Antifa Takes It To The Next Level
Dear Editor,
It appears that not only is the lawless rioting, looting and general destruction of private and public property spreading, based on a recent video out of Kenosha, Wisconsin, that shows at least two or three individual armed with rifles and pistols confronting a sheriff’s vehicle with at least one actually squaring off against an armored vehicle with a rifle. (By the way, it was one of those scary black rifles the left wants take away.)
First, this demonstrates a major level of escalation on the part of the BLM/Antifa/socialist leftist rioters that the mainstream liars keep calling “peaceful protesters.” Add this to the video of a different mob, some of whom were armed, marching through a suburban neighborhood, blocking traffic and at one point an armed individual took a threatening stance and squared off against a man in his pickup just trying to get home.
Second, what kind of idiot squares off against an armored vehicle with a rifle? Someone needs to be held responsible for allowing these overgrown children to play with guns.
Then you had a guy badly beaten for trying to help a trans individual that was being assaulted and mugged by a mob made up of folks that are supposed to be out there for them. Obviously they’re starting to eat their own. Or could it be they really don’t care about those people and have been using them as cover their real agenda.
Yes, there was a confrontation between left and right extremists and that was dangerous and stupid. It’s one thing to stand your ground and defend yourself and everything you believe in, it’s another to go looking for a fight. I also saw tactics being used by the Antifa mob that showed coordination and training.
My whole point is the facade is starting to fall away. They have tested the waters by having a few individuals that they could later deny if it went sideways show up armed. I strongly suspect you are going to start seeing more and it will inevitably escalate to the next level with someone, police most likely, being shot. If and when that happens it will be Katy bar the door, and because politicians have let it get to this level the police will be hard pressed to get back the control that will have been lost. When this happens that will be, I believe, the beginning of the real fight.
Alan Marshall
KENOSHA, Wis. (AP) — A white, 17-year-old police admirer was arrested Wednesday in the killing of two people gunned down during a third night of protests in Kenosha over the police shooting of a Black man, Jacob Blake.
Too bad this doesn’t fit your “agenda”. You REALLY need to stop.
He is an idiot. But the bigger idiot is the person that gave him that gun. That person needs to be charged as an accessory to the killings.
As I’ve always said and will continue to say I do not nor do I encourage anyone to look for trouble, but I also won’t and encourage any to not back down. Meet force with equal force when used against you.
In at least one of those shootings his lawyers will plead it was unintentional due to the tussle you saw on video when he was on the ground being pummeled. They will cal the wounding self defense because tha person had a pistol and was pointing it at him on the ground.
So, based on that, please explain my “agenda” too me.
Interesting that all of you decrying violence of the protesters are advocating for even more violence, WAR in the streets. All of the Antifa, BLM, Anarchist, Socialist, Terrorist, name calling yet you forget, they are, AMERICAN citizens just like you. The killings were by a Blue Lives Matter, 17 year old, brainwashed online, idiot, that I sincerely hope gets what’s coming to him. Life @Alan, he has a gun because the gun laws in this country SUCK and will never be changed since any suggestion of change starts the hue and cry of “They’re taking our guns, they’re taking our guns” of the conservatives. I am sickened at the looting and property destruction and in my opinion it only hurts the cause they are protesting for. I don’t understand it, but neither do I advocate the DEATH penalty for property crime on either side. I too am outraged about the the retired black capt who died protecting property, it was horrible, period and I never said it wasn’t.
One other thing Lizzy, where was your outrage when that black retired police captain was shot and killed by looters while trying to protect a friend’s business.
Oh, that’s right, it didn’t fit your “agenda”
Glass houses lady…glaass houses.
I have to give all those of you that replied to this article on the guy shot in Kenosha.All of you hit the nail on the head.The stupid government leaders that allow these rioters/blm/anticipation/thugs to destroy the businesses in that city. It can come to any city that is run by the incompetent Democrats.When do rational people vote in a group that’s concerned about the wellbeing of the location and not just their POWER they seek.
Lizzy, violence met violence. Did you see this kid running for his life? He wanted to protect his community and instead of the riotous thugs and anarchist being arrested he goes to jail for shooting two people! I think if the rest of us would do what he was trying to do in his own words which was protect the property of HIS community the thieves and rioters arsonist and just all around lawless thugs (some of them armed as well) would stay off the streets. I bet you are going to tell me these people are peaceful protesters exercising their first amendment rights. What kind of idiots chase an armed person who supposedly just shot someone? Sometimes you get what you ask for especially if you force the other person to do what he had to do. I wouldn’t let a group of these anarchist surround me and take my weapon and turn around and use it on me and most likely the police. And you called me ignorant… like I said, keep pushing and you’ll get what you insist on. The kid did what they forced him to do… defend himself. BTW… if these lawless victims that the “peaceful protesters “ are “ protesting” over had complied with LAW ENFORCEMENT we wouldn’t be talking about another victim of this lawlessness. I’m praying for this kid and our country. Respect others and back in the day they would respect you. Now days you can’t even be kind without being viewed as weak! Do not mistake my kindness for weakness. Stand up good people and run these hoodlums back into the sewers!
Neither Black Lives Matter nor so-called “police brutality”, nothing, NADA, is any excuse for violent rioting, looting, arson, or attacks on our police! The politicians are contributing to the problem, when they should condemn the rioting and looting and arson, and order the police and National Guard, if necessary, to restore order in our streets and cities! There must be mass arrests, and violence must be dealt with harshly. These are NOT lawful demonstrations or an exercise of freedom of speech. THIS IS ANARCHY!
The bottom line is that these people are “terrorists” as much as the so called “freedom fighters” from the middle east. The answer is to arrest them, take them down to Guantanamo and let them rot. They gave up their rights when they crossed the line to loot, assault and damage private property and injure or kill innocent citizens. If the left wing politicians do not get this mob under control, we will be having a war in the streets and I believe the regular law abiding citizens will come out armed to the teeth and kick these idiots rear ends.
Reading you and Alan bloviate your nonsense is torture enough.
Threatening a “war in the streets” and being “armed to the teeth” because of a couple broken windows and stolen TVs? Sounds super-duper law abiding to me!
I agree with you AB. These incidents are the precursor to what COULD happen if these spinless leftist/socialist loving politicians don’t grow a pair and start telling these uncivilized leeches that the party is over.
You can push people only so far before you put them ina corner. And while not all would take action, enough will come out of that corner fighting, both figuratively and literally, and they will fight with whatever they have or can find. And it will get very ugly very quick.
And as I said, LEO will be very hard pressed to regain control if/when it happens.
“law abiding” only applies as long as the laws are being enforced. When LEOs are told not to do their job and the barbarians are given carte blanche by the people in charge there’s only one answer.
Alan, rules are for law abiding citizens. Being involved in illegal activity and disobeying law enforcement is the common denominator in every one of the “ excuses” for these “ peaceful “ protest. Every one. Maybe if the “victims” of police shootings had complied with law enforcement we “all of us “wouldn’t be listening to idiots like Laron James make excuses for people based on race and race alone. Sounds like a racist to me. Black men in this country are terrified he says… well if I’m terrified of my neighbors pit bull I don’t go out of my way to jump the fence and confront the dog I’m supposedly terrified of. And if I have to be around said dog I don’t stomp my foot at it because I don’t like it I don’t trust it or whatever excuse you can think of. Oops… I apologize to you leftist in advance for making sense. Not all cops should be cops but I’ve found being combative with good cops is a bad decision too. Just comply, obey commands and go home alive. That’s what I do, comply and stay alive… obey the law it pretty simple unless you think the law or anyone else tells you what to do and that’s when things go sideways. We pay the police to protect us and letting this one and that one and the other one to do whatever they want unchecked then don’t call anyone when they walk into your house slap you around and take what they want. The rules don’t apply to them… let’s protest, riot and loot to prove these disobedient lawless individuals are right to fight, resist and kill law enforcement. When you break the law and have done wrong be a man or woman and take your punishment. It’s how a civilized society works. If you want to be a gangster/thug criminal/outlaw do not be surprised or upset when the police show up… you will always get what you ask for so take your medicine and let’s get back to being civil.
As I said earlier, what this kid was wrong plain and simple. Unless he was being attacked there was no justification for what he did,
The person that got wounded had a pistol and was pointing it at him when he was on the ground. That was a case of self defense.
And as I also said, the stupid idiot that let that kid have a gun needs to charged as an accessory on top of everything else they can charge him with.
@captcurt, the police in this country DO NOT get to be judge, jury and executioner. That is a police state and we should ALL be up in arms about it.
Lizzy, I haven’t seen you post anything about how outraged you are about criminals walking up and shooting police officers sitting in there car or ambushing them when they responde to a call for help from a woman who’s husband is beating her. Where’s your outrage then? Hmm…
@Capt you really are a tool. Haven’t seen anything on here about any of that, so no haven’t commented on it. Where are your comments on these incidents? I have no problem with police, I love the police, I always hope they are on the other end of the line if I call. I don’t know how they go to work everyday and put their lives on the line, it is beyond brave and admirable. I only have problems with police officers that are UNFIT for the job and should have never been allowed on the force in first place. I have a problem with a system that allows these officers to stay on the force and not face prosecution for crimes you and I would be put under the jail for. I have no problem with police as long as they serve under the same laws as you and me and are arrested, tried by a jury of their peers and imprisoned when THEY commit crimes such as MURDER. Like I said, they DO NOT get to be the police, judge, jury and executioner. The use of deadly force by unfit officers is out of control.
Lizzy, you just responded to my comments on that subject and surprisingly you agreed with me obviously unknowingly. You contradicted your earlier post screaming “we’re in a police state”. Hmm you stoners are funny in a pitiful kind of way. As far as being a tool, you lib-tards say that about everyone that doesn’t agree with the lefts stupid ideas that always lead to job loss more welfare and poverty and then blame everyone else for their failures. I have a suggestion for interacting with law enforcement… DONT RESIST ARREST! COMPLY… DONT DIE! People do not respect anyone and think that it is somehow admirable behavior loudly cursing in public or in a restaurant and absolutely don’t care that I have my mother or children with me. They have been raised to believe they don’t owe anyone respect and disrespect everyone including teachers in schools and completely disrespect the police. Btw Lizzy it is dumbacRATS not only supporting defunding the police but actually defunding the police. If these “victims” had complied with the police I whole heartedly believe they would be alive. These folks I speak of are the ones you see throwing water on officers for absolutely nothing (not protesters or rioters) months before the riots/protests. Police shootings rose with the number of officers being shot. It’s all due to a lack of respect! If you want to see what that looks like in mass look at YOUR “peaceful protesters”
Alan, your insight is “on point” to be sure. This hasn’t been much more than a cover for the criminal terrorist Antifa to “bring it”. The inexperience of those at the helm of towns where this is happening is appalling. This is terrorism and unrecognized by those ignorant to the real world. It would be ideal if they could be shipped back to where they came from as a solution or perhaps just given the trip for the experience of living the “real” life they long for here where we do not want them. You are either part of the problem or part of the solution is a perspective I live with. The BLM appreciated the fund raising which is now past 1 Billion dollars per insider reporting from various online sources. The however is how they have been used since the Marxist are utilizing the funds not BLM. The ignorance of who is behind the various area BLM’s by the general public is a result of not understanding our history, and how propaganda is used on the ‘innocent’ to be puppets by a puppet master.
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