Schools Have To Deal With It
Dear Editor,
The (National Socialist) Democrat Party is losing its mind over the Supreme Court’s ruling eliminating “affirmative action” and the quotas in institutions of higher learning. I see this as the first step towards requiring people to achieve according to their abilities, not their race.
The whiny, crying, garment rending left is now sitting around lamenting about how this is going to be unfair, because now they will have to actually work to get anywhere. They will have to study and be held to standards in order to be able to graduate. Doddering Uncle Joe is not happy over this and even more so when Republicans canned his attempt to buy votes by offering to use taxpayer money to pay off portions of other people’s bills, something Democrats are good at. This also takes away another form of control the (NS)DP would like to use. (We paid the bill, we decide what you study.)
One thing I wonder about is if this will affect private institutions of higher learning. If they are not receiving any sort of government money then would they have to follow these directives?
The big question now is what are these schools going to try to do to get around this, and don’t think for a minute they aren’t already working on it. Also, once the word gets out this ruling will not be applicable to military academies (West Point, Air Force Academy, etc.) the uproar will be even louder. Just for the record, military schools have academic standards that don’t have flexibility. Either you meet the standards or hit the road, because people’s very lives depend on it.
I already know there will be lawsuits being filed over this but who can overrule the Supreme Court? Will there be protests on campuses? (Hey ANTIFA, we got one for you.) The ironic part of all this is southern Democrats once went to extremes to keep schools from becoming integrated to the point that the Federal government had to send in troops.
Note, by my definition there is only one race, that being human. There are sub-sets of the human race but they are all human. As the Bard once wrote, “if you prick us, do we not bleed”.
It’s going to be interesting to watch all this unfold.
Carpe diem,
Alan Marshall
It certainly will be fun to watch and see all the antics the far left uses. Schools have been dumbed down enough and the grades of students are still pitiful.
Yes,affirmative action is racist and not needed anymore. Study harder, work harder, you will be rewarded.
Thank you William, my point exactly.
LOL, affirmative is NOT racist. But do agree it doesn’t really work as many hoped it would. To call it racist is to ignore the disadvantages the minorities have historically faced and the implications of those disadvantages impact on those communities today. Affirmative action is a failed attempt to correct for those disadvantages that have left a lasting toll on the minority communities here in the US.
Just offering the alternative point of view on the actual thinking behind affirmative action. But you be you.
You should read the Supreme Court Opinion. According to the majority on the Supreme Court there is no question that affirmative action constitutes racial discrimination and the Court determined that it was not legally justifiable racial discrimination.
You mean the conservative court that is supported by white nationalist groups given their broad definition of racism? The idea of a nonpolitical Supreme Court has always been fiction.
But you be you.
Chris you are sooo full of crap If WHITE people were doing affirmative action the naacp and black people would be screaming racism.
They did and we did. But they did for very different reasons. But you be you.
So are you the naacp or are you black
Mr Marshall: I’m sure this has been said before. You probably have some genuinely strong arguments in your letters. But once I see your intent to sell them by name-calling (“National Socialist”), you’ve lost me and I’m sure many others who “turn the page.” Wouldn’t it be to your advantage to stop the name-calling and reach out to folks other than your cronies, such as moderate Demos and Independents? You are doing yourself a disservice when your writings are only read by people who already think like you.
Thank you for your reply Mr. Bretzmann. When I use the (National Socialist) title I am referring to those in the Party that it applies to within the Party that show what I believe to be their true colors. I will asked you if you are willing to call out those that paint all Republicans with the title of “MAGA”, which BTW I am NOT.
And for the record I started using that title for those Democrats I believe it applies to long before they started the “MAGA” thing
I will say that I find it interesting how the Dems are attacking RFK for his unwillingness to toe the Party line on this. I guess they’re afraid of losing their ventriloquist dummy and having someone could have trouble controlling.
The two-party system has a strangle hold on American politics. I know others have tried to fight t before and it was strangled in bassinet, but take a long, hard look at what it’s done to our country.
What does it mean to fight the two-party system? Does that mean excluding anyone that doesn’t agree with your party? That seems to be your leanings as you parrot right wing talking points on the daily.
Within the Democratic party you have a range of beliefs from various level of liberal extremism to well-rounded moderates…it is the republican party that labels anyone that steps out of line on a single issue as a rhino and restricts funding of campaigns based on party loyalty. Just look at what the party did to Liz Chaney because she didn’t support Trumps big lie.
So, what are you fight for…? Allowing politians to truly represent ALL their constituents with compromise for the greater good or right-wing zealots who require loyalty to party before people?
Mr Bretzmann aren’t you being a bit hypocritical when you call people who enjoy and agree with Alan his “cronies”. Maybe you should open your mind when you read his letters and think before you call names.
You are as much a drama queen about this in your writing as the most liberal minded of journalists. LOL
Interesting you mention private universities. One of the most prestigious universities in NC, Duke University, actually conducted their own study of the effectiveness of affirmative action programs. They make the case that individual evaluations of candidates is far more effective than analyzing candidates as group (by race for example) and ensuring post graduate success. The article makes the case that modern affirmative action programs hurt students of color long-term versus actually helping them and that there are more effective ways of increasing minority student admissions than affirmative action (such as minority-based scholarship programs).
Interesting study. It has generated some negative push back by those that support affirmative action, but I always lean try to form my opinions based on well conducted studies that use data and have been peer reviewed. Tossing your emotions around like a ‘Karen’ at the customer service window doesn’t really add much to the conversation but noise. But that is Alan’s jam I guess.
You can read a good article on the study here…,The%20study%20is%20titled%20%E2%80%9CWhat%20Happens%20After%20Enrollment%3F
So, what the left is already doing is going after the glad-handing and nepotism associated with preferential treatment of children of alumni and big-money donors. A lawsuit about that was filed against Harvard this week. But then again, money talks and enough money can buy ANYTHING in the US. So, our SCOTUS will throw out any argument that would would take away any special privileges from those with lots of money, especially, if friends of the court can finance enough perks to keep the justices in their cash-lined pockets.
The only reason the SCOTUS left out military institutions from quotas and “affirmative action” is because they’re scared that if the military leadership isn’t made up of the same blend of races/genders/creeds as the non-commissioned fighting under them, then the “grunts” will not follow commands.
The other “trick” the left-leaning US educational complex is working on is how to encourage college applicants to write a required essay on how they overcame adversity, with the thinking that the rich white kids will not have something to write about. Wrong Again! Daddy’s money can easily buy an essay on how not having a date for a cotillion devastated their personal growth an took them years of struggle to overcome.
LOL, nepotism and preferential treatment of children is a thing of the wealthy….not political. It is a big part of how wealth separation continues to grow in this country. For example, republicans have been trying to eliminate the estate tax for decades. Keep more of the wealth in the family. Also,elite colleges almost exclusively recruited from elite private highschools….again as a way to keep it ‘in the family’. I promise both liberal and conservatives do this little trick. Of course, this is all done while states continually restrict funding to public schools that continue to decline and fail.
If discriminating among people on the basis of their race is wrong, why are Democrats advocating it?
Because it is wrong.
helping those disadvantaged by ongoing discrimination and racism (yes it exists very alive and well today) is not discrimination…unless you are a white nationalist or just a conservative person repeating white nationalist talking points.
And once again we have that despicable creep – Carping Chris – insinuating that anyone who takes a different position to his is despicable and bigoted.
In this case he’s implying that I’m a “white nationalist” – because I’m AGAINST racial discrimination.
It takes a special kind of stupid to perform such mental gymnastics. Leftists are sorry, deluded people – and Chris is their poster boy.
Nope. It’s just that you parrot white nationalist talking points. Again and again and again. But you be you. I just assume you strictly limit yourself to online conservative media that ripe with white nationalist talking heads ever since Obama won office and later when Trump begain repeating their talking points. Who knows….maybe you are a foxnews junky.
You assume wrong.
As always.
And how ironic that the chronic and predictable Leftist here, who does nothing but spout Leftist talking points, accuses others of regurgitating tropes.
All you ever do is spew Leftism, without even an occasional original thought, or novel insight (in other words, you’re just a tiresome bore).
Democrats agree with the KKK that blacks arean inferior people. That’s not surprising, since they started the KKK.
wow. The ignorance of that statement is really impressive. Did you get it directly off the White Nationalist’s Are Us website?
The Ku Klux Klan was an organization created by, for, and of, Democrats.
So who are the REAL “White Nationalists”, buddy?
You’re an idiot. Ignorant, too.
Funny that KKK and white nationalist all vote conservative these days. Hmmmm. I wonder why?
Alan – See, this is how I know you just spew the talking points of your party, and you don’t really “know” of which you speak: to wit: I am a Libertarian leaning liberal, but I don’t like nor think we need “Affirmative Action”. Therefore, you really don’t know WHAT “libruls” think, just what you ascribe to us. C’mon, man, you’re better than that……aren’t you? I wish you would TALK to a person who doesn’t agree with your party tropes and find out what the other side REALLY thinks of the issues, rather than you just accept and parrot what your news tells you. You’re a lot of fun to verbally, socially spar with. I consider you an intelligent adversary; but you’re getting a little too “trumper” lately for me to believe we could seriously debate the issues on an intellectual, FACT BASED level. Step your game up, bruh, I’m getting bored with being able to know what you’re gonna say before you do.
Chris I’m curious as to how you know that all KKK and White Nationalists vote conservative. That’s like saying all democrats vote liberal. You can be so dense.