More Logical Election Suspicions
Dear Editor,
The 2020 election was full of suspicious “issues” that logically destroyed voter confidence. County election boards defied state law by allow voting by mail and drop boxes. Private groups funded biased election board activities. Two large urban areas stopped counting votes simultaneously. One didn’t explain why. News agencies reported 100 percent of votes as counted, only to see counting continue. Even when a more exact percentage of completion was given, it did not match mathematically. Several of the “groups of votes that came in” were 100 percent for one candidate despite being too large for this to be statistically probable. At least one vote should have been for the opposition candidate, even “evil Trump.” This is especially puzzling since as evil as Trump is labeled, he did much better than even previous Democratic presidential candidates in several urban demographics. A candidate actually lost votes several times. Days later, “vote counting” continued with little end in sight.
In comparison to 2020, this election year ran smoother. However, vote counting takes suspiciously long. Some “experts” claim taking more time increases accuracy. It also increases voter suspicion. The more time for counting the more time for manipulation. As an analogy, the longer you leave a bike unattended while going into a store, the more likely it is to be stolen. Like it or not, despite “expert opinion,” this is logically suspicious. In historical context, Kennedy famously went to bed not knowing he won the presidency in 1960. He awoke the next morning to news that he won. In 1960, with less technology, it took less than 24 hours to count votes. Yet today, with all our technological advantages, sophistication and “superior caring,” it takes almost a week!
Recently, there have been several legitimate reasons for voters to be suspicious. We need to stop attacking people for logical concerns and start fixing problems. If our grandmothers and grandfathers could count ballots in less than 24 hours, why can’t we? Instead of discounting suspicions, attacking the suspicious, we need to fix the system. There are several legitimate questions that require answers for voters to be calmed. First, why did the voting system break down to require a recount? Did a similar system break down before or in any other locations/states? Why is it taking so long to conduct the recount when predecessors did more, nationwide, in less time?
Alan Burke
Stand Up For What’s Right
Dear Editor,
Back when I voted for the first time, 18-year-olds were given the right to vote. We found out basically that night, albeit very late, who won. It was the exception, not the rule, that some results weren’t fully known until a day later. Early voting only applied to absentee voters. Yet we knew the results in a day or two. Now we have voting season and wonder why it takes so long to do a simple count. Go figure.
If you insist on early voting, make it the week prior to Election Day, which should become a national holiday. Where are the excuses in that? And then there’s mandatory ID for voting. And before you whiny liberals start complaining, to my knowledge all states provide ID for free.
I realize the (National Socialist) Democrat Party would declare all this racist voter suppression, but show me how? You can’t. What you wouldn’t like is how much harder it would be to cheat by, oh, say letting someone that’s dead vote. Or someone who is not a legal citizen vote. That is what the (NS)DP fears more than anything, a free and fair election.
On the subject of illegal immigration, the answer is once again simple. When caught, they are taken to one of several locations with gates that only work one way, processed (name, vital personal info and a photo) and sent back south through that one-way gate. What they do on the other side is entirely up to them. As for Mexico and their government, they now become their problem. After all, they let them in in the first place. If they wish to apply for asylum, do it from their home country.
As for the fentanyl epidemic killing our young people, once again the answer is simple and to the point. If you are caught and convicted of dealing in this poison, the automatic sentence is death. Don’t pass go, don’t collect $200. It’s a substance that kills; you knew this when you sold it, yet did so anyway. Actions have consequences. By federal law, conviction of treason is an automatic death sentence, why not this?
We can’t give the (National Socialist) Democrat Party and anyone who is trying to destroy America any slack. We as a free nation are on the brink of socialism/communism. We must stand up and fight for what’s right.
Carpe diem.
Alan Marshall
I am totally convinced that the democrats found a way to monkey with the mid-term elections. It just isn’t logical that so many Americans are that stupid.
Also, there is no way that Uncle Joe got 81 million votes in 2020. Democrats were totally confident that Hillary would win 2016. Once she lost, they had 4 years to devise a plan to successfully steal 2020 and beyond.
Seems like most voters have turned into lemmings and are followers ready to jump over the cliff.
The Florida election system in 2000 was broken–It has now been fixed by Republican GOVS. The only States that seem to be having problems are Democrat states that perhaps due to Covid now allow this insane mail in vote. I am not talking about absentee , I am talking about sending votes to every address like you get a flyer for PAPA John’s Pizza –THIS HAS to stop— Why is it that REP are leading and at the last minute after midnight, a dump of votes pull the DEM over the finish line ?
The Red Wave did materialize in Florida.
Florida has a strict photo ID voter requirement, and does not mail out ballots en masse.
Draw your own conclusion.
NC has no voter ID requirement and voted Republican for all Statewide elections. NC also does not mail out ballots en masse (no state does – at most they mail out applications for absentee ballots in masse). Draw your own conclusion.
NC has no voter ID because the governor vetoed, while the legislature passed it. The people wanted it but the royal governor decreed NO.
Yet Republicans did well in mid-term elections in NC….hmmmmm
Not sure if you voted in the recent election, but if you did then you would have heard the person working the election ask you for your last name, then first name, and then the address.
…. which proves nothing.
‘suspicious “issues”’ is code for ‘No Idea How Election Processes Really Work’.
Alan’s letter is a perfect example of how ignorant voters ignore the real complexity behind the problems our country faces. For example, he ignores how Mexican immigrants returned to Mexico, just turn around and come back. Or how difficult it is to return immigrants that arrive from countries where we have no diplomatic relations (Venezuela). He ignores how ‘locking them up and killing them’ would require massive increase in death case litigation (not to mention most street dealers have no idea what is in the drugs they are selling until it is too late).
Alan’s points may sound good while drinking a beer with buddies. But the world is far more complicated. It is why Republicans failed to ‘replace’ Obamacare. Sounded great from the stump. But very difficult when actually tasked to do the job.
not even worth replying to
Of course since it calls out the truth. You can’t reply.
“It is why Republicans failed to ‘replace’ Obamacare.”
You get the same thing when you give a baby a cell phone to watch videos or cartoons, then take it away. They will scream long enough for the parents to give it back.
Once indoctrination of the masses becomes normal, the populace accepts it and moves on. Good ploy by the liberals of the world.
Oh my God, the wailing and gnashing of teeth over the election – I find it deliciously funny. You guys are a HOOT !! I mean, it HAD to be cheating, if your choices didn’t win, right? (insert many laugh emojis here)
No, the republicans just didn’t turn out. We had less than 50% overall turnout on both sides in NC. I think everyone touting a red wave made casual voters think there was no need to bother. So you got a red splash instead. Still, those states that take weeks to count up votes are not doing anyone any favors in the trust department. Votes should be counted on the day of, and mail in voting should end well before election day so that all mailed votes arrive and are counted by election day. Either way, republicans did pretty well overall, especially in NC, just not in Guilford County, which is hopelessly blue. I’ll take a red federal house and a red NC legislature on both sides, and some red NC courts. It’s a step in the right direction. And I feel confident we will be saying bye to Cooper come his turn to run.
Well, will it be that The Coop will run for the U.S. Senate next time up? You can see that coming for years.
That happens on both sides – have you forgotten two years of wasted time and resources on “Russian Collusion”?
Lay off with the “You guys are a HOOT!!” crap already. We don’t mind losing when it’s done fair and square, when everything’s on the up and up. That just means we need to step up our game and get our message out better next time. But these last 3 elections have been very questionable with mail-in voting, stopping the counting not that late in the evening, and 3am ballot dumps all going to one candidate. There are so many red flags it would be criminal to not question the results.
I’m all for full audits, even in states/elections that went republican. Full transparency across the board should be the norm, not the exception.
You really shouldn’t vote in a system where you have no faith. Lmao.
Don’t leave out your own side’s claims, bro.
Here’s one from your BFF, Stacey Abrams:
During the 2020 national election; I received, too many to count, solicitations for mail in ballots & solicitations to register. I am registered as a Democrat. My wife, who is registered as a Republican, received no solicitations from the same sources. The Democrats control the board of elections. Can you make the connection?
I saw this question and am wondering how this could be. They can determine the winner on American Idol with voting and determine the winner during a commercial, and it takes the American voter weeks or months to know the winner of elections. Go figure.
Perfect example of a question that implies an accusation. If you can’t answer this question, maybe you shouldn’t vote.
To be clear, the media ‘projects winners’ using basic statistics. And many candidates declare themselves winners or losers based on their own projections. But actual winners are not CERTIFIED for typically a couple of weeks as that requires ALL votes to be counted (included ballots mailed in (absentee ballots)) and that the vote counts are audited to ensure no errors or fraud has occurred.
Are you advocating for phone-in presidential election voting? Now that’s progressive.
I figure the Leftists need time to cook the books – obviously!
Sounds right to me. Can you say “Arizona”?
More empty election conspiracy THEORIES with no evidence or even supporting antidotes of any impact to elections from fraud. Yawn.
Plenty of “antidotes” (sic). LOL! You really are very stupid, aren’t you Chrissy?
Sticks and stones Austin. Your childish responses make me giggle. Still waiting for any factual evidence of mass fraud. Still waiting.
You 100% understood what Chris meant but seem to think because you proofread more carefully and can possibly spell better somehow makes you a more valid human. Then you try to jab at Chris by feminizing his name. Classic Austin.
On the contrary Ash Hole, a person’s command of English is a good indicator of their intelligence or stupidity, and Chrissy’s is on display for all to see.
Impugning the intellect and integrity of one’s opponent is a technique used extensively by Chrissy, so that’s why he deserves it to be reciprocated.
And what’s it to you, anyway? Are you his special friend?