Wants Info About Old American Hebrew Academy
Dear Editor,
Why is it that nobody knows what is going on at the Jewish school? Is it a secret? Is there any way to find out what is going on out there?
Cynthia Murphy
Spitting In The Faces Of 9/11 Victims
Dear Editor,
Hey, all you whiny liberal (National Socialist) Democrat Party members and your lackeys, it looks like your puppet president and his handlers have finally found something they can use to truly insult real Americans and poke a group of grieving families in the eye … while laughing
My first and foremost question is, who is scum sucking, maggot infested piece of filth that even thought this is a good idea? Do we actually have someone on the government payroll, being paid by our tax dollars?
Basically they are saying that instead of doing what should have already been done, let’s spit in the face of all those victims and their families. If there was ever a reason to melt the phone lines of these people we are paying $170,000+ a year along with ridiculous benefits in both the House and the Senate this is it. And if they choose to do the usual blustering and “I’m outraged” tap dance they need to be removed and barred from running for dogcatcher.
From the article:
”The Associated Press gained possession of a letter that was sent to several families of the victims of the terrorist attacks, which provided notice that a plea deal could soon be negotiated. In the letter the FBI and the Pentagon advised the families that a plea deal could eliminate the possibility of the death penalty for the suspects.
“The Office of the Chief Prosecutor has been negotiating and is considering entering into pre-trial agreements,” the letter reportedly said.
“It also allegedly told families that while no plea agreement ‘has been finalized, and may never be finalized, it is possible that a [pre-trial agreements] in this case would remove the possibility of the death penalty.’
“The letter was dated August 1, 2023, and gave recipients until August 21, 2023 to reply to the FBI’s victim services division with any comments or questions about a possible plea agreement.”
Three weeks! They gave the families only three weeks to reply.
OK, chris, Chris and the rest of you, defend this. I really want you to try. Stand up for your puppet president and his handlers. Our just ignore it and attack me personally as you usually do
Get out, vote, or get more of this.
Carpe diem,
Alan Marshall
Alan, you are a confederate. What does this have to do with your country. Traitor.
Born and raised in Ohio
For being one to claim so much knowledge of history, it’s shocking you didn’t realize that
1) you didn’t need to be born in a confederate state to support slavery through the facade of “states rights”
2) today, there is no confederate states of America for which the phrase being a confederate would refer and it is used to describe you as the racist swine you are
If you know Alan, you will know he is not a racist. Just a fool that has bought into the modern white nationalist propaganda under the umbrella of modern conservative politics.
Does one have to know they are being racist to be a racist?
Wow, you’re a really nasty, angry guy, huh?
Unarmed Citizen would have been “a good German”.
With what’s happening in our country you should consider arming yourself. What’s wrong with being a Confederate?
All I’ll say is if this were a different time I would meet you on the field, if you had the spine.
Dems love to engage in one of their favorite pastimes, stirring up violent protests and encouraging lawbreaking.
UC Confederates were not traitors they were doing what the constitution allows. Read it and understand
What article in the constitution allows for States succeed? I bet you can’t find it. Because it doesn’t exist.
It’s “secede” not succeed. If you’re going to emphasize your illiteracy, at least try spellcheck first.
Never said it did. Constitutionally, there can be no such thing as secession of a State from the Union. But it does not follow that because a State cannot secede constitutionally, it is obliged under all circumstances to remain in the Union.
Cynthia Murphy – There has been an awful lot of activity at the Jewish School for the past few months. I’ve seen large non-local empty charter buses departing there very early in the morning. As you’ve probably noticed, there are many vehicles on the premises. I can’t confirm it, but I believe that the illegals are already there. Why else would there be such secrecy?
Merritt Garland is a puppet. Thank goodness he wasn’t put on the Supreme Court as Obama wanted. He’s not done with his reign of terror so bend over a little further and get used to it, or, maybe you could vote out the Administration and try to salvage this country.
Hey, Cynthia. Call Cathy Manning as this is some of her stuff. She has been in DC long enough so don’t expect getting the truth.
Hey Alan. A plea deal, no way. Those POS should have been worm bait years ago.
I don’t give a rats ass what Chris or chris has to say on this subject.
Love that you are thinking of me though!
Talk to the hand
Good question Cynthia (“Is it a secret?”).
The mass media in this country are completely in the thrall of the Left, and while they are anxious to appear to be fair, even “fair & balanced”, they are nothing of the sort. They are all Left wing shills. This is evidenced not in the stories they feature, but in the selection of what news they will report and what they will ignore. For example, the astounding story of Joe Biden admitting, in front of cameras, that he used a Billion Dollars of American taxpayer money to fire a Ukrainian justice official who was investigating Hunter’s role in Burisma… you’ll never see that on the evening news.
Your mass media aren’t informing you, they’re manipulating you.
If you want to see the truth, seek out The Liberty Daily, Gateway Pundit, Just The News, and of course, The Rhino Times. Also, The Grayzone.
Cracks me up how you refer to Democrats as whiny and then spend almost 400 words whining because the Biden administration will save the headache of show trial by not killing someone. By your silly rant, you would think he was setting this guy free.
What a drama queen.
So you say let them slaughter 2000+ innocent Americans with no repercussions makes me a drama queen…OK then
More drama queen reaction from Alan claiming I don’t support consequences for those behind worst terrorist attack in history.
Being locked in prison for the rest of your life is consequence. Some would tell you tell you death is easier than being isolated in prison. But you be you.
Yep, Whiny Democrats are for open borders; putting illegals before citizens; establishing a welfare state, ending free speech and freedom of religion, building a powerful one-party government, and taking away our right to defend ourselves.
By the way, The GrayZone is interpreted as being a leftist organ, but it reports stories that are never provided by the mainstream US media. And it has intellectual integrity (like Christopher Hitchens and Alan Dershowitz, both hard Left advocates, Hitchens now deceased but an honest Leftist).
This is outrageous, but it doesn’t surprise me coming from the head of the Biden Crime Family.
The Bidens love to make a deal, but this one needs to be stopped dead in its tracks. What type of deal spares the lives of those that killed thousands?
These folks need a slow and painful death. Period. Our legal system is beyond being a joke.
Trump had it right. He puts America and Americans first.
But according to Chris I’m a whiny drama queen making me worse then them
Looks like the drama queen found a fellow queen to chat with. How sweet.
Every time I hear Biden speak, I wonder what types of folks think he is of sound mind and feel he should be president for a second term.
No one could seriously believe Biden is doing a good job and this 9/11 backstabbing nonsense is more proof.
Even the Washington Post has given Biden their “bottomless Pinocchio” for his more than twenty deceptions and lies.
Biden was not duly elected to his first term
Until the nutters can prove a thing Biden was duly elected. Otherwise you just look like a bunch of sore losers like your dear leader. But you be you.
If the government has been slow-walking the prosecutions of these individuals for 22 years, they never intended on executing them period. In that time we had 12 years of “Republican” justice departments who never got the job done, probably to protect American lives overseas. And if you think the democratic party is the same as the national socialist party, you’ve obviously never met much less debated positions with a real national socialist. A little less moronic name-calling and a bit more balanced thought of the true big picture would save you from a lot of ridicule by those who do think things through.
The fact that they are still stealing air in the fault of Republican and Democrat administrations…there, fell better?
As a Senator and a Devout Roman Catholic (his words, not mine), Biden voted for the Hyde Amendment that prevented the use of federal funds for abortions, voted against using Medicaid funds for abortions, voted for a Constitutional amendment that would have allowed states to overturn Roe v Wade, and voted against allowing federal employees to use health insurance to pay for abortions. Biden told the Catholic Diocese Newspaper abortion is wrong from the moment of conception, and he published his autobiography, Promises to Keep, where he described himself as opposed to abortion.
In 2019 Biden saw his opportunity to be the Democratic nominee for president and flipped 180 degrees to pro-abortion. He now surrendered an almost fifty-year-old conviction.
We should all have a mountain of opinions, a host of beliefs, and a handful of convictions we would never abandon.
As the country music song goes: “You’ve got to stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything, like a puppet on a string.” That’s what we have in the White House: a puppet with no deep-rooted convictions.
Trying to “own the Libs” with a headline from a “nobody knows this rag” source like Blaze media (laughing emojis galore) shouldn’t even garner a reaction; but I feel compelled to say this: Go away, whiny Pubtard and come back when you can report some news from a REAL, VERIFIED, legitimate source of NEWS, not this you’re quoting. Cheesus Crust, you’re hilarious.
National news broadcasters are also talking about it. But having your head in that deep hole apparently prevented you from hearing it…Pubtard
Joe Biden on Afghanistan: “It was a great success.”
Joe Biden on Maui wildfires: “No comment.”