Country At A Critical Juncture
Dear Editor,
The (National Socialist) Democrat party is being shown more and more the truly anti-American party. From the national level down to the local county level (Yes, I mean Guilford County) they are working to tear apart everything that has made this country “the shining beacon on the hill,” all in the name of gaining complete control over our lives.
We’ve a president that is more concerned with saving the whales then saving this country, a VP that is less competent than the person she may to have replace, and a House speaker who is delusional, arrogant and apparently suicidal. These are supposed to be our leaders? As we used to say in the military, I wouldn’t follow them to the latrine. And who do we have to blame for this? Go look in a mirror. If you don’t vote, you don’t get to complain. And if you are a Republican/conservative, double shame on you.
And speaking of “Republicans,” we need to get the majority back in the Senate and the first thing that needs to happen is “Get Along Mitch” needs to be removed as the Republican Senate leader. We need someone who will lead the party. The same applies to the House.
I know I make no friends in the local GOP when I talk like this, but it has to be said out loud and then followed up on. As far as I know we haven’t gotten to the point of locking up people that talk like me, but I can tell you we aren’t exactly liked either.
The (National Socialist) Democrat party is back on its heels and we have an opportunity to put the GOP back into the majority from the White House down. Right here in NC we have Mark Robinson as a candidate for governor, a man that can and will do much for our state. I highly recommend everyone take a close look at him.
I believe this country is at a critical junction. We’re relying way too much on sources outside our control for even the most basic items and resources. Our military is being turned into a social experiment that will put us into a very dangerous position. We must take steps to stop and reverse it ASAP.
We as conservatives must get out the vote on all levels, otherwise our children and grandchildren will pay the price.
Carpe diem.
Alan Marshall
More worthless ranting from the sheep from PG. What is this, 4 letters in 4 days with no real information or than his personal feelings with no real information of value shared.
He again rants that Democrats are destroying American but makes no statements to back that statement. He calls the House Speaker suicidal with no basis of source or evidence. The president wants to save Whales? What a bunch of bull from an angry little man.
Rather than make fun, you could write your own letters Chris. You seem to love to pop in, make fun, then disappear. Rather than waste time with the name calling, how about engaging in real debate by responding to the counter arguments I and others have made to your few actual comments. I know, I know, it hurts your finger to scroll to the reply button or something.
Don is right. Chris (who falsifies evidence) like to drop his BS Bombs, stir it up a bit, and then disappear when he’s cornered. That’s his M.O.
He’s the “B.S. Bomber”.
I have written a few when comments don’t suffice. I hope you will give them a read.
Chris (who falsifies evidence) is the real “sheep from PG”.
He believes everything the corporate media and the government tell him to believe.
Incapable of independent reasoning.
Nope. Just more open minded than you.
Chris (who falsifies evidence) cannot differentiate between open-minded and gullible.
Well said.
The warrant issued to give FBI the power to search Trump’s property was based on suspected “violations of the Espionage Act”.
They are telling us this now? I guess they needed time to invent some evidence.
It was on the warrant when issue. Duh
The only way to regain the Senate is to put Donald Trump out to pasture. He lost the Senate with all his bluster in Georgia in 2020 and made everything that has happened the last two years possible. We will lose Pa and Ohio this November. Despite all the good policy, he managed to cost us the House in 2018, lost to Joe Biden (imagine that) and then the Senate in 2020. Thank goodness Mitch McConnell shepherded through three Supreme Court Justices to give us a Conservative court.
Mr Trump will then lose us all three branches again in 2024. As long as he is around, conservatives are screwed.
Unfortunately you are probably right. Trump had his good points but I afraid he was unable to keep his ego in check. I am leaning towards Ron as the person we can expect to get things done
Then why are the Dems so rabid to take him down? If he was no good for anyone, they would be encouraging rather than trying to disqualify him. You could propose that the Dems are targeting him to play on his ego and ensure that he runs, but he was going to run anyway. So I do not think that’s the case.
And let’s not forget. This war on Trump is not to target him. The Washington political elite are doing all of this so that no one ever, ever considers trying to shake things up in The Swamp again. They don’t particularly care about Trump, but they never want anyone to have the audacity to call them out like this again.
Alan totally agree with “We as conservatives must get out the vote on all levels, otherwise our children and grandchildren will pay the price.” The problem is getting them out. In our recent local election the conservatives stayed at home and we ended up with what we had before with one of the most out of touch liberal city councils. I did notice in the past election the blacks supported the black candidates except for Outling, the jews supported the jews, Hoffman & Thrum and the left liberals supported all these folks. The ? Is when will the conservatives get off their ass and turn out the vote. The key are the unaffiliated voters, until they decide that they have had enough then the dems and rep will keep butting heads.
I like the saying “Consider the Source” as “looking in the mirror”. Consider who opted to stop the Draft. Whoa! even in my teens I was shocked our country could be so irresponsible. Yes, I am a daughter a high ranking Air Force officer. No, conversations were not opinionated in front of his family. Respect, reverence of our country were the perspective. Yes, he was one who would go underground should a nuclear war erupt. That number compared to our entire country, I mention it due to leaving our family of 7 individuals behind wore on my introspection as his child.
Being free is absolutely obviously taken for granted and acted on as though none answer to anyone, except our laws, “if you get caught”. The criminal elements were given an option of military or prison at one time, which improved more than their service gave our country. That arm of the US Government, gave us insight that war isn’t the answer, which begot so much more by sharing our peace and caring support. The world wanted to be like the U.S.A. History indeed repeats itself when lessons for this peace are forgone.
Why don’t you send these mails to the News and Record to see if they publish them?
I can tell you they might…..reluctantly.
Alan would never be so bold to go somewhere that no one else agrees with them. Also, that newspaper has actual editors and standards for publishing op-eds.
Juan if you believe that the fish wrap has publishing standards for their letters you sir are as dumb as a sack of hammers
“That newspaper” refuses to publish compelling, persuasive right wing screeds, for the most part.
That’s why we’re here, Juan. Why are you here?
Do I owe you a justification. Just living freely. Got a problem with that?
So you have no answer.
Are you legal
Is freedom not an answer to why I’m here?
And am I legal? You, friend, need to learn Spanish.
There’s a reason it’s called an inside joke.
And you, Juan, need to learn Welsh.
[As this thread becomes increasingly obscure and disjointed, why not?].
“Juan Martillo” is Spanish for JOHN HAMMER.
It’s John, stirring things up a little.
Very funny.
Juan im not going to Mexico I’m fluent in Spanish and very fluent in Southern English