The Greatest Threat To Totalitarianism
Dear Editor,
There is a movie entitled, The Hong Konger – Jimmy Lai’s Extraordinary Struggle For Freedom. The movie’s theme is about the greatest threat to totalitarianism – the human conscience and our ability (in this case Jimmy Lai’s) to stand up against totalitarian evil. For more information about this movie and how we all can make a difference, please go to
Let us make the totalitarians understand that we are not rotting. We are awakening.
Jamie LaMuraglia
Sounds good. Let’s all stand against the totalitarianism by the potential presidential candidate DeSantis!!!
Stop his attempt to silence those that speak out against him (like Disney)!!!
Stop his suppression of those that are already disadvantaged such as the LGBTQ community!!!
Stop his attempt to control how history is taught in schools!!!
Speak out. Speak loud. Don’t stop.
Sounds like you need more information before calling DeSantis a Totalitarian .
A small amount of research would quell your outrage.
LOL, which statement isn’t accurate Mr Believer? Or is it that you support his Totalitarianism because it supports your own bigotry??
Let’s speak out against leftist fools like you!
That is what freedom is all about.
Lol at statements by Chris.
DeSantis just following God’s word