Proud Descendent Of Confederate Officer
Dear Editor,
Back in 2021, a commission was empaneled to eliminate all references to Confederate people and places on military installations and vessels. Ft. Bragg is being renamed Ft. Liberty and all the streets and roads with the names of Confederate soldiers and campaigns will be renamed as well.
West Point has removed pictures and references to Gen. Robert E. Lee as well as other Confederate officers. Navy ships are going to be renamed. Statues and memorials on any and all military installations are being removed.
Before I go further, for the record, I found out that I had a relative that took command of the left wing of the Confederate charge at Gettysburg when the commanding general was killed. He died just as they made it to the Union lines. And for the record, I’m d**n proud to be his descendant, just like I’m proud of my uncle who died as a prisoner of the Japanese in WWII.
Speaking as a proud career soldier from a family with a long military background all the way back to the founding of this country, I find this politically correct, woke, bow to the BLM mob disgusting. If there was ever a time to curse these “people’s representatives” it’s now, and I mean all of them. We as an American people need to rise up and make our voices heard to these whiny politicians and make it known they have gone too far.
The Civil War was and is a part of our history that, while bad, is not something that should be forgotten. As a country we learned from it. And it must be remembered that those that fought but lost did so for things they believed in. Giving in to these spineless crybabies dishonors honorable men. Men who fought and died for what they believed in are now being dishonored.
If they, the butt hurt whiny liberals that think they can rewrite history in order to make themselves feel better, then tear down all the memorials and statues to the Vietnam War.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana. Or as it’s often misquoted, “Those that ignore history are doomed to repeat it.”
Everyone needs to read a book written by George Orwell called “1984” in order to get an idea what these people are trying to do, and how they’re doing it.
Carpe diem.
Alan Marshall
Not surprised you are proud of a losing army fighting for a losing cause. You don’t need to put something on a pedestal to not forget its history. What I bet a lot of confederate protectionists forget is what motivated a large majority of confederate monuments (and naming legacies) that were put up in-front of public spaces. You guessed it…racism in their resistance to integration policies during the late fifties and sixties.
But you go ahead and worship leaders who believed profiting off of slave labor (read as; brutal suffering of other fellow human beings) was worth destroying our great country. Just because a scumbag does something brave in the name of evil doesn’t make him/her not a scumbag. Certainly, doesn’t make them honorable.
Surdo oppedere
Argumentum ad hominem
Where were you in 1861?
What has happen that I’ve started some kind of Latin phrase movement
Verissimum sed bonum etiam est!
Is that why Lincoln’s lionized “Emancipation Proclamation” sought to free slaves only in states where it could not do so, but refused to free a single slave in the Union – where it would have real legal effect?
Blatant hypocrisy from a dictatorial tyrant.
This is because it was a military measure, however, the Emancipation Proclamation was limited in many ways. It applied only to states that had seceded from the Union, leaving slavery untouched in the loyal border states. It also expressly exempted parts of the Confederacy that had already come under Union control. Of course, once the South lost, the 13th amendment freed all slaves.
Guess you didn’t read that chapter in the angry White Guy history book.
Thankyou for confirming that the Emancipation Proclamation was just political grandstanding by a desperate tyrant.
Lincoln decreed that he was freeing slaves in areas where he could not do so, and refusing to free slaves in areas where he could. What a preening hypocrite.
And you keep believing what you’ve been told to believe, sonny. Maybe one day you’ll grow up and start thinking for yourself.
Amazing you come to such a conclusion from hearing the facts. Thr union needed to protect its borders so played nice with border states so to have the advantage of secure borders throughout the war. A brilliant military strategy that you liable as grandstanding. Your willful ignorance is staggering.
Complete garbage.
Wait, what?
The South was not and never intended to invade the North. Yes they came into Pennsylvania but not for occupation purposes, but that was a military tactic.
You said about yourself so very well when you said “Your willful ignorance is staggering.”
Why do you call them scum bags and why do you say what they did is evil. Slavery we prevalent in the north as well as the South. Why didn’t the north do their own house cleaning before making it an issue in the South. The only reason Lincoln made his address at Gettysburg was because he needed the black soldiers for the army of the north. Not to end slavery
Slavery was NOT nearly as prevalent in the north as it was in the south. For example: Slaves comprised less than a tenth of the total Southern population in 1680 but grew to a third by 1790. At that date, 293,000 slaves lived in Virginia alone, making up 42 percent of all slaves in the U.S. at the time.
I suggest you do more research before repeating proganda from white southern Nationalists.
So chris don’t you think it’s foolish to waste millions millions chris to rename military bases that most people today don’t even know why they are named as they are. Those millions could do so much more good for our country. Taking down monuments hasn’t changed anything neither will changing names. Another point if you truely are anti-slavery have you burned the money in your wallet after all Washington and Jefferson both owned slaves but heck why stop there. let’s tear down the Washington and Jefferson monuments. Ok chris what say you.
chris I know you don’t know this so I want to be the first to tell you. NC has a state holiday on January 19th that’s Robert E Lee’s birthday. A state holiday for a God fearing man who loved his heritage
It’s never been said better Alan. Thank you
Not surprised at all that you are pro-slavery.
I assume you are speaking about Rebel. I can tell you I am very much opposed to slavery now and then.
I also oppose slavery, I nor any of my ancestors have ever owned slaves. The Confederate mind set was first and foremost was state freedom. There were as many if not more slaves in the north as in the South. And yes Chris I’ll support and fight to defend all the US if we are threatened I am after all American by birth but Southern by the grace of God.
You seem so proud of your family’s heritage fighting in the war to protect slavery that you wrote a letter to a public paper. What would motivate you to do so other than your own bigotry? Ir is it your desire to rewrite history by repeating the false narrative that the civil war was about States rights (which is a narrative written by racist white nationalists?)
Which is it? You are a racist or a tool of racists? I am betting the later as that seems your track record in most of your letters.
Your whole statement displays your ignorance.
Yes, I am proud of my family’s military heritage. I always have and always will be.
I’m very proud of my heritage and always will be I’m sorry you’re not. As far as your name calling I’ll be whatever you label me but only in your mind.
Sir, you are spot on and you should be proud. To hell with the socialist and far left.
I couldn’t agree with you more.
Well said, Alan! We live in a Faucian dystopia where officialdom controls us through manipulation of language, historical revision, and outright censorship. Erasure of Southerners who resisted Lincoln’s War, who were honored by those who knew them well…it isn’t because leftist are sensitive. It is about controlling you.
Yes, controlling the past and so controlling the present. It is blatant historical revisionism.
Lincoln’s war? Look who supports the killing of American citizens in the name of racist right to brutalize other human beings in the name of personal profit.
There has been no revision of history here. The attempt at revision came from Southern Dixiecrats that were upset that their racist way of life was being disrupted by integration, so they put statue after statue of men who led the losing Amy that attempted to destroy this great nation as a means of protest.
Removing statues and naming’s doesn’t erase these men who led the losing Army. It just stops putting them on a literal pedestal given the evil/sick mindset that led them to fight against their own brothers. The books of the history of them men continue to portray both the evil behind the justification for the war as well as the military prowess of the leaders of both sides.
It appears from your continual references to the losing side that you believe that “Might is Right”.
May I remind you that “Defeat is no refutation” (Robert E. Lee).
Do you NOT refute the brutalization of other human beings in the name of greed? Do you NOT refute the killing of American citizens so they could continue to brutalize other human beings in the name of greed? Hmmmmm says a lot about then doesn’t it.
Missed the point completely.
You must be exceptionally obtuse.
A common tactic of fools is to attempt to rewrite history and than accuse actual historians of rewriting history. It’s similar to the anti science crowd’s love if misrepresenting data then accusing actual scientists of misrepresenting their findings.
Idiots do as they accuse as a means of deflection. I prefer to listen to actual specialists in their fields of study versus Monday morning fools repeating propaganda of far less qualified people.
The war of northern aggression would never have happened if Lincoln had followed the constitution as it was written. Brothers would have fought had the north stayed out off the South. Another point chris do you really think it’s prudent management of our tax dollars to spend millions to rename military bases most people today have no clue why they are called what they are called. Millions chris to satisfy a few. That money could do so much more for the real needs of our country if you’re truly opposed to slavery please throw all your money away because the pictures on it are of people who owned slaves and while we are at it let’s tear down the Washington and Jefferson monuments for the same reason. You are such a sad sad little man
Rebel repeating White Nationalist Party talking points. Bet he gets them directly from the chief klan pooba while drinking their moonshine while leaning over the beds of thir pickup trucks.
Care to come along some Saturday night we do drink some mighty fine “shine”
It’s clear from your remarks – especially this one – that you are more interested in gratuitous and baseless character assassination than the historical facts concerning The War for Southern Independence.
Obviously you are an odious little creep who likes to paint himself as morally superior to everyone else. That’s why you engage here.
You bring nothing to the debate but your hubris, your narcissism, and “your truth”.
I salute the sacrifices of all your warrior ancestors Alan, as should all Americans and all those who fought gallantly for what they believe in.
And if you will permit me to cavil, “The Civil War” was no such thing. A civil war is when two parties fight for control of a country. The English Civil War of the 1640’s is a good example, as is the Spanish Civil War of the 1930’s. In the former the Roundheads under Oliver Cromwell and the Royalist Cavaliers of King Charles fought for control of England. In the latter, Franco fought against the Popular Front socialists for control of Spain. In each case, the former won and gained control of their respective countries.
The Confederacy had no such ambition to dominate, and never wanted to gain control of the United States; they sought only to peacefully secede and establish their own polity in a legitimate attempt at self-determination. The right to secede was implicit in the founding documents. The individual states had created the Federal government, and save for specific and enumerated powers, their sovereignty remained theirs, therefore they had the right to part with the Union.
The War for Southern Independence was not a civil war, it was a war of secession, much like the war by which East Pakistan seceded from Pakistan, or as Biafra attempted to secede from Nigeria in the 1960’s.
It was, in philosophical and political terms, more akin to the US Revolutionary War in which the 13 Colonies sought to secede from the British Empire. The US Colonists had no ambition to invade Britain and control the Empire; they just wanted to be allowed to dissolve the political bonds that held them within the British orbit, as the Confederacy sought only to dissolve the political bonds that held them within the Union.
The CSA fought for its right to self-determination, and its right to assert its freedom to do so.
It was emphatically NOT a civil war, but rather a war of secession, albeit a failed one (like Biafra).
But as the saying goes, the victors write the history books.
Calling it a civil war is a travesty.
As a consequence of the loss of the right to secede, the Federal government became immensely empowered, the consequences of which we are dealing with to this day.
The merits or demerits of its cause can be debated, but let us at least agree to use honest language.
The War for Southern Independence was a war of secession.
Amen, Rebel. One cannot think clearly with blurry words. It was not a civil war for exactly the reasons you bring out. The South sought an amicable divorce. It was Lincoln’s War because he said no and invaded the South, leading to 700,000 direct deaths, thousands maimed and starved to die prematurely, and the impoverishment of the South for many decades.
Equally important is your point about destruction of the right to secede. Federalism with it would be so much better and more freedom-protective. How would you l like to be in a marriage where divorce is not possible?
Definition of civil war: a war between citizens of the same country
You can pretend different if it makes you feel better about your pride in the southerner’s willingness to kill other Americans in order to brutalize other human beings for personal greed.
That definition is clearly incorrect.
And spare us your amateur psychobabble.
My source is Websters dictionary. What is yours? Racist-Apologists-R-Us?
You’re funny!
You should be a comedian.
I completely understand your point sir. The more accurate description is the War Between the States, but you make several valid points. Your points also show that while slavery was a major point, there was the economic aspect as well. Gen. Lee pointed out that slavery as an institution would not survive because of the efficiency of mechanical inventions being developed.
And by the way Gen. Lee fought not because of slavery but because of loyalty to his home.
This is one of your more moronic statements written yet. Slavery exists even today in many parts of the world. Not to mention sweat shops, etc… Also note that General Lee owned slaves and supported the continued use of slavery. Give this a read and stop spreading false white supremist talking points long ago debunked simple studies of Lee’s personal correspondence.
Slavery still exists primarily in the continent that pioneered it – Africa. Europeans merely made use of the iniquitous institution as an expedient solution to a lack of labor in the 13 colonies.
Lee only owned slaves by happenstance when he married into a family that owned some, and he found the system heinous, believing it would wither away naturally before long.
Please stop spewing misinformation.
Actually more in the Middle East and Asisa but don’t let facts get in the way of your peronal opinions.
Afriad to the read the actually history where he defieded the use of slavery in his personal correspondence? Not surprised.
You should really try reading history documented by actual historians versus White Nationalist racist apologists.
Your attempts to denigrate my character are becoming ever more desperate and unhinged.
And your eagerness to accuse those who disagree with you of being bigots, racists, and moonshine swilling rednecks tells us more about your unpleasant and execrable personality than it tells us about the victims of your attacks.
You sir, are an unusually nasty, bitter little man.
Thanks for a detailed explanation and thanks to Alan for his letter to bring this to light.
You’re welcome, nomoclowo.
I find it very disheartening when I hear people spouting the usual crap about slavery. They completely fail to see the point, but they believe the story they’ve been told 100 per cent.
This is why the Government school system must be dissolved.
In a pluralistic free market school system each synopsis would be taught, and the children and parents could decide for themselves. It would be an education system compatible with a free country.
What we have is a Soviet style monolithic, incompetent bureaucracy.
Teaching of false narratives generated by a history of racist propaganda because you lack trust of things you dislike is the best reason for keeping schools in place. You as a parent can push these false narratives on your kids as is your right. If schools used your logic, then they would be forced to teach that the holocaust never happened, that public health officials are controlling killers of children, that racism doesn’t exist, etc…
It is the foolish thinking you spew in your comment that is ruining this country with the blurred lines between fact and propaganda. Stop being such a willing sheep Alan. You are an embracement to PG and the council where you volunteer your time.
1. My name is not Alan.
2. You and your fellow KoolAid sheep will always advocate for a monolithic monopolistic Government school system because you endorse the wholesale and unchallenged indoctrination they provide. Any and all alternatives represent a threat to “your truth” and that’s why the Left vigorously opposes School Choice of any kind. Freedom of thought and expression is anathema to Leftist totalitarians (which is why they try to “cancel” those with whom they disagree).
You would have been “a good Comrade” in the former USSR.
Who cares what you call it. Brother killing brother was a travesty. But brother killing brother so one brother could continue to brutalize other human beings for profit is one of the great stains on this great nation. Praising them as peaceful seceders is one of the more ignorant excuses, I have heard yet.
Loser gotta lose I guess.
Every sentient being ought to be able to discriminate between the meanings of words, or they are illiterate idiots.
Like you.
I at least know the definition of civil war: a war between citizens of the same country.
That is an incomplete and incorrect definition, regardless of your perfunctory internet search. There is a clear difference between a civil war and a war of secession, as I have explained.
But you keep clinging to “your truth”, buddy. You wouldn’t want reason to interfere with your emotions, would you?
I offer sources with the information I share. Afraid to share yours from Racists-R-Us?
I’m not so sure being proud of a family member fighting for slave-owning rights is the smartest move you’ve ever made, Alan, but you do you. No need to put your ‘Stars and Bars’ flag away just yet, apparently.
I find it fascinating how everyone says the Civil War was just about slavery. It was a major issue but you all really need to study your history closer.
Name a reputable historians that makes the case that the war was about anything other than Slavery?
Brilliant, Rebel! Good one.
Lincoln said that “If I could save the Union by freeing all the slaves, I would do so. If I could save the Union by keeping all the slaves in bondage, I would do so. And if I could save the Union by freeing some slaves and keeping others enslaved, I would do so”.
By Lincoln’s own words, the war was not about slavery but about preventing the Southern states from being allowed to peacefully secede. FACT – regardless of the sniveling little sheep who accept what they are told to believe about the War for Southern Independence.
I’m also a proud Of my ancestors who stay true to th Southern cause. I agree 100% with “An
Unreconstructed Rebel”. The South didn’t want the north still don’t, but they keep coming down here and telling us their way is better and they know what’s best for us. We need to put up a border wall along the Mason-Dixon Line and send them all back to wherever they came from. And thanks Chris B. I still fly my Stars And Bars every day. It’s not a lot cause yet.
The South relies entirely too much on northern tax dollars that flow through federal coffers to be independent. But you can pretend and fantasize all you like.
Good job, Rebel.
I am continually dismayed when I come across Yankees and Westerners who simply misunderstand the causes and reasons of the war.
They have been spoon-fed the story of the victors, and they swallow it whole.
Why do so few people possess the ability to think for themselves?
Most people are what I call Acceptor/Obeyers. They accept the circumstances and situation they are presented with, and they obey the power structure therein.
I question it all, and refute the BS that we are being fed. The cause of the Confederacy was legitimate and wholesome, yes, lawful and decent, because it was the war that determined whether or not we have a right to leave a political union.
Of course we do! If you cannot see it, ask yourself just one question, to get the brain cells moving :
The kind of Union that believed that brutalization of other human beings in the name of personal greed and profit was and is wrong. That is the kind of Union that held the south at gun point. I am personally glad they did.
The idea that the civil was about State’s rights was created by white supremist during the mid to late fifties as they resisted equal rights for people of color. Your continued use of this propaganda makes you a sheep to their continued cause. But you but you.
Answer the question.
Don’t condemn us all. Some of us were raised right, taught real history, and know that the War Between the States was about States’ Rights, a war still being fought today. In the end, God kept our country united, but He also would not have allowed slavery to continue as an institution either. The rewriting of history is a socialist political tactic and we must continue to teach truth so our kids have the ability to be proud of our country and understand that we are constantly striving to fulfill the vision of the Gettysburg Address – “for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live…It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us – that… we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion – that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain – that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
We can’t let the people who are attempting to destroy our country win. We have to make sure our kids know that the North and South did fight over States’ Rights, the issue of slavery, the economics of cotton production in the South and its impact on Northern textile production, the political question of new states being admitted as slave or free and how the balance of control would affect Congress, as well as politician’s individual interests. Most important we have to teach people that tearing down statues erases historical evidence that eliminates conversations, discussions, the ability to teach and learn, and a chance for progress and change. Historical cycles happen because evil is forgotten after the third generation. We have memorials and statues to remind us and promote conversations.
I’m a California Girl with ancestors who founded churches and settlements around Concord and Charlotte. They did not own slaves. I had family that fought on both sides during the discussed war, and some were already in CA which was a non-slave state. I went to college in CA to be a history teacher in the early 1970s as the causes of the war were changing and it was interesting to different professors explain their historical reasoning. I think what is most important is reading the writing of the people of the time since that gives insight into their thought processes. For us to judge them based on our attitudes today is — improper.
The Left has to engage in historical revisionism because the facts disprove its contentions.
So they re-write history as a fantasy that fits their beliefs, and then they brainwash millions of our children with their lies (and they will not allow any dissent).
It’s part of the totalitarianism that is inherent in Leftism.
An intelligent and well educated American. I knew there was a real good reason I liked you Deborah.
As I have said before, The Civil War, or what ever label you wish to use, was a dark mark on American history, but trying to pretend it didn’t happen by wiping it out of the history books is complete and utter ignorance, and as I said once before, smacks of “1984”.
And by the way, I would love to be able to sit down with a cup of coffee and learn things from you.
I beg you Alan, not to use the erroneous Yankee term for the war. The terminology often used here in NC is more accurate: The War Between The States; The War of Northern Aggression: or my preference, The War for Southern Independence.
All those are historically accurate. It was demonstrably not a civil war.
“You guessed it…racism in their resistance to integration policies during the late fifties and sixties.”
chris, check on when the overwhelming majority of these monuments were put up.
And for those in general who directly or indirectly consider me a racist my reply is what I used to tell my incoming troops…”I’m the least prejudice person you will every meet. I hate everyone equally regardless of race, sex, or religion. Do your job and we will get along just fine.”
If you can’t see the correlation, you are just keeping your head in the sand. But go ahead and praise your racist heritage and put men on a pedestal that wanted nothing more than to destroy America in order to preserve their right to continue to brutalize other human beings for personal greed. You can claim to not be racist, but you are clearly comfortable being a tool of the racist’s attempt at rewriting history on the civil war and our history of slavery and racism.
You are mentally ill. Angry, too.
Unreconstructed Rebel,
My grandmother always told me, never wrestle with a pig, you both get muddy but the pig likes it.
Yet again, I offer a reputable source for the facts and Alan and his other white nationalist peers can only call names and toss insults. Shocker.
Review your own remarks here buddy, and then tell us who’s calling names and tossing insults.
Those who demand the erasure of history, to make themselves feel better, really are quite small and trifling.
It is important to remember that if you were a citizen in a state that seceded from the Union, you were conscripted to fight. These states made an independent nation. The men who fought on the Confederate side were defending their nation just as the Union soldiers were defending theirs. The Confederacy did not invade the north and try to take other states into the Confederacy. The south simply wanted the US to abide by the constitution that gave power to the states rather than the federal government. How much better we would all be today if that were the case in 2023.
The South was upset about the anti slavery movement and new they did not have the votes to block abolitionist so they ‘took their ball and stumped off.
Lincoln gave several reasons for why war was neccessary, among them his belief that secession was unlawful, the fact that states were physically unable to separate, his fears that secession would cause the weakened government to descend into anarchy, In other words, unless the States stayed together, the United States would fail to both internal forces as well as external enemies.
One other thing…are you proud of your ancestors that ran Native Americans off their lands, possibly killing those that resisted, forcing them to walk (see Trail of Tears) to undesirable land to live on reservations, trying to eliminate their history, and treating them as second class citizens? Are you going to move out of your house and give it back to the original owners of the land?
I didn’t think so.
Glass houses chris and Chris, glass houses.
Alan I don’t think you will get a response to this from either of them
I am indeed not proud of my ancestors who slaughtered native Americans. I certainly don’t write public letters denying the history of their actions or the brag about family members who may have participated in those actions. Any military leader who led such raids that killed hundreds of women and children most defiantly should not have a statue honoring their actions.
But guess you would, wouldn’t you Alan.
Changing names of buildings, streets, parks, schools and removing statues due to the lack of modern morals and ethics by our forefathers is like condemning the Stone Age Man for not using a scoped rifle to hunt with.
As is often the case, the rights & wrongs of a particular situation can be more clearly seen when the dynamic is transposed to a different context.
So if the people of Scotland had voted to leave the UK Union in 2014, ask yourself if the British government would have been justified in sending in the army, invading Scotland, razing its farms & factories, killing its people and wrecking Scotland’s economy for decades.
“How dare they try to leave the Union”…
You do realize that Scotland and England fought against each other in more than one war over their histroy don’t you? What a silly comparison.
Does that mean the British army should assault and devastate Scotland if the Scottish people choose to leave the UK Union?
The immorality of the Yankee war is made clear by this analogy.
I know more about British – and global – history than you ever will, you ignorant little poseur.
Guess you are anti-American to believe that we should have split into two separate countries so Southerns could continue to brutalize other human beings for their personal wealth. But you be you
An Unreconstructed Rebel
“I beg you Alan, not to use the erroneous Yankee term for the war.”
I apologize Rebel. For the record I’m not a Yankee, I’m a damn Yankee.
For those that don’t know the difference, a Yankee comes South then goes home, a damned Yankee comes South and stays.
We forgive you, Alan. Your motives are honorable, as were the sacrifices of your ancestors. Thankyou.
But…. please don’t call our war for freedom a civil war. It simply wasn’t.
Best Wishes,
A. U. R.