COVID Lockdown 2.0 On Its Way
Dear Editor,
Here we go again …
“Medical establishment hypes lockdowns while mask regime signals a return.”
Herr Biden, being “advised” (controlled) by the (National Socialist) Democrat Party and their medical lackeys, is laying the groundwork for COVID Lockdown 2.0 and begin brainwashing the uneducated masses.
I’m not a drone. I’m not a serf. I’m a free, independent thinking American citizen. I don’t need someone who sees themselves as my all-knowing parent telling me what is and isn’t right for me. What I do need is the unfiltered, unbiased facts about the situation so I can make logical decisions on my course of action, not what these lords and ladies tell us what they think is best for us. If they can prove masks and shots are needed, I’ll get them.
What’s scaring me about this and other things is how we’re seeing the Republican and the (National Socialist) Democrat parties fighting this out. In the meantime, I’m not seeing a lot of action on so many other things that are important to the safety and security of this country. How much attention is being paid to the situation of our schools, our cities and our ability to be a free and independent people? What they’ve managed to do is wave their right hand saying “watch this” while undermining our individual liberties with their left. “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain,” and from what I can see, it’s working. But abortion, which is now and should have been a state issue, and gay rights, which is an issue only because the mainstream media has made it so for their masters in the (NS)DP are, according to the left, going to destroy America. There are already laws on the books to protect everybody’s rights. We’re not forcing gay people to wear a pink G on their chest, but we may start seeing R’s and ‘C’s if they have their way. I don’t agree or approve of the lifestyle, but then there are lots of things I don’t agree or approve of.
I believe this is going to be a sign of how the election will go next year. If enough people think like me, I believe conservatives/Republicans will get back in power, hopefully in a big way. If not, then we need to remember the words of Capt. John Parker at the Lexington Greene on April 19, 1775.
Carpe diem,
Alan Marshall
Supports Nikki Haley For President
Dear Editor,
I enjoyed watching the Republican debate and am now a supporter of Nikki Haley for president. Not because she is Republican (I am registered independent) but because she spoke to all Americans and used words such as “consensus” and addressed issues that would be acceptable in part for all Americans. Her comments that stood out to me:
- Her position on abortion. She is personally pro life but believes we need to stop demonizing the issue and move away from a federal abortion ban.
- She acknowledged Trump as the most disliked politician in America.
- She supports helping Ukraine fight back against the evil of Putin.
- She acknowledges the increased spending during Trump’s presidency and the economic impact of the tax cuts for the wealthy (i.e., that spending is a Washington problem – not a party problem.
- She promised generational change. (i.e. she isn’t over 80 damn years old.)
- She acknowledges climate change as real and dangerous.
It was refreshing to hear a Republican candidate that attempted to speak to all Americans versus frame the left as the enemy and “dangerous” to America. Finally, someone in the conservative party that believes in all Americans.
Good for her,
Christian Rice
I kinda like Haley, but she sure dummied down all of her position statements for the debates. She is probably further to the right of any Republican candidate other than Trump. Her handlers probably told her to walk softly. I’d rather have someone come straight at me than try to soft-sell me.
She has always been one of Trump’s biggest supporters but didn’t come across that way in the debates.
I’m a climate denier, so she won’t get my conservative vote. I also think we have spent too much money already in Ukraine. Cut “em off and feed hungry American citizens.
She doesn’t have a chance.
More over dramatic drivel from Alan. Yawn.
I agree 100% with what Capt Parker said.
Unfortunately, the head of the CDC is that nutcase Dr. Mandy who admitted during an interview with Duke University that she just called friends from around the country and followed suit with their lockdown measures. No science was involved at all. She is a horrible person.
Our government offered to buy my guns from me. After a thorough background check of the buyer, I am uncomfortable with selling weapons to organized crime.
You’re right, Alan.
The COVID-19 pandemic was their first attempt to subjugate Westerners, and they were anxious over its outcome. Their anxieties were unfounded, and now they realise they’re pushing on an open door. So we shall see Pandemic 2.0, along with even more tyranny and totalitarianism.
And by the way, Ms. Rice, I respect your views, but one thing to consider about Nikki is that she has been very vocal and adamant that Social Security and Medicare are on the chopping block if she is elected president.
She can say it all she wants. Like Biden wanting to implement strong gun controls. It will never get out of the House.
You cannot get elected, or stay in office; if you are for reduction in Medicare/SS benefits, or raising the eligibility age.
I’ve been on SS/Medicare for muchos anyos, but I am still for raising the eligibility age. from 65 to 67, and then 68.
If our govt could stop the inflating of our currency, there wouldn’t be a need to raise benefits. It’s a vicious circle; all but the rich will be wiped out.
Republicans hate socialism until someone takes away a benefit THEY need.
Why do you think SS is a benefit. Anyone who works and pay taxes pays into it as well as the company they work for
If you think you are getting back what you put into SS versus what you could do with those funds in the open market, you are the fool.
Chris is showing ignorance again about SS and Medicare benefits.
I’m right with you, Alan! We should wait until the hospitals are full to start thinking about a response and deny anyone the right to wear a mask indoors because they might use it to rob a place. Instead of preparing to close schools and teach remotely, if teachers are afraid for their health because of rising rates of a fake virus, they should get out of teaching and find a job they can do from home, alone. We should also outlaw these cancer, autism and blood clot causing vaccines and make everyone build immunity the old-fashioned way, survive or die. It’s time to become a country of survivors again and not dependent on health care of any kind, unless you can afford to pay in full.
OK drama queen, please show me where I said ANYTHING like what you raved about.
My point is if you are concerned then take whatever steps you fell necessary. It’s a free country (at least for now). But unless you can show me a clear and present danger, I don’t need the (National Socialist) Democrat Apparatus and their doddering mouthpiece Uncle Joe infringing on my God given freedoms.
And those of us who beleive in public health prefer to free of the drama queens spewing their germs and getting rest of society ill. Just sayin.
Both side cliam to be fighting for freedom.
After reading your reply again, I did find ONE thing we agree on, that being “It’s time to become a country of survivors again…”. The only thing I would change is this…It’s time to become a country of survivors again and not dependent on GOVERNMENT.
Biden and the Democratic Party heavily promoted the mask farce, but the science is against them.
No studies demonstrate that forcing young kids to wear masks reduces the spread of Covid in schools.
Those paper masks were a big joke, and I still see folks wearing them in their car alone. Idiots!
It’s funny how Dems say to follow the science with Covid, but completely ignore science regarding gender….a male and a female.
There are a good number if highly reputable studies that show masks work if used properly. Kids in school how ever where the worst at wearing mask properly. Too long a day to ask them to wear stuffy masks. But health officials tried.
Actually the two large scale studies – Denmark & Bangladesh – clearly demonstrated that masks are completely useless.
But don’t let the facts get in the way of your opinion, Chrissy.
There are no “laws on the books” that protect gays from housing discrimination. As a victim without recourse, I would know.
Gosh, so according to you I can tell a gay person you can’t rent from me but I HAVE to bake you a cake.
Thank you for setting me straight.
P.S. my baby brother was gay but I still stood ready to defend him to the death.
What a joke. You decry the LGBTQ jcommunity ust as your Shepards command and like a good little sheep, you follow and continually dishonor your brothers memory by refusing to acknowledge the equal rights of the LGBTQ community. Shame on you.
OK Chris, I cannot resist exposing you for the lying hypocrite you are.
Please show me, WITH ACTUAL, COMPLETE, IN CONTEXT QUOTES FROM ME, where I have refused to acknowledge the equal rights of LGBTQ people. You can’t, proving your desire to make up anything you can to make yourself look good.
Not approving of the lifestyle is completely different from acknowledging equal rights. Love the sinner, hate the sin Chris, but you make it awful hard.
I have no problem with most of the alphabet folks. It’s the “T” that bothers me the most.
According to documents obtained by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, one hundred sixty-one men who believe they are women are housed in Wisconsin’s prisons.
Eighty-one (50.3 percent) have been convicted of at least one count of sexual assault or sexual abuse.
This list includes the following crimes: Sexual Assault of a Child, Sexual Exploitation of a Child, Trafficking of a Child, Bestiality, Rape, Sexual Intercourse Without Consent, Forced Viewing of a Sexual Act, and many others.
Haley is a Bush Neocon. Those people cannot get enough war and care nothing for individual freedom. Bush did as much to harm the US as the Obiden cabal.
The Establishment GOP comprises statists of the right, as the Democrats are statists of the left.
I’m with Barry Goldwater: I want a choice, not an echo.
I see you like to stir the pot, rattle cages, have no impulse control, and lie easily, Chris. There is no way you could believe all the nonsense you profess unless you are a psychopath like Biden.
You don’t like it when others post their views and opinions, so you respond with an attempt at character assassination. I bet you were a bully in school.
Did you attend Biden’s White House Topless Tranny party to discuss the Crime Family’s influence-peddling and money-laundering racket?
Do you love Hunter and feel he is the most intelligent man you’ve known? If so, I suggest you seek help with Sleepy Joe, Feinstein, and Fetterman. You’ve lost your way and soul by following the mainstream Biden-owned media.
Biden on Afghanistan: “It was a great success.” Biden on Maui wildfires: “No comment.” Biden on Hunter: “My son did nothing wrong.” Yet Hunter was willing to plead guilty to tax evasion and illegal gun purchases.
When not on vacation, Biden mumbles, whispers, and stumbles throughout his 4-hour workday while continuing to be a serial liar. I feel sorry for folks who fall for his Cons.
The most popular president in US history got 81 million votes and received major boos from citizens at Lake Tahoe. What’s up with that?
You should jump back into the mud with all the elite Dem pigs in DC, Chris. Isn’t it about time for your next Booster Shot?
That’s a good analysis, Salt Life.
Chris is profoundly insecure and assuages his insecurities by entering into combative and argumentative debate in these columns. It is possible, and often easy to demonstrate that he is wrong but it has no impact on his position.
That’s because he’s not here to argue in a reasoned and respectful way so as to arrive at the truth.
Far from it! He’s here so he can declare victory to himself in his febrile imagination. That way he convinces himself that he’s intelligent, erudite, and a good person.
What a dreadful little man.
Austin are you looking in the mirror as you type that drivel? If not, you should. I quote you resent response to one of my comments:
“You are a wanker”. Lmao
One of us is definitely a wanker.
Booster shot is due around Oct. Thanks for the reminder! Lmao
Alan, No one’s treading on you, Sweetie. You don’t have to put the mean old mask on if you don’t want to.