How To Fix The Country
Dear Editor,
I’ve started leaning more and more to the idea that we need a third political party, and maybe even a fourth, fifth or more. After all, we are a representative republic, (sorry, we are not a democracy) so how can you say there can only be two parties?
Why? Well, look at what’s going on. Democrats and Republicans, on a national level, seem to be spending more time going after each other and not doing their job as “‘representatives of the people.” Here is what I see should be done:
- Repeal the 17th Amendment, which gives power back to local governments at the state and lower level.
- On the federal level implement term limits on House and Senate officials. We need to do away with “professional politicians.” Additionally, cut those ridiculous salaries, limit staff sizes, and look hard at all the perks, how they are abused, and fix or eliminate them. Franking is a good example.
- Please enforce the 10th Amendment.
- Elected judges should not be permitted to run under party affiliation. Lady Justice wears a blindfold for a reason.
- If you break the law, you go to jail, regardless of whether you are a citizen or Representative/Senator Joe Blow. Lock them up – for years!
- Finally, dissolve, shut down, eliminate the Department of Indoctri…I mean Education. You’ve said it enough times. Do it! Put it back where it belongs, with parents!
Now this would mean people would have to start getting more involved on a local level and that’s not a bad thing. Contrary to what some politicians say, D & R, we can do it. We may even want to consider going back to the gold standard and make the Lords and Ladies on the federal level give back the money they stole from the Social Security system. Also, stop this system of handouts federal politicians use to buy votes, funding things like teapot museums in their districts, and yes that was a real thing. As the commercial says, “it’s your money, you use it.”
Lastly, here is where they, the (National Socialist) Democrat Party, wants to move us to…socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community (read “the government’”) as a whole.
Carpe diem,
Alan Marshall
There is no chance in Guilford County. Zip, nada, nein, nyet, schneider, non, iye, uh-uh. Get out of town.
I’d like to think there might be SOME chance, slim though it may be
A better term is that we are a Representative Democracy in my opinion. As we are a democracy in the sense that people hold the power via electing those that represent us. But it is just semantics. Because we also fit the formal definition of a republic.
All the countries that are described as democracies in the world today use representative schemes of government, and all have a system which at least in part “derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people.” They also all elect representatives instead of employing direct lawmaking.
Consequently, there is no relevant difference between the words “republic” and “democracy.” Thus, claiming a preference for a republic over a democracy communicates essentially zero information unless one precisely defines the two terms in a way that departs significantly from our founding Father’s point of view (Madison in particular who discussed in length in the Federalist Papers).
Why do republicans love to split hairs of this topic?
“Consequently, there is no relevant difference between the words “republic” and “democracy.” ”
Judges? (loud buzzer with a red light) All right judges!
Nice try but here is a copy of our home game.
Webster defines democracy as: government by the people. especially : rule of the majority. b. : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
Oxford Dictionary defines democracy as: A political system that allows the citizens to participate in political decision‐making, or to elect representatives to government bodies.
Cambridge dictionary defines democracy as:the belief in freedom and equality between people, or a system of government based on this belief, in which power is either held by elected representatives or directly by the people themselves: The government has promised to uphold the principles of democracy
Sure sounds like those definitions fit the United States system of government.
Again, why split hairs of this topic? Do you not beleive in democracy? (Using the actual official definitions listed above)
Federalist Papers nr.10 (James Madison)
“The two great points of difference between a democracy and
a republic are: first, the delegation of the government, in the
latter, to a small number of citizens elected by the rest;
secondly, the greater number of citizens, and greater sphere of
country, over which the latter may be extended”
If you leave education to the parents how do children born into families with under educated parents have the opportunity to exceed their parent’s short comings?
That’s not my problem. Tell them to stay off the drugs and liquor. Stay in school, quit screwing around, stay married.
Where did I say the parents do the education? Nice try.
What I am saying is give the control of the education system back to the People. There needs to be some controls in place, but parents need to be be allowed to be involved in WHAT is taught. Note I said “involved”, not the final word.
I know you want the usual liberal clap-trap being drilled into our children like how to put a condom on a banana or have to read ‘Johnny has two mommies’ but consider what is NOT being taught because that garbage is taking up lesson time.
So….1000s of parents with different views…who determines the curriculum? Each kid bring their own version to school? Get real.
Because anything’s better than government schools and their under-educated and unintelligent “educators”.
Zero chance under our current electoral system Alan, as I’m sure you know.
An Israeli or German PR system would help break the uniparty monopoly, but they know that, so they’ll block it at every turn.
When it comes to explaining the difference between capitalism and socialism–capitalism works! -Mark Perry
Also…”Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy.” -W. Churchill
And Winston was dead right.