The Invasion Is Underway
Dear Editor,
It has finally happened. The United States of America has been invaded by hostile forces.
American military personnel put into a dangerous situation but could not, thanks to Uncle Joe and his (National Socialist) Democrat Party, do their job and stop them and, from the angle I saw, some of those soldiers may have been injured.
And it was not a few illegals. According to reports, it was approximately 600 illegal aliens who tore down the border fence and assaulted American soldiers while forcing their way into our country.
I see this as the opportunity Doddering Uncle Joe and the puppet masters who control him have been looking for to remove the Texas National Guard from protecting their state and get it back to the non-existent national border it was under.
Anybody want to take odds on this happening again? Anybody want to take odds that citizen militias are going see this as the last straw and begin showing up on the border, armed, and take on the ‘the government won’t do anything so We the People will’ attitude? Anybody want to take odds that this incident will motivate ultra-extremist groups and individuals to take things into their own hands which will endanger those illegals currently in the country? Contrary to what one particular individual will imply in an attempt to make me look like one of those I’m talking about, I hope that doesn’t happen, because if it does, should any of that happen, it will provide the excuse the (NS)DP and their ilk needs to drive the wedge deeper and to try to make those who love and respect this country and the laws that make us who and what we are appear to be bigoted right wing haters.
Now, more than ever, Republicans and conservatives need to rally together everywhere to vote out not just this President, but all of the bleeding hearts at all levels of government.
“Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon.”
Carpe diem,
Alan Marshall
Nobody likes to hear or say it, but a Civil War is brewing …has been for quite some time.
The disgusting behavior of those illegal invaders should repulse every decent American.
The putative immigrants were seen joyously mocking the border patrol agents, as they celebrated overcoming them and breaking into America. But they should never become immigrants, just deportees.
Do you think these people love and respect this country?
Austin, my truck goes into the shop tomorrow. Maybe we can schedule for later. Sorry
I saw the video of said attack. Much ado about nothing really. Some people at border pushed through a few national guard men after ripping down Gov Abouts fensing material and were stopped 20 feet away by a more secure fense. Boohoo. Seems the border security worked and now Alan wants to cry and hug his guns while hiding in fear. Maybe children will be in the mix and really scare him. What a drama queen.
Republicans should have passed the immigration bill but they like their voters scared like Alan is scared of immigrant children.
The laws are already on the books. Biden rescinded them ( over 100) the day he took office–
Now you are just making crap up. First, the president cannot rescind laws. He can rescind executive orders and issue executive order. Most of Trumps executive orders were rescinded by law (i.e. the courts). Biden kept Title 42 intact. Heck he even tried to use a few of the executive orders that Trump tried such as a first border rule but was also rescinded by the courts.
Biden did rescind 3 of Trumps executive orders 1) no longer separating families at the border. 2) Stopped the construction of the waste of money border wall. 3) Reversed trumps rule on block visas for Muslim men.
If you have a source to back your 100 laws rescinded I would be interested in reading it. Otherwise, i will assume you are full it.
“First, the president cannot rescind laws.”
You’re right Chris, but he can stop their enforcement which he refuses to do just to get more “eligible” voters to vote as Dims in elections. See how this works?
what law specifically is Biden not enforcing?
Let’s also not forget that Democrats actually tried pass real LAW to improve the situation at the border that would have closed the asylum loophole, but conservatives need the fear of the border to scare up votes as fear is all they have to offer Americans.
ILLEGAL immigrant children.
How dare you continue to disparage the writer who attacks the dreaded (National Socialist) Democrats, who never discloses the facts, just the Fox News talking points.
Chrissy, you are such an ASteroid.
I’ve asked before Chris, how many of the illegals are you willing to bring into your home. You say you have a farm so there you go farm workers. Let us know when you get the first bus load
I have answered thus before. Far more efficient for governmental solution than individuals putting up people at random. But you be you.
Wow. Really? Nothing to speak of when a group of men power through and disregard our borders and military? But I bet you think the majority of the men and women who were waved into the capitol in 2021 and entered calmly as directed to walk the halls of the peoples’ house should all be locked up for eternity. The tunnel vision bias is stunning with you.
Did they enter the US? Nope.
Was anyone hurt? Nope.
So a bunch of people stormed the entrance pushing and shoving then excitedly moved to the next point where they realized that they actually accomplished nothing and were stopped. Sounds a lot like the idiots that stormed the capitol.
So which is it? Personally, I think both situations warranted arrest. But at least one didn’t threaten to stop Democracy’s process for peaceful transition of power that is the foundation of this great Republic.
But you be you.
I saw no children in that swarm.
I would lay off the “they’re just kids” argument, Chris. By design, juvenile crime is a hard number to get an accurate count, but juvenile crime is a significant issue. Just go over to Youth Focus or the juvenile detention center and ask them how much spare room they have. (Zero.) Better yet, go to the Social Services building on Maple Street and ask them why they are having to house certain juveniles in their offices. Also ask them how that is working out, how troublesome those kids are, and if it is even legal. Back to my point, juvenile crime is real, and it is out of control because the “juvenile justice” system is designed to avoid punishment. They call it “diversion”, which basically lets kids get away with it over and over. Criminal adults have figured this out and are now using juveniles as their trigger men, and hands in their arenas of operation. If you don’t think that unsupervised teens wandering into America are going to be more likely than not to engage in criminal activity, you are a bigger fool than I thought.
I think you are the bigger fool. 1) These kids are not walking around free. 2) Studies that illustrate that immigrants (including illegal) are less likely to commit crime included juveniles.
Show me any study that says different and we can talk.
But you be you.
Your argument makes no sense. So there are no illegals roaming free in the country? Come on man. Secondly, either they are walking around free or they aren’t. If they aren’t, they can’t commit crime in the first place. If they are free, then how would anyone know if they aren’t committing crime? Only about 10% of crime is even reported, fewer suspects are identified. Any studies you refer to are based on partial data at best. Like I said before, GPD does not collect or report immigrant status and neither do most local agencies. I would love to know where these studies are gathering their data.
No, that isn’t my argument. My statement is that unaccompanied children who cross the border don’t roam free. They are placed in a facility like the one in GSO until family or close family friends can be contacted to take over the care of the children. Alan claims they will be set free and run rampant thru the streets of GSO causing horrible crime. THAT isn’t true. If the facility is ever used, most of the kids will only be there a few weeks.
The idea that someone wanting to stay under the radar of officials (illegals and asylum pending people) will commit the type of crime that goes unreported is silly. Study after study shows it to be true that immigrants of all types commit crime at a lower rate than natural born citizens. Just admit you think poor people from South America are dirty ugly criminals due to your personal bias and stop with the fear mongering.
If you want to learn more about these studies, read the letter I wrote a couple weeks ago. I provide sources. Hint: the data comes from the State with the highest population of South American immigrants (legal and illegal). The study also provides correlating data that makes it relevant to other states that don’t collect immigration status data for criminals.
It’s not fear mongering, but you are certainly hate mongering just because we disagree. I never said all illegals commit crime, nor did I say they were ugly or dirty. That’s you pushing your stereotypes and presumptions upon me. Hypocritical really, but not unexpected.
It is a fact that the US does not apprehend and detain all illegals or even a majority of illegals. Its’s a fact that at least some measurable percentage of illegals commit crime and that some of those criminals are juveniles. We can debate on what that percentage is but the truth is that no one can get an accurate number on that. What we can say for sure is that if illegals were not here in the first place, their contribution to the crime rate would be zero. Any illegal who has slipped passed the border is not here to claim asylum, they are here with the intent to illegally enter our country. Asylum claims should be made at the point of entry. To not do so calls into question an individual’s motivation for being here. Sure some are just here to work, but many are here to break the law.
I disagree. There is actually an incentive to being ‘captured’ given the asylum loophole. You get a 6 year free stay in the US without fear of being deported. That was what the recent Bill was trying to close. I assume the majority of illegal crosses are caught. Many on purpose. More importantly, those that do cross illegally and don’t declare asylum, are far less likely to commit crime as they clearly want to stay out of the ‘system’. Most plug into the various networks (public funded and private) for aid and reaching family and friends already in the US.
And yes. You are fear mongering saying that crime is the problem from illegal immigration. It just isn’t true per every study done on the subject. I don’t hate. I just pointed out your flawed logic and pointed to your obvious personal bias. (personal bias as you don’t use data or reference to facts in your argument. You are just repeating the words of others that share your personal bias.)
But you be you.
Don, I do apologize, I should ask. What would you do different given Congress’s lack of interest in actually addressing the problem?
You have shown no data either, other than perhaps a link to one study in some previous article. Let’s look at some key data and special phrases from the Texas study….
As I pointed out, there are too many gaps in the data, and so does this study: “Each of these questions represents remarkable gaps in our scientific and policy understanding of undocumented immigration. This dearth is largely due to data limitations. ”
Also, as I pointed out, most jurisdictions do not track immigration status: “Data on undocumented criminality (the numerator), however, have actually gotten worse over time. Despite the increasing centrality of local police in immigration enforcement (9), information on immigration status is remarkably scarce in most crime databases…. The limited information we do have about undocumented criminality is not only conspicuously scant but also highly inconsistent.”
Next, this study is forced to admit that their data is only collected in the state of Texas because Texas is the only state that tracks the data they are trying to research and then they are somehow going to try to say that what happens in Texas is consistent for the rest of the country. Not scientific at all, even though they want you to think it is: “To our knowledge, Texas is the only state that requires the determination and documentation of immigration status as part of its standard criminal justice records practice.”
Then they admit that they are excluding “More than 39,000 individuals in the CCH data (who) were booked for “federal offenses,” the majority of whom (70%) were undocumented immigrants.” Because “based on conversations”, they felt they were federal criminals being held locally on a temporary basis. This is common for the feds. A federal criminal is not automatically housed in a federal facility. They pay local jails to house them temporarily until a federal facility has the space. But they are still criminals, 39,000 illegal criminals in this case that were not included in the study.
I can keep going, but this study, while intriguing, is flawed. It only applies, and can only be applied, to Texas because only Texas tracks immigration status of arrestees. This study also cannot account for criminals who are not caught or prosecuted. It also ignores those who are charged, but not arrested. You are only getting a calculation based on, not just identifying and taking warrants out on the suspect, but locating and arresting them, which is a fraction of a fraction of all crime.
Lastly, while their “study” showed that illegal immigrant crime was lower than US citizen crime, it was not anywhere near zero. For violent crime, they commit at a rate or about 100 offenses per 100,000 people, while US citizens were about 200 offenses per 100,000. So their conclusion is that illegals (who are here living almost entirely off the grid and avoiding detection by the nature of their circumstances) are caught about half the rate of lazy Americans. And yes, most Americans are used to their lives of relative comfort and are not good at avoiding capture. This study does not state that illegals are actually committing crime at a lower rate than citizens.
All this study really says is that illegal immigrants (in Texas) are better at not getting caught, which makes logical sense because, as you even said, they are largely trying to avoid detection in their daily lives. There are too many data gaps in this study to view as reliable or as even documenting what it thinks it is documenting. Capture rates, prosecutions and conviction rates are all shadows of actual crime rates. This study, which admits this repeatedly, is trying to calculate something that is almost impossible to know.
Even if this study is 100% accurate, it does show that illegal immigrants still have a significant impact on overall crime. For example, they accounted for 16% of the overall homicide rate (in Texas). I don’t know about you, but I would love to have a 16% drop in homicide rates by simply having people not invade my country.
Good day sir.
“We find that undocumented immigrants have substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses. Relative to undocumented immigrants, US-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes. In addition, the proportion of arrests involving undocumented immigrants in Texas was relatively stable or decreasing over this period.”
You quote “… This dearth is largely due to data limitations. ” out of context and leave out the section where it talks about….”data quality has improved in recent years …”
immigration increased so crime from immigrants increased but at a lower rate than natural born citizens. So by your argument we should stop birthing children in the US?
You can pick and pick but the study says what it says. Immigrations cause crime at half the rate of natural born US citizens. Just saying.
If immigrants caused crime at a higher rate than natural born citizens, it would be the easiest study to make. But guess what. No study such as that exists. All other studies say the same thing… So instead of nit picking the study of this scale that its data isn’t perfect show me your evidence that immigrants are causing more crime than natural born citizens? Doesn’t exist does it Don. Your bias is showing.
I have never said they cause more crime than US citizens. Stop putting your bias and assumptions into my words. I maintain that they do commit crime at a measurable but unknown rate, and any rate is more than what is acceptable because they should not be here in the first place. Like I said, a 16% contribution to Texas’ homicide rate is 16% too much.
“Improved” is not a scientifically measurable word. If I had no beans last week and I have 3 beans this week, my number of beans has certainly “improved” but I’m still starving to death. Any “scientific” study that relies on general phrases like “the data has improved” is lacking on its face.
Your study does not in any way say that illegals “commit crime at a lower rate”. It only states that, IN TEXAS and only in Texas, illegals are ARRESTED for committing crime at a lower rate. You cannot jump to the assumption that because they are caught less frequently that they offend less frequently. Those are two totally different things. For instance, illegals, especially in Texas, can immediately flee back over the border if necessary, making their chance of being caught and arrested automatically lower since most US citizens would not consider fleeing the country for a mid to low level crime. You cannot read what you want the facts to be into a study. It says what it says and that’s all it says.
You’re over head in the scientific study world dude. And what applies in Texas can in no way be applied to what happens in NY, Alaska, or in NC. That study is weak with too many unknowns and tries to get you to jump to the conclusions they want you to see, which you immediately did.
I said, good day.
Don, if you said that the 2 + 2 = 4 Chrissy would ask you to cite research and studies to back up your claim.
He’s an intellectual sheep who’s incapable of thinking for himself.
I guess you run Chris off.
“Republicans should have passed the immigration bill”
Are you serious? If we still had Trump in office, he would have doubled or tripled the razor-wire and stacked it around the current steel walls. There was no need to amend the current laws on applying to asylum to our country, but the Dims don’t want any impediments, so they let everyone in the country. . .and we all know they will push for them to gain immediate voting rights. If so, say goodbye to our country.
Riiiiight. Spit out the Kool-aid and join the real world.
Gee. . . .that’s what I was thinking of telling you.
So your belief is that the cartels wouldn’t figure out how to get around more barriers like they get around the existing barriers? including Trumps silly wall that Mexico never paid for as promised. LOL I be you buy ice in the artic.
There is one particular letter writer, or replyer, to this site that is truly emblematic of how far this country has descended into the cesspool.
Chris, We’ve GOT border laws on the books! Check.out all the laws being ignored by the Socialist party ….And those folks are complaining about relatively few illegals in their cities, while ignoring the hoards coming into Texas. All patriotic Americans should STAND WITH TEXAS !
PS: You pay too much attention to Fake News
The laws are long outdated and should have been changed (closing the asylum loophole) but Trump needed his scary talking point to feed the fear and hate of his followers.
Personally, I believe the US is a great country and I am proud to live here and raise my family here.
I verify every bit of news I read. I never watch new ‘entertainment’ shows such as the talking heads on FoxNews, CNN, MSNBC, etc… Critical thinking means you hear a bit of information, and you ask what other source can verify, is the information based on data or opinion, and most importantly, does the person sharing the information have a vested interest in your belief of what they have to say. That is why you will see me reference data, studies, etc… And Alan share his fear and hate that he heard some talking head commentator yell at him on the radio or TV.
But you be you. FoxNews by they way was proven to be Fake News in the court of law.
Gosh I wish I was as smart as you Chris. Tell Laken Riley’s parents that all types of illegal immigrants commit less crime. And do not say to me as the Biden administration did (his idiot press secretary) that citizens commit crimes. El Salvador and other countries have been emptying their prisons. We have not seen the crime wave yet.
We no longer DNA test on the “unaccompanied minors.” Who knows who is picking them up? We have a legitimate issue with sex trafficking. I would say Joe Biden is the biggest sex trafficker in the world currently. Of course I am sure Hunter is cool with that.
Way to repeat conspiracy theories which not basis in facts. Not shocked. Kinda the modern conservative’s jam. Keep trying. You might get there one day if you widen your information sources from conservative news sources that have been proven liars in court. LOL
You won’t see this at the Hungarian or Polish border.
So true.
They defend their borders.