020.
So your belief is that American oil companies would charge you less for oil just because it came from American soil and NOT charge you the same global price that the rest of the world charges? If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.
Doubt the Republicans could screw up EVERYTHING like the current asses in charge have done. We are the laughing stock of the world with Thing 1 and Thing 2 representing the USA. I guess you Democrats are better off today than prior to Biden ” winning”.
The far Left has gained control of most of our society’s institutions, as they have implemented their game plan over decades, as espoused by Antonio Gramsci, Saul Alinsky, and Rudi Dutschke. They now control the legal system, the mass media, local government – and the education system. This is how Communists subvert a society. They call it “The Long March Through the Institutions”, in an entirely deliberate echo of Mao TseTung’s Long March to Beijing to forcibly take over China in 1949. That is their model, and they have infiltrated our “Public Schools” so as to churn out millions of little Maoists.
Their plan has worked.
Not only are America’s students jaw droppingly ill educated ( look up our international rankings for yourself), but they are uniformly Leftist. The Socialist Schools have succeeded!
Conspiracy theory much?
Look it up for yourself, dear, IF you have the intellectual curiosity to search for the truth.
They make no secret of their goals and their strategies.
PS – – – – – – –
“What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and reality? About a year”.
He is a nutter so his idea of intellectual curiosity is watching other nutters make up stuff to spook himself online. The difference between a conspiracy theory and reality, is credibility of evidence. If your story precedes credible evidence, it is just BS. Even a broke clock is right twice a day.
If your remark was germane in any way, it might be valid.
And you have completely missed the open goal I gave you. I decided to see if you had even one brain cell, by giving you a chance to humiliate me.
You never even saw it.
My God, you’re thick.
Funny you call the educated Leftist. Maybe they are just intelligent? Unlike yourself. Kids go to college, they aren’t indoctrinated. They are educated. They are exposed to a far more diverse world than the one their parents raised them and the become better people as a result.
Being exposed to “far” more doesn’t necessarily make you a better person! More is sometimes just more not better. You comment assumes much. How do YOU know what everybody’s parents exposed them to? AB Nelson and Austin Morris are right. Just how dare you say that college makes you a “better” person! Good people and citizens come in all walks of life.
Education DOES makes you a better person….unless like Austin, your education is limited to other nutters making up BS online or only reading articles that support your narrow view of the world.
Education doesn’t only come from college. It comes from having dialog with people who disagree with you and being able to understand credible sources versus random people sharing their opinion online that lack any real insight or information other than a biased opinion.
Which of us is the more educated, Chris?
Where did I call educated people Leftists?
Your English comprehension is at a second grade level. Your use of the language is at about the same level, So it’s amusing to us who read your remarks to see you claim that I am not intelligent (thanks! I’ve never been accused of that before).
Your solipsisms display your intellect (you’re going to have to look that one up, Einstein).
But here it is in language you’ll understand : you’re as thick as a brick.
Got it, Chrissy?
Here is an idea Austin. My post wasn’t specifically about you personally. I know you find that hard to believe given your love of a narcissisms.
Then why did you call me unintelligent?
If you would prefer to debate the issue instead of insulting other people, I would welcome that development,
But I won’t be holding my breath.
Well, two radically different ideas of where we are in America. Alan, you are absolutely correct. The public school system does not educate, it indoctrinates. My grandchildren will NEVER attend a public school. The only way to put public schools back into the arena of education is to purge the left winging school boards throughout the country. Remember voters, it is up to you to go to the polls and elect people that are not on the woke left. Bob, name one area of your life that is better today than it was under Trump. You cannot unless you are a prevaricator.
Alan, to be clear, no classroom in k-5 stops and has a session of homosexuality. It can come up in context but I assume that would be very rare. Just more bigotry and fear from the Right.
Fred Astaire would be proud of the way you dance, but thanks for playing and please accept this copy of our home game for trying.
I never said they have sessions on homosexuality. They’re far too smart for that. They (the ones currently in charge) are far too subtle for that. They are using the frog in a pot of water idea. Put him in the pot and SLOWLY bring it to a boil. By the time he figures it out it’s too late.
And for the record, I am not giving the Republicans a total pass. They have a share of the problem. If they want to show how they truly feel, dissolve the Department of Education and, as I have said, return control back to the States and the local communities.
Alan, I am just glad our schools aren’t under control of local government folks such as yourself. You are narrow minded conspiracy theorist who lacks any real information or intelligence to have an opinion other that those based on your personal bias and distrust of people who don’t share your narrow minded opinion of the world.
Alan it was actually K-3RD … Interesting statement by Tammy Bruce a fox contributor (and lesbian) The statement when something like this” For decades the LBG Community just wanted gay marriage and recognition. At the time the fear was they would come after our children, now they are.”
You can take all of everyone’s income in taxes, and leave them dependent of BB for everything. Thing is, confiscation still won’t cover the governments expenses and debt service.
“Socialism works fine until you run out of other people’s money”.
The only solutions are to reduce govt spending including entitlements, or, repudiation of the debt.
I have read Rick Scott’s ideas & plans. He is right on every statement. We get off the govt teat, or perish as a country. You can start by raising the eligibility age for SS & Medicare. Everyone DOES need to have some skin in the game. The only people getting “hurt” are those gaming the system. It’s “hurts” all of us to pay these obscene taxes, like our new property tax rates. Everyone pays on that one.
Beware of all the left and democrats tell you to beware of Republicans because all you have to do is google whatever topics and policies any Republican candidate runs on to see the extreme exaggeration or in some cases out right lies a democrat will spew. Almost HALF of America are using some form of government assistance ,HALF! That’s not good for our country as a whole and makes us seem weak to other countries but democrats buy votes contributing to the problem by promises of bigger food EBT cards, child tax credits, section 8 for people crossing our borders which now is said that 10’s of thousands do everyday. Yes BEWARE how you vote as for me I will vote Republican across the entire board to combat our border problem, sex being taught in K-3rd grade CRT and other things that are a parents job and buisness. Don’t be intimated by the foul names democrats will call you or label you help to take America back and protect the innocence of our chrildren. REPUBLICAN all the way!
When I read Bob’s response to Alan ,It dawned on me that when the Dems are screaming and hollaring about what the Republicans are doing they are more guilty themselves.Look at The Queen of the Dems Hillary and her Russian disinformation, she was the one that was guilty.The Dems basically are disingenuous with the truth at best.
The best example is happening in Washington now.Everything that Biden ran on he is doing the exact opposite. Number one is the open border that allows every criminal in the world to come in with no one to stop them .Also China is sending Fentnal to the cartel and it’s coming across our and ruining our young people who are overdosing in large nu.
Our economy,our high gas price,need I give you the whole list. We need to vote these Dems out at midterms.Also the local Dems need to be voted out as well .Are you better off with the Dems in control.
When a dem is elected for anything,look to be innuendated with higher taxes,more liberal philosophy such as bypassing our constitution on every turn.
Hillary and the Russian Disinformation conspiracy theory is classic releasing of a story without credible evidence or sources. Kinda the Trump party jam….you know like Mass Voter Fraud, Wuhan lab theory, Obama spy gate of Trump Campaign, etc.. Promised evidence never materialized. Imagine that!
To take an isolated story and make claim that that makes the other party more evil than your party is ignorance in practice.
But good try Rich.
Oh no, the Russian disinformation effort has been traced back to the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign.
I’m sorry you can’t accept reality.
So was the mass fraud conspiracy theory ‘traced back’ to Trump. And all the right wing news organizations followed the story and reported as if fact. Just nutters being nutters.
What..?? When you’re cornered by the truth (that the 2016 Clinton campaign engineered the Russia hoax) you do what all Leftists do: you deflect and digress.
You’re pathetic.