Changing Employee Pay Is Risky Business
Dear Editor,
City of Greensboro’s changeover to a biweekly pay schedule should be questioned by all.
In a biweekly payroll system, employees make 8 percent less throughout the year while the city accrues interest on the portion withheld from employees. At the City Council meeting, the firemen union’s speaker asked for further review before placing this financial hardship on the employees. For example, the City’s monthly payroll is $14.6 million. The 8 percent held is almost $1.2 million, compound the interest, and after 6 months, the city is holding $7 million in money that should have been paid to employees. This is a modest estimate.
Should the city assume the risk of losing the few remaining employees due to their lack of foresight? Many are already forced to leave in search of higher paying jobs. Is now the time to reduce take home pay? After being caught planning to deduct benefits 26 times per year and this biweekly payroll system places more financial burden on employees.
The city should not risk withholding part of the salary when families are already struggling to make ends meet. Who protects those who serve to protect?
Heather Hice Davis
You Asked For It, You Got It
Dear Editor,
With Republicans talking about they are planning “hearings” on this and that, the main one being the border crisis, I only have one question. When will the hearings end and action begin? In other words, you know the problem, you’ve known the problem, and so what are you going to do about it? The (National Socialist) Democrat Party decided to hold “hearings” on the January 6thevent but seemed to be focusing on who they can blame, not on why it happened.
Here’s a hint for all those professional politicians both Republican and Democrat…We the People are P.O.ed and want action, not a bunch of overpaid suits sitting around talking about it!
Republicans, if you haven’t got the answers by now, and don’t try this ‘we need hearings to get the answers’ crap, you need to be fired now, and replaced by someone who has a brain and a pair (go ahead Chris, cry sexist) and will take action. Am I talking about overthrowing the government? No, I am talking about throwing them out and replacing them with someone who’ll take action, not talk.
I once wrote a letter about how we need to build a wall around D.C., put up dummy cameras in the House and Senate chambers and let those clowns talk while we set up a new Capital in the Midwest, vote in people (with term limits) who are serious about this country, and get back what we lost. Anybody else for that?
Look at this $1.7 trillion budget they passed. It’s a legal(?) vote buying scam. Look at their salaries…six figures? And those stables of gofers and assistants they maintain, again on our dime. How about this, you pay them out of your salary. Can you imagine how much we taxpayers could save?
But keep in mind it’s not just the professional politicians who are at fault here. There is one other group who carries blame. Who is it? Look in the mirror. As the old Toyota commercial goes, “You asked for it, you got it…”
I’m going to be called a right-wing radical, a danger to society, a wacko, etc. and I don’t care. What are people going to try to do, get me fired? Go ahead. I get military retirement, military disability, and S.S. so go ahead, make my day.
Do I blame all politicians? No, there are some good ones.
Carpe Diem
Alan Marshall
Alan you are so right. I can see them now sitting around and saying about the tax payer. Who do you think they are? STUPID They answer in unison. YES
First , city council only cares about a certain segment of citizens so why should they care about city employees?
Second, who gives a rip what Chris thinks? You already know nothing will happen to Joey and his little boy. Washington D C takes care of its own and not the citizens of this country.
Anyone, everyone who reads the RINO Times online please let it be known here. Just put a checkmark if you don’t want to comment. I for one would love to know. Out of 16million subscribers we need to know our tribe.
You aren’t a radical Alan. Just a grumpy old man who watches too much right leaning media and lacks the ability to promote actual solutions like most people who view politics as a zero sum game.
We don’t need to replace politicians with new ones….they were fairlly elected. We need people to stop viewing politics as a zero sum game so real leaders step up and work with those that have different views and agree on solutions that make both sides happy and upset at the same time.
I would really like to know where I can invest $1.2million and have it become $7million in 6 months??? I am confused as to how changing payroll timing results in a whopping 8% pay cut, but I am really stuck on how a city that is run by incompetent humans found an investment offering a 583% return in 6 months. That is truly come compounding!!!! Is that like when people though Bloomberg could give every American $1million for what he spent on ads for Democrats in Florida in 2020, but with real math it works out to was less than $1?
I have no idea where they get the seven million from, but the pay reduction is fairly accurate. In the course of the year, your annual salary is the same, but each check is reduced by a significant amount. If you make $120,000 and get 24 checks a year, you get $5,000 a check. If you get 26 checks a year, which is what GSO is switching to, you get $4,615 per check. That’s a $385 per check reduction in pay that you do not recover until the two months in the year where you earn 3 paychecks, which is usually June and December. So yeah, the employee is having to get by with less money per check, and less annual salary overall for much of the year, and the city does keep that pay differential in their coffers throughout the year, but they are not turning one million into seven.
Alan , this is one time you have put the wagon before/in front of the horses. The last two years the Republicans have put bills before the House to no avail. With the Republicans as the minority party the bills were Trashed. Why not give them at least half the time the Democrats used to get us in the hole we’re in .In 2 years Joe and his cronies have used almost 8 trillion dollars to get us into this recession that we have to dig our way out of. The topper was this last 1.7 Trillion dollar’keep the government open ‘. We also had 14 republicans that voted for this monstrosity. If the Republicans can get through this first and second year with minimal spending them they will have done a great job.
Have a great day all.
I am all for giving the Republicans the opportunity but quite honestly they really don’t have a good track record. They have gotten me to a point that they need to show they are going to actually DO something. I’m willing to give them their opportunity for hearings, but not if they’re going to drag them out.
The discussions should be short and to the point since we pretty much know the answers. What I am looking for is ACTION. Someone floated the idea of conducting the border hearings ON THE BORDER. Excellent idea, but I doubt it will happen. As for the other issues my hope is they will actually carry through with their talk but at this point I will believe it when I see it. And it all needs to be done in the open in front of God and everybody, not behind closed doors.
I’m going to give them the chance to do what’s right for the American people, and if they do I’m willing to give them cheers, but if not, the rasberry.
Alan, When you refer to ‘Chris’ in your letters please be clear as to which Chris to whom you refer; I don’t want to be painted with your Red Anger brush mistakenly. I’m not offended by ‘a pair’, as I have a set of my own.
I apologize for that Chris. If it would help, I will, from here on out, refer to the other Chris as “PG Chris”since they claim to be from Pleasant Garden.
Please know that you I respect because of your logical approach to a discussion.
Happy New Year.
I love I am front of mind when you write Alan. Maybe one day you will actually do more than write hollow whiney statements and actually make structured argments supported by facts.
Na, you don’t have it in you.