Pay Attention To Facts Not Feelings
Dear Editor,
Do libs ever act upon factual information? Evidently someone insisted, in the hearing of the mayor, that she must do something about the murder rate, and she did. Giving it lip service.
We have a very good, very effective police department, except when our mayor knows better than trained officers. Then they are told how to deal with an issue by members of the city council. I believe our chief and his staff are capable of dealing with criminals if their solutions didn’t have to receive the approval of unqualified members of our City Council.
The voters in Greensboro have what they wanted and we also have what they wanted. C’mon, people! What does it take for some of you to look at results rather than “feel good” decisions? Evidence abounds when you look at cities run by Democrats for years versus those run by conservatives. A chunk of the stimulus money that could help suffering businesses will be redirected to satisfy the eternal needs of liberal cities, so they can give it away to people who should not even be in this country. And don’t even think about telling me I have no compassion for citizens in need. We can easily take very good care of them, if we were not wasting money on programs designed and built for those who have invaded the United States.
I hope and pray that at least some of you ponder this missive before you completely disregard its content.
Rich Carrera
Well said. We need some good people to run for Mayor and City Council. I am tired of funding programs run by the City Council members and lip service.
Ricardo, what we need in this forum are more comments from the left. I really would like to hear a factual case from the LEFT.
Compassion is not an argument. Our govt cares no more for you or me than any stranger on the street. They just want votes.
We the people of Greensboro need a lot of new blood to run for city council!
Miller, there is a reason I call demoncrats Idiots. They truly believe the things they do are the best for everyone. All heart no brain. Absolutely no common sense. Lots of paper on the wall from the indoctrination camps (institutions of HIGHER learning lol) that imply competence but as we all know all the degrees in the world can’t fix stupid.the leftist libtards are commenting for obvious reasons. You can’t defend poor policy decisions and a lack of true leadership.
No, you can’t defend poor policy decisions and lack of true leadership, YET, 71 million voted for exactly that. Who are the idiots?? I bet 340,000 people who if could speak from the grave would tell you all about lack of true leadership and poor decisions. A real shame this virus didn’t target stupid.
Lizzy, you, of all people, should be very grateful that the virus didn’t target stupid people.
Aren’t you a big, ignorant man. I’m sure your mama’s proud.
Democrats only care about gaining more wealth, power and control over the people!
By now everyone should be tired of all the voting fraud,rioting in the streets,city council running the police Dept with the help of the Mayor,member getting big grants from city council to sit on.We don’t need Outling to run for Mayor,He’s one of them.We need good hard thinking Concervatiives with good back ground in Common Sense.It seems that most of our politicians today do not have any common sense,more on the Dems side than on the Republicans side.
The problem is Greensboro always has been a democratic city, and they have ensured the districts have been drawn to show favoritism to democrats. If the universities weren’t here, conservatives might have a chance.
I like Justin simply because of all the 8 to 1 votes. He IS the only adult on this Council. RJC