Words Used To Have Meanings
Dear Editor,
How can you tell when you’re being lied to? One sure-fire tipoff is when the liar distorts and twists the very meaning of words.
So, for example, when you’re told a bearded 6-foot brute wearing a dress is a woman… you’re being lied to. When you’re told that an unproved cocktail of chemicals they want to inject into you is magically a vaccine – after the CDC changes the definition of “vaccine” – you’re being lied to.
And when two consecutive quarters of declining GDP is suddenly no longer a recession – you’re being lied to.
Democrats lie, chronically and shamelessly (and a lot of sheep believe them).
Austin Morris
And………Biden is the Liar in Chief……..so many examples could be given. Want some?
Go ahead.
I’m no Einstein myself just an old hick.
But the vaccine is fine now meant to make the affects of the virus less severe than without the vaccine. I rarely watch the news but even I have heard and read this.
I know the previous president started the ball rolling on this and I applaud him for that.
But his suggestion of injecting bleach would be so laughable if the subject wasn’t so serious.
How anybody voted for him is something I absolutely cannot understand. I’ve asked dozens of people this question. I understand supporting the republican party (the old republican party) but why Trump?
Remember all the things you know about this person. All of his lies, the cheating etc. Too long a list to put here.
Please stay safe out there.
Well said, Austin!!! In that same vein: Equity now seems to mean the opposite of equality before the law. Peaceful riots. Unarmed insurrections…
Blurry words carry deplorable thinking the way mosquitoes carry malaria.
And they call illegal immigrants “undocumented workers”. Well they’re not workers are they, unless they have a job lined up for them? Now they want us all to refer to pedophiles as “MAPs” – Minor Attracted Persons. And isn’t “homosexual marriage” a contradiction in terms (like a square circle)?
They distort our language because they’re trying to manipulate how we think about issues, just as Orwell predicted. Welcome to Newspeak.
True, but alot of them have dementia yet somehow keep their job…25th amendment or not.
Amazing the amount of ignorance one man can show in a single runon sentence. Well done Austin.
I’m not taking any grammar lessons from you, Einstein.
Regarding changing definition of vaccine, I looked it up what happened. Seems like they did the right thing.
I always thought, probably like most people, a vaccine means you’ll never get any level of the disease. I was wrong … and/or covid and its fast changing mutations is different. Is there something sinister here I’m not getting?
With the writers additional contention the vax was “unproven cocktail of chemicals”, I wondering if the writer thinks the evidence showed the Covid vaccine was useless, or perhaps more harmful than helpful, or even quite deadly? It sounds like it. I’m wondering if that is the editorial position of Rhino Times given the prominence of this letter to editor.
Maybe this will make a difference. Don’t forget, Trump is proud of the vaccine. He takes full credit for its speedy development, testing, manufacture, and roll-out.
The Covid shots bypassed the normal rigorous testing protocols and we approved under EUA (Emergency Use Authorisation) only. In other words they are unproven, as I said. In another serious red flag (at least for people who can think for themselves) the manufacturers of these cocktails were granted complete legal immunity from any and all adverse results of their shots, even including negligence.
And it’s a matter of fact that the CDC formally changed the clinical definition of a vaccine – just as these suspect cocktails were being made available. Coincidence? Real vaccines work (as per the CDC’s previous definition). These Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and AstraZeneca shots don’t even work, and their long term effects are yet to be seen.
But the germane point is how the word “vaccine” was altered to suit the objectives of the Biden administration. They twist words in order to deceive – which is the point the letter makes.
Austin thinks for himself about things he lacks the intellectual ability to understand. Then shares his hate filled distrust of those that have the actual intellect and thinks he is the smarter one. Lol. Knock knock…who’s there? Austin the misinformation salesman.
Chris (who falsifies evidence) is saying that I’m stupid, full of hatred, cynical, and arrogant – but he says nothing about the subjects we’re discussing.
People like him prefer to attack you personally rather than engage in reasoned debate, because they are odious unpleasant individuals, and because they know they can’t win the argument.
You’re absolutely correct Austin. People who have a differing opinions from the agenda of the left get called names instead of offering substance. The left loves labeling people and name calling because that’s all they offer. I just remember what my parents used to tell me as a child “sticks and stones” lol! You can call me name after name but it doesn’t progress your point. Chin up Austin, it just means you’re correct when they resort to belittling you!
Thanks Nom de Plum.
The classic truism is that “You only get Flak when you’re over the target”.
I must be hitting home.
Chris – crawl back under your rock!
You found the Miami Herald piece persuasive? Before the Plandemic, immunizations actually provided 99% immunity. This experimental jab provides no net benefit. In the Pfizer trials to get EMERGENCY approval, 20 recipients of the jab died from all causes versus only 14 of the unvaccinated, and this pattern has been replicated in a lot of data such as that from Great Britain and Denmark. Many thousands of people have been injured by the jabs, death, stroke, myocarditis, blood clots, miscarriages and heavier menstruation, Bells Palsy, Guillian Barre, et al.
Calling this a vaccine is rather sinister.
It’s very sinister. Vaccines have always been understood to prevent infection – until the CDC altered the definition of the word (just as the these shots were becoming available). They knew that these shots don’t work, they don’t vaccinate you from the disease (as proven by Biden getting infected). And that prompts the question: what is the real purpose of these injections?
Also, why are all the horrific side effects being hushed up?
What sources for reliable information do you confine yourself to that shows no benefits and only extreme and pervasive harms to covid vax? What’s your favorite most reliable source? What makes you trust it? I’d really like to check it out. Thanks for recommendation.
From what you wrote it seems you would think it likely if not obvious that Trump’s vaccine is a fraud. He probably lied about taking it himself.
He stated or at least is a chief participant in a global conspiracy and fraud to promote a dangerous vax. Is that right?
Or do you think he was duped and is a pawn of an evil cabal? I remember him saying at in March 2029 CDC visit he understands everything about covid and what the scientists were saying. He had a natural ability on the matter.
Here are some sources, Steve. There are plenty of others. Officialdom (media/govt) lies continually; they bluepill you.
Thanks. I will look this over. Why do you trust Steve Kirsch as knowledgeable and trustworthy on this topic? Who created the second doc? If the data comes from CDC and HHS then it does not seem like they are very clever in their conspiracy, and lies, and covering their tracks.
But I see that at first glance of these docs that anybody would be concerned so I don’t blame you. Maybe you are right. And that means the Trump vaccine is a horrible toxin. Why did he let this happen? Why is he proud of it? Why did he vax himself and wife and kid? Why is he not warning people?
Healy garages I wish you the best.
I’ve lived thru Viet Nam, Watergate, Swine Flu scare and vax, and the disastrous Iraq war and its aftermath. So, probably like you, I fully appreciate that too often the US government and its agencies spin, twist the facts, don’t tell us everything we ought to know, make some big mistakes, and just plain lie.
I can appreciate your Covid vax concerns. If I read the Steve Kirsch write-up and judged him to be credentialed, expert in relevant fields like epidemiology, medicine, biology, pharmacology, etc., in good standing with his profession, trustworthy, etc. I’d be real concerned, too. But is he?
Assuming he was, I’d find some other authoritative sources that corroborate. Are there many?
I couldn’t figure out for myself who made the VAERS charts in the pdf link. That’s relevant to assess credibility. It is claimed in the footnotes that the data came from CDC and HHS. I can’t easily tell. And if it did, I can’t be sure it is fairly presented. (I recall some lessons in the book How to Lie with Statistics). I found this article on the misuse of VAERS data from Johns Hopkins and their conclusion on what VAERS tells us about Covid vax.
If there is a Covid vax global conspiracy, then Johns Hopkins must be in on it too.
Good luck and good health.
It is very much like the flu shot we have around for years….and informally called a vaccine. It doesn’t stop you from getting the flu necessarily, but it certainly reduces the impact….just like the covid vaccine. I am sure it will improve over time as it is likely to be an annual thing as viruses don’t really ever go away.
But sinister? That is a youtube.com nutter way of thinking. Better put, not as ideal as hoped but certainly a better option than no vaccine…
While it is unusual to not declare a recession after two consecutive down turns….these are nit usual times…
First, the white house has no say of a declaration of a recession. That is handle by a good of economists called the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Second, there are actually six factors used to consider a declaration of a recession: real personal income minus transfer payments, nonfarm payrolls, employment as gauged by the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ household survey, real personal consumption expenditures, sales adjusted for price fluctuations and industrial production.
Spending is up, income is up, and labor market remains strong…..
Crazy times for sure. But the only person telling lies is Austin. Yet again.
Chris (who falsifies evidence) is in no position to call me a liar.
And the classic Economics definition of a recession has always been two consecutive quarters of contracting GDP. Fact.
Only my media that over simplify the definition…..but you listen to MSM? Give some economics news sources a read sometime.
And what are your qualifications in Economics, Chris (who falsifies evidence)?
I have a minor in economics and I read more than basic articles in MSM….and when I see something that doesn’t make sense, I research to find the answer….versus make up conspiracy theories that fit my personal agenda.
It’s not a conspiracy theory that two consecutive quarters of economic contraction define a recession. It’s a fact.
You really are mentally ill, aren’t you Chris?
Buy a school book on elementary grammar; and read it.
Na, my issue is typos. Mostly visit this site from my phone. Don’t like my typos, skip over my comments. Not complicated
Maybe spending is up because everything costs more? If I need to buy 20 items at the grocery store and last year those items cost $100 but now the same 20 things cost $125, then yeah, my spending is up, but I’m not buying more things. That’s just inflation at work and the Dems calling it increasing spending.
Similarly, yeah my income has gone up about 5% in the last year, but inflation outpaced that, so did I really increase my income? I still can’t buy more things, Chris. In fact, I just had to eliminate eating out because I can no longer afford it on my “increased income”.
That is very true and a great observation. The economists have been evaluating the impact of inflation of spending as a factor to consider….however, for now the record profits of corporations at our expense is counter to the impact. Clearly not a selttle concept for the committee based on recent articles published.
But it works the same for businesses as it does for me. Yeah, I made more money this year, but I don’t have more spending power because my extra dollars aren’t buying more things. Similarly, if a business is bringing in more dollars, but each dollar buys less stuff, then yeah they made more money, but their spending power has not gone up.
Secondly, the goal of business is to make profit. The more the government fiddles with things, the more opportunities they have to exploit it. And government can tax, fine, and regulate all they want. All the business will do is pass the expense to the customer. That’s why I never understand when people argue for increased tax on business. You are just costing me more at the register. Businesses are never the ones hurt by increased taxes, the customer is.
That’s one reason the Left secretly loves inflation. Not only does it erode the independence of the middle class by wiping out their savings, it also produces a bigger revenue stream through fiscal drag (I think it’s called Bracket Creep here). So if an individual or business seemingly makes more money because the numbers on the bottom line are larger, then they will be lifted into a higher tax bracket and have a greater percentage of their income taken away. But the REAL INCOME or purchasing power of that higher number is no more than before, so it’s effectively a stealth tax rate hike.
Right…..so how is it a recession if so many f500 companies are reaching record profits? Normally during a recession, profits come under stiff pressure to even remain even.
Because their dollars are not. able to buy more tbings. Its like having an a extra tboudand bucks but everything costs an extra two thousand dollars. They have more money but not more buying power.
Either way, I know I have less spare money despite earning more money than last year.
Their very name, Democrat, is a lie. Who is less Democratic than the Democratic Party (think of how they’ve picked their last 2 prez nominees, essentially in the backroom; and how they refuse any examination of possible cheating in elections like the one Obiden won from his basement)? Who is more censorious, tyrannical, and authoritarian than “Democrats”?
How many audits of elections do Republicans need before the stop this BS about mass election fraud? Gove a number.
Audits? What does that mean? Investigations in WS, MI, PA, GA, and Arizona have exhibited irregularities, fraud, and of course unconstitutional actions by hack judges as in PA, disregarding the legislature’s prescribed rules. When haven’t Dems cheated in Detroit, Philly, and Atlanta?
Only fraud that ever impacted results have been in small local elections from what I have found online. There is no mass fraud at even a state level, not to mention a national level. Audits are the backbone of trust in the system. If you don’t beleive in audits keeping things honest the you are just never going to trust anything. Kinda what Trumper want from their sheep.
Hey numb nuts, how about 1? JUST ONE!!!!there haven’t been any investigations! NOT ONE! How can there be an investigation when there is no evidence of WIDESPREAD ELECTION FRAUD! We’ll except that incoherent dolt occupying the fauxval office and that cackling adulteress? The key to this misleading statement is WIDESPREAD. I’ve pointed this out to you Marxist idiots before CHRIS! It was MOT WIDESPREAD! It’s was concentrated and very focused. And how convenient was the timing on that MANMADE VIRUS? Just mail it in…. the people couldn’t go to the poles but everyone made it out to the grocery store and or the local Walmart. Yeah….BULLSHIT!
Here’s one…. Like when Chris drops “truth bombs” in articles and then disappears when a few commenters call him out on it? Oh he can’t be bothered with the truth or with looking beyond the basic talking “data” points that any level of deeper analysis would tear apart. He does not want to see.
See “Good Guys with Guns” letter to the editor for the latest example. Or just wait for him to chime in and then disappear from here.
Timmy’s example is best there when he points out the the top 6 cities for homicide in NC, a Republican state, are all run by Democrats.
That’s the M.O. of Chris (who falsifies evidence). When his argument is utterly debunked and refuted, he just disappears. Or if you’re skilled enough to corner him, he will hide behind a claim that it was a “typo” that was the problem.
In the Letters Column of June 17th he presented evidence that he claimed proved an increasing reliance on foreign oil under Trump (2017-20 incl.). Upon investigation it proved exactly the opposite, and that Chris had misrepresented the facts. He hid behind ….”Oops”. He was caught red handed in a lie (and it’s still on the Rhino website).
And that is why I will always call him “Chris (who falsifies evidence”). He has earned the moniker.
He’s a nasty, slippery character, Don.
I also stop replying when replies become repetitively ignorant and hate filled with little real value added to the conversation….which covers most of Austin’s replies….Don mostly adds real thought to the conversation. Poor Austin. Keep trying buddy. Every broken clock is right twice a day.
You really don’t have anything, do you?
You lie about evidence that you produce, you smear those with who you disagree, and you disappear from the debate when you’ve been proven wrong.
You should join the Democrats. You’ll fit right in.
I typically stop responding after three rounds or if a thread is so long it no longer has reply button. Happy for you to buy the first beer if you want to debate in person. A couple mororon yelling at each other over things they are not real experts in is a great American tradition. Chears!
“Chears” (sic) indeed !!
Who’s the moron here?
You just scroll back up to nearest reply button. Magic.
Gets old fast. Can’t really imagine either of us changing each other’s minds by trading comments once a day. Fun…but not really productive. Really got into it to counter the mass misinformation from Austin the anti science guy. Not to change is mind but make sure a counter point was available so Rhino didn’t become a missonformation echo chamber
Chris (who falsifies information) is still determined to attack me personally, rather than debating the issues raised in the letter. I’m living in his head.
***Tries to scroll up. Thumb dislocates***
Ack, you were right. It it hard.
Hey I found a good quotation that corroborates my hypothesis last night. It’s from Saul Alinsky’s notorious “Rules for Radicals” (1971). It’s a textbook for apllied Marxism, and the author dedicated it to the Devil (really).
“He who controls the language controls the masses”.
It is the Left’s mission to alter the meaning of words, in order to control how people think. For example, homosexuals are no longer homos or Nancy Boys or any other disparaging epithet, but are now “gay”. And they have clearly succeeded in distorting and twisting that innocent and ancient English word – which is the point the letter makes.
The Left is the embodiment of evil, and seeks to manipulate and control us.
Lol, if name calling people who you personally don’t understand their lifestyle is good?! What a poor sense of goodness you have. Certainly not a Christian concept.
Hey Chrissy, you claim that your Pidgin English is merely a result of typos (missing letters and such). But this last comment of yours is so ungrammatical that it’s incomprehensible. That’s not because you missed a letter or two – it’s because you’re stupid, and that is reflected in your English.
You write like a ten year old – in many ways.
He says his wife is an English teacher
Really…??? His poor wife must be ashamed of him! Then again, the quality of teachers in government schools is abysmal. It explains why our students always finish about 27th in World rankings. But Chris (who falsifies evidence) wouldn’t even be aware of his solecisms.
He’s too thick even to see it.
Oh my God,,, talk about missing the point!
Chris (who falsifies evidence) is obviously not very smart. The point is that the political Left constantly alters the meaning of words to suit their own ends – not that there are pejorative epithets for homosexuals.
This guy’s as thick as a brick.
He who slings the most mud is the dirtiest.
PS —-
As of today (8/10) Joe Biden is declaring that inflation is ZERO! That’s right, he’s telling us that there is no inflation.
– The lies become bolder and more absurd as the Left becomes ever more drunk on power.