Banning Guns Won’t Stop Crime
Dear Editor,
The (National Socialists) Democrat party and their comrades in the leftist, Marxist/communist movement are at it again. But this time they seem to think they have some kind of momentum based on current events.
I was wondering when they would get around to it and now that they found a Soros-backed, law-hating attorney general in (surprise, surprise) New York that has sold her soul, her scruples, her honor and is totally disregarding her oath of office to obey the orders of her lords and masters.
They’re attacking the NRA, attempting to destroy the organization, foolishly thinking if they do that they will be able to bring down the Second Amendment.
Uncle Joe has already announced that if he becomes president he is going to reinstitute the so-called “assault weapons” ban. For those who don’t know what an assault weapon is, join the club. I spent 20 years in the military and have been around guns my whole life and I’ve never seen or heard of an assault weapon, unless they are referring to that “scary black rifle” that sends liberals and social justice whiners into fits.
What has always made me laugh are the people that appear to honestly believe that if we ban guns and collect them all up we will end the problem, crime will become almost non-existent, people will be safer and flying unicorns will poop rainbow ice cream for everyone on demand.
This country was won by regular citizens who were armed and organized into a force to stand up against a king. They refused to give in to a government that didn’t really care about them (sort of sounds familiar) and looked upon them as barely second-class citizens that required their betters to look out for them. (OK, now it really sounds familiar.) That government was supplemented by other citizens who sucked up to it thinking that they would be rewarded for being good little sycophants. Some were stunned when that government turned on them. (“But I’m on your side!”)
I already know the rhetoric that is going to come my way, and like always I don’t care. These people live in a dream world. It will be up to others to make sure their rights are preserved.
You’re welcome
As King Leonidas announced at the Battle of Thermopylae when Xerxes demanded they surrender their weapons.
Molon Labe – come and take them.
Alan Marshall
Our city council must have a stable of unicorns as this sounds just like something they will do (or try to). So closing the streets downtown Friday and Saturday so those of us who can’t go to bars or gyms can mingle with hoards of others, no doubt chugging beers along the way! Can’t wait to see sharon, mary kay, and michelle serving up unicorn soft-serve free to all the black people to help apologize for being White!!
Alan Marshall for President!
Sherry, thank you very much for the kind words, but you may want to look close at your standards for a presidential candidate. LOL
Please check out my blog,
I’ve been thinking…should I move back into Greensbor and run for mayor?
My worry is the poor ignorant souls coming out of schools and colleges today with no real, honest education in history and sacrifice, will swing elections for the worse. Never, ever, overestimate the intelligence of the average American voter of today.
Well said sir!
“I already know the rhetoric that is going to come my way, and like always I don’t care.”
In other words, you aren’t listening, never were and never will. Good to know.
It never ceases to amaze me how you are able to reach way up into a very dark space and produce something that never exsisted.
Do I listen? Yes. Only a fool ignores something that could be hazardous.
Will I quit listening? Never. Why would I want to pass up really good material.
In the military we had a saying, “As long as the troops are complaining (we used a different term) it’s fine. When they quit complaining it’s time to start backing out of the room because something unpleasant is about to happen.)
And I’ll add, bringing George Soros into this conversation just aligns you with conspiracy theorists, which may be what you are and what you are comfortable with but it sure doesn’t help your credibility among those I assume you hope to persuade.
Socialists in Congress only care about gaining more wealth, power and control over the people!
If they are able to destroy the NRA, they will try to take our guns… we can’t fight back!
Be sure to vote in November!
America First!
@Jay, NRA has NOTHING to do with 2nd amendment. They are a very large sucking hole taking peoples money for their own uses. The sky is falling, the sky is falling…
Let’s see, since donors must be made public, there are records of who donates to who. Numerous people and organizations have gone over these records and found a number of Soros financed organizations that are making large financial donations to (National Socialist) Democrat party candidates running for various AG and DA offices.
Some of these leftist Marxist/communists are in office and are reeking havoc with our legal system.
@AlanMarshall umm, how about your Koch brothers? Forget about them??
And I’ll add, hiding behind a pseudonym in any conversation may be cool and safe but it sure doesn’t help your credibility among those I assume you hope to persuade.
Love ya…mean it
I didn’t know initials were a pseudonym.
I do use them from time to time, but all with meaning. Besides, there’s nothing about the Rhino that would make me inclined to be Googleable.
To mr AB Nelson,The attorney in St Louis and the husband of the California attorney general are two examples of what you are talking about.They will have their day in court but should They.These Prosecutors are being ‘paid for by George Soros.Is there some way to get him and his money out of our Government?????? He is probably the most serious problem We Americans have at this time Go Alan for President.
The main reason Japan did not attack the United States is their belief that we all had guns. I would hope more people have guns as the so called peaceful protests continue. If they thought they would get shot maybe they would stay peaceful
Look up the over 1 hour of footage from Colorado Springs where a mob (they called themselves peaceful protestors) marched thru the streets of a residential neighborhood. Among them were about 6 black clad individuals armed with AR style rifles.
They were blocking traffic and at one point the footage shows a confrontation between them and a resident in a pick up truck just trying to get home. In addition to a couple of individuals who had to be physically pulled back and restrained because of their actions against the driver.
But the most disturbing sight was the individual standing 2 feet in front of the truck in a squared off, threating stance, holding his rifle in a manner that indicated he was reasdy to engage the driver with lethal force. Not just carrying it, but projecting a non-verbal threat.
Oh, and by the way, the police were sitting in a van half a block away telling the “protestors” over a speaker if they continue to block traffic the gathering would be declared illegal.
I already know the counter to this, “they right carried guns at such and such march!”. True, but they didn’t square off and threaten innocent citizens just trying to go about their business.
I personally do not think any law enforcement officer is going to be coming to my door to take away my guns. The left may pass any law they want. That law must be enforced and I don’t think law enforcement officers or even the military would carry out this type of mandate. The result would be a bloody civil war as legal owners of guns will not give them up. The idiots who think the can pass a law to do so, should be the first in line to go collect them!
Here Here!!!!
If a law is passed, they are no longer legal owners of guns. And if they use that gun to shot someone that was trying to do their job to collect weapons, they would then also be murderers. Is that who you identify with?
They would not have to pass a law, they would have to void the Constitution, the founding document and basis for everything that is America.
The British were on their way to Concord to confiscate the weapons of the colonists in order to ensure the ability of the King to enforce his tyrannical rule. The Minutemen met them on the Lexington green prepared to die standing on their feet then live on their knees.
So the question becomes are you equating those men and the others like them that died giving us the free way of life to murders? Because if you are, then yes, I will gladly and proudly identify with them.
It’s interesting you’d use a reference to a patriarchal monarchy of a family that claimed to be descended from the gods to make your point here. It’s also interesting that you picked a battle that the guy saying “come and take them” got his butt whooped and almost every single member of that army was brutally murdered – though it did provide time to evacuate the larger cities. Are you suggesting the small towns sacrifice themselves to save the large GDP producing cities? Interesting take!
I will gladly come and take your weapons. And when you shoot me, you will be prosecuted for murder. After all, I was only doing my job to enforce the “law and order” that you so regularly demand. I suspect a large number of gun owners that might agree with you about having a right to own weapons also see the flaw in saying you should murder to keep them.
Alan for president. SNL needs some new material. Also, it’s not like the president is a respectable position anymore – it would be befitting of him.
Oh where to begin…
I think I’ll draw on Samuel Clemens for the appropriate reply to your………points(?)
“Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”