Didn’t Vote For Trump But Want Him On The Ballot
Dear Editor,
I did not vote for Donald Trump, and I don’t want him to become president again. But I don’t like the idea of him being removed from election ballots. I believe that every American citizen should have the right to run for president.
The people should decide who becomes president.
I remember years ago when Ralph Nader was running for president. There was a debate and he wanted to participate in it. Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party prevented him from participating. So what did Nader do? He got a press pass and tried to sit in the audience. The two parties had security remove him from the building. I thought that this was terrible, and it proved to me that our country is ruled by a “two party dictatorship.” If you disagree with me about the “two party dictatorship” please prove me wrong.
I believe that there should be “write-in” lines in every election race, on every ballot. That way the people would really have democracy because they could vote for the person that they wanted to. Every race should have a “none of the above” line as well. Don’t forget about Ralph Nader.
Chuck Mann
Strongly agree. We are a democracy. The people should decide the President of our country. Not the State election administrators.
The U.S. Constitution Article 14 Section 3 states clearly that one can be disqualified from running for Federal office should he or she engage in insurrection or rebellion or give aid and comfort to the enemy. And……I agree with that. I think most Americans would. The problem with states like Colorado and Maine striking Trump from the ballot is he has NOT been convicted in any court of law – including in Congress – for any of these acts of treason. We also, in our nation, have what we call due process……..being charged, one’s day in court, and then conviction by a jury of one’s peers……..does anyone remember such being done with President Trump? I didn’t think so. These misguided and repugnant efforts to diminish or delete Trump from running for office are probably putting more votes, not less, into President Trump’s vote talley. The U.S. Supreme Court will strike down the politically biased actions of Colorado and Maine.
I agree, Rick. To clarify, it wasn’t Article 14, it was Amendment 14 which was added after the Civil War. And it was directed at those who actually participated in a true insurrection, the Civil War. I am not a Trump fan, but, anyone who believes the 1,000 + person riot at the capitol building, a repulsive act, constitutes an insurrection, has no idea what a real insurrection is. Yes, government business was interrupted for a few hours and I cheer the fact that misguided participants are being prosecuted, but the government was never in danger of being overthrown. Look at history. Real insurrections involve weapons, killings, a plan to install a new leader by force, often with the backing of the military. Our little riot was not even close. Trump calmly left office as expected. And, you are correct, Mr. Trump has not been convicted of insurrection charges and it is not up to any state Sec of State or Board of Election to make that decision.
Chuck’s right.
That’s why they’re trying to destroy Trump.
He’s a threat to their Uniparty – because he’s a genuine representative of the American people.
He only represents those loyal to him. He does not represent the vast majority of American people.
Just like Biden. Old Joe hasn’t represented much of what I want since he took office.
I agree Trump is a threat the establishment, for sure. And, he certainly represents a certain segment of the US population that is fed up with the status quo. I was happy the night he defeated Hillary. I was not happy that he lost to Joe Biden, but I figured at least Joe was a moderate wing of the Democrats, so I figured he would take care of the big things (economy, national security, constitutional issues, eg: student loan forgiveness – NO). But he didn’t because the Obama hold-overs essentially set the agenda. A great day for Joe is being able to read the tele-prompter and afterwards, successfully finding his way off the stage.
I approve of some of the policies of Trump. But…..I do not want that man anywhere near the White House. It’s the ridiculous name calling, juvenile behavior, capricious hiring and firing of various dept/agency heads. I mean, if you are a great business man, you make the right hire the first time, then let them do their job. He loves chaos and dissention. So, I am done with Trump. It would be wrong to keep him off the ballot.
I disagree.
We need a bomb thrower to eviscerate the Deep State.
He’s the man. We’re not electing a Pope.
Violence is kinda the conservative’s jam these days since they seem to not to be able to actually legislate. I think the republican congress only passed 27 bills in 2023 versus the typical 300 plus. Poor leadership for sure.
“Bomb Thrower” is a metaphor, Einstein.
Duh, but only those comfortable with violence would use such a violent metaphor. But you be you.
We don’t have a democracy, and you shouldn’t want us to have one. Two wolves and a sheep voting on what to eat for dinner is a democracy. Minorities have NO rights in a democracy. Our founders were brilliant men and knew better than to establish a democracy. You should read up on them. You might actually learn something.
“….and liberty is a well armed sheep.” – Benjamin Franklin.
We are a representative Democracy.
We are actually Representative Republic. Remember how Ben Franklin responded when asked about the results of the Constitutional Convention, what kind of government will we have? He answered: “A Republic, if we can keep it.”
A representative Democracy is almost an oxymoron. Because democracy indicates the voters directly decided issues. A republic is where the voters elect representative to vote on issues.
So a representative democracy vs republic is essentially the same thing.
Right, so we are a democracy. Thanks for clarifying
Joe and the Democratic Party are so in fear of his unpopularity their whole mission now is that no one should be allowed to run against their chosen candidate, and they will stop at nothing to interfere with elections, arming their forces against any opposition and do whatever it takes to remove or eliminate the competition.
Dems are determined to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot. The Florida and North Carolina Democratic Party decided to kick Rep Dean Phillips (D-MN) to the curb and only allow Biden’s name to appear on the primary ballot. For the third time, RFK Jr. has asked for Secret Service protection due to threats on his life and has been denied by the Biden administration three times. Some suggest there are Democratic plants at some Republican rallies or town hall meetings to sink their campaigns.
If your campaign can be sunk by someone simply asking a question, you don’t deserve to hold the highest office.
It certainly seems that Joe counseled Hunter to defy a congressional subpoena.
So why isn’t Joe charged with the crime of obstruction of justice? Maybe because the DOJ is in his pocket?
Same reason Jim Jordan wasn’t charge…no one cares. These are just political circus acts like Trumps impeachments were.