Dear Editor,
As Americans we must decide who and what we are as a country and whether or not we’ll survive as a democracy and a moral and ethical leader among nations.
The greatest threat to our future stability and success will come from internal decay, mismanagement and corruption. For Donald Trump as president, the list of wrongdoings continues to grow daily, and among the more damaging to our country, the freedom it provides and our wellbeing is this:
Not only did this president invite and use Russian influence to his benefit in the 2016 election, The New York Times now cites evidence that Trump is once again asking Russia’s help in his reelection bid this year. The only way to rid this nation of the scourge of Donald Trump and his band of misfits and associates who are convicted felons is for Americans to turn out in overwhelming numbers in November to send Trump into permanent retirement from public office.
We have reached the tipping point as a country and our response and action to this threat is absolutely essential in preserving the world’s oldest and most enduring democracy. Inaction will spell disaster to the country that has given so much to so many.
Bob Kollar
I hope most people are smart enough not to believe Mr. Kollar’s op-ed of Democrat talking points.
Had President Trump not been elected, we would never have known just how evil and corrupt the Democrats in Congress really are! President Trump stands up for what’s best for all Americans and we should stand up for him!
Mr. Kollar, you must only listen to CNN or MSNBC and only read the Washington Post or the New York Times. Your statements are so outrageously false that they should only be viewed as “Democratic Fairy Tales”. Please try and find some reliable sources of information before you spread this type of balderdash.
Wah wah wah lets do it in reverse now, fill the blanks in with the verbiage of those Democrats!
I echo M WOoD’s response to Mr. Kollar. As to Mr. Kollar: keep drinking the koolaid. It’s people like you and Alexandra Ocasio Cortez that validate my view that socialism is the grossest form of stupidity ever inflicted upon humanity. Karl Marx once stated that religion was the opiate of the masses. I put forth that socialism is the opiate of the ignorant and lazy and the tonic that fuels elitist ivory tower control freaks on a bad power trip! As for democratic socialism, that term is an oxymoron. The two philosophies are incompatible.
We do see right through his false propaganda,
and we’ll show the Mr. Kollars of this nation that the TRUE Americans are willing to stand up and vote President Trump back in office for another 4 years.
There’s a reason that liberal publications, newspapers and media are struggling and have the lowest ratings of their respective fields…
People like myself are sick and tired of listening to the drivel and fabrication that spews from their mouths and keyboards and are tuning them out and turning them off.
I judge people by their actions, not their enemies reactions. President Trump is the first President since Reagan that I truly believe loves this country and it’s citizens and ALWAYS puts this nation’s interest and prosperity first.
He has the courage and conviction to stand up for us against ALL enemies of individual rights and freedom (foreign and domestic) and he has the balls to call out the B.S. when they attack him. He has MAGA and we WILL show our support when the time comes.
This is in relation to ‘letter to the editor’ by a Bob Kollar .It would be great to read the Rhinotimes once more without the’Dribble’that Bob Kollar espouses .I have been around long enough to have experienced three presidents that had an agenda and stuck to it .Dwight Eisenhower,Ronald Regan,and Donald Trump.What these did was follow up on the things they said in their campaigns.Since the 1950’s all the Democrats have talked a good game but NEVER followed through.Our last Dem Pres.apologized to the world ;what a mean,cruel,and bad place America was . I have problems remembering anything good he said or did for America.Even his wife said things while in office was negative about America.”For the first time in my adult life ….” you remember.Bob you may need refrain from sending letters to the editor till you get that bulb repaired in your chandelier.GO TRUMP and lets win in Nov for ‘four more years’.
My two cents. No, I don’t like the President’s demeanor either. After what we have had in the Oval Office, since Bush 41, is a whole lot of nothing. What we need is a tough S.O.B. in the White House, and that is exactly what we have now. You wanna exchange that for weakness and appeasement?
President Trump is the first president since Reagan that I truly believe loves this country and its citizens and ALWAYS puts this nation’s interests and prosperity First!
He has MAGA and we should show our support!
America First!