I was just listening to the news and a comment was made about the current situation in Gaza.
The animals responsible for the current situation (Hamas) have been backed into a corner and are on the verge of being made irrelevant when all of a sudden doddering Uncle Joe shows his true colors by ordering the withholding of military supplies from Israel. So let’s see, the terrorists who started this by going into Israel and slaughtering something like 1200+ people, the overwhelming majority of them civilians including defenseless women, children, infants, and elderly people, taking a large number of hostages (not prisoners, but non-combatant hostages) again consisting of mostly elderly men and women, children, and infants, some of whom have been mistreated to the point of allowing them to die. Yet somehow the Israelis are the bad people and need to be punished. It’s like here in America where if you defend yourself, YOU wind up in jail and have your life ruined while the bad guy walks.
We truly are living in a bizarre world.
I find it amazing how so many people have already forgotten all the bombings, rocket attacks, and shooting of civilians on the streets of Israel. Where were all the protests when these things happened? And if the purpose of all this is “liberation” of the Gaza Strip, why is nobody asking Egypt why they refused to take that area when offered. I have a very good idea why, does anybody else?
Carpe Diem
Alan Marshall
1200 slaughtered versus up to 32,000 slaughtered (~90% civilian) and millions suffering from hunger and health issues from lack of access to aid. When does retribution go too far and become cruel?
But really, Biden needs the younger voters to win reelection. Though they will say it is too little too late.
End of the day, hate and war in the middle east is par for the course. Don’t see it changing anytime soon. Just glad to be an American and live where I do.
On your little farm with a lot of Illegals that you are proud of.
This is what social justice looks like. Necessarily the opposite of actual justice, which is individual.
Careful chris, Patriotic Americans may one day start to feel the same way about ILLEGALS you’ll between a rock and a hard place.
Chris, whether you like it or not, the Jews are God’s chosen people, and Israel is their God given land. On October 7, Hamas,, a well known terrorist organization violently attacked Israel. Everyone knows the violent and sadistic nature of their killing women and children.
So you wanna protect those terrorists?
Given how people love to argue about ‘what God said’ ‘or what God’s word means’, there will never be agreement or peace in the middle east. Therefore, I stay out of those types of arguments.
I just ask the question ‘given the military dominance of the Jewish state over Hamas, how many civilian deaths (ie women, children, elderly, unarmed peoples) is enough to feed the vengeance of the Jewish state. They clearly have the right to have responded militarily, but we are at 30k+ civilian dead Palestinians, most of Gaza has been leveled….when is it enough?
First off, your CNN/MSNBC sources aren’t giving you correct information (surprise, surprise).
Second, the Gaza Strip ha been pretty much running themselves for about 20 or 30 years. They even offered it to Egypt but they didn’t want it.
Third, when was the last time Israel was reported to have raided (without warning) and committed the atrocities committed by the inhuman animals of Hamas, raping women, burning bodies, intentionally slaughtering children, BABIES, putting them in ovens, taking non-combatants and holding them in inhuman conditions, etc.
The Israelis did what they could to avoid or minimize civilian causalities, but when they enemy uses them as shields I want you to tell me how you are going to destroy the enemy while avoiding the non-combatants.
You can’t
You have never been in a position to have to make life and death decisions like those, and in spite of my opinion of of you, I hope you never do.
Wow, you actually believe the people of Gaza have lived a free and happy life surrounded by Israel? That is as silly as your mustache.
Before the war began, Gaza had been blockaded by Israel and Egypt for 16 years, and the humanitarian situation there deteriorated quickly, with stocks depleting just days after the siege began in early October. Before the war, 70% of Gaza was relying on humanitarian aid of some form or another and the strip had some of the highest poverty and unemployment rates in the world.
So don’t play like life was just grand in Gaza and that Israel hasn’t caused suffering of Palestinians for decades. These people have at war with each other for decades with a few periods of calm spaced out between death and war. The suffering has been consistent throughout their history.
As for last time Israel raided Gaza they used to push Palestinians out of their homes to start settlements before they evacuated Gaza back in 2005 as a means to better isolate Gaza…hence the blockade.
As for how you fight an enemy that uses human shields….you don’t blow up women and children for a start. They could have blockaded to cut off supplies and make life difficult to apply pressure to the people of Gaza, but they had already done that long before the war started. So…..cut em off only allow aid to civilians via allowing evacuation of the innocents. But nope…Israel won’t allow any evacuations. So mass death of elderly, women, children and innocent civilians will continue.
Soros is winning, on all fronts.
The inhabitants of Gaza lived with and tolerated and often supported HAMAS. Now that they are suffering too many people want to blame The IDF.
If our rotten schools would have taught true history and explained how real peace is achieved we’d all be arm in arm with Israel.
Ignorance is not an excuse but when the ignorant are lead around by false flags and lies they too will suffer.
Well said American believer.
I guess my problem is I remember what my grandfather used to say…ignorance can be cured, stupidity is forever.
Alan, did your grandfather know Chris
Nope. But he DID know Alan. LMAO
Hamas, I hope they are all eliminated.
Me too.
As Benny Gantz said, “What’s the point in putting out three-quarters of a fire?”.
You mean Iran. If not them, it’s always someone else.
Hamas (a vile Muslim/Arab terrorist group) is responsible for this war – PERIOD! IF they want a cease fire, they must free ALL hostages and then surrender and leave Gaza. Hamas presence in Gaza is a cancer waiting to erupt again. Anything less is an invitation to more terrorism. As for our ignorant, useless, brainwashed, deeply indebted, college student generation, when they have encampments, arrest them all and send them to Gaza. Let them figure out a solution to Muslim terrorism!
Very well said. They also need to reinstate the draft to fill the short Military ranks. Start it in 6 months. To avoid the draft you must be employed at least 40 hours a week. This might get some basement, live at home college grads and high school dropouts moving.
After Biden’s halt of arms shipments to Israel, the joke going around Washington DC is that he’s very keen on a two state solution : Michigan & Minnesota (heavy Muslim populations).
Torpedo away………direct hit!
XO, contact HQ report we sank the worthless rust bucket the SS Biden.
I wish I had thought of that. I’m sure the Dems did.
Everyone forgets that Israel left Gaza in 2005 and then choose Hamas to lead them. Gaza could have been a bustling economic hub if all the money that was poured into Gaza had been used for economic development, etc. Instead, Hamas has taken most of the money to build tunnels, buy (and smuggle) weapons, and line the pocket of their leaders. Israel only wanted to live in peace but was pummeled with rockets ever since 2005. Israel must eliminate all of Hamas or have them deported and the hostages must be returned now!
Yeah, that naive fool George “W” Bush enabled a free election in Gaza and the Gazans overwhelmingly elected Hamas. There has never been another election – but the Gazans aren’t bothered because they still back Hamas by nearly 90%, even after the barbaric atrocities Hamas committed on Oct. 7th, when they started the war.
That’s why I have very little sympathy for these terrorist supporters who now bleat “peace” and “ceasefire”, but refuse even to release the innocent Israeli hostages they have.
Netanyahu and his cabinet are right to completely annihilate Hamas, just as we had to completely annihilate Nazism in Germany.
They also never held another election….just another governmental group giving people false promises to gain and hold power.
Politicians always, always stop short and leave us with another war to fight. You cannot fight a half assed war. If you go to war, you end it as quickly as possible. Brute force till total victory. Anything less is condoning your troops to be nothing but cannon fodder. I would have thought history would have taught people that by now.
I couldn’t have said it better myself. We need to look at REAL military Generals like Sherman (sorry my Southern friends), MacArthur, Patton, and Eisenhower for the way to defeat the enemy. Their answer was total war…until the enemy is not just defeated, but eliminated along with their ability to wage war. As Sean Connery’s character said in “The Untouchables” “He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue! That’s the Chicago way.”
I agree. Shock N Awe was what Bush did. The US should go ahead and take care of business, instead of just keep sending money to Ukraine for now over 3 years, sending money to Israel, sending money to Haiti. Who do we send to next? The US needs to be known as the Superpower that everyone is afraid of. With Biden’s leadership no one is afraid of the US. What could the Billions of dollars sent and continues to be sent have done to help Americans?
Just remember all of this when voting in November.
What is total victory? Look at the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. What would have total victory looked like in those wars?
Gee Chris, how much experience have you had in that region of the world? Sounds like quite a bit. Probably beats mine.
I will just assume you couldn’t answer my question so made your bizarre question to deflect from being shown how silly your macho man comment about ‘total war’ is just that, Silly.
But to answer your bizarre question I am going to be a bit harsh in my opinion of you so I apologize in advance. I do think you lack any depth of understanding of the political view of wars and how victory should be defined in our modern times (I don’t have the answer either hence my question) Just being a veteran doesn’t make you intelligent…it makes you a good soldier who follows orders. So, I don’t think your opinion carriers any more weight than a non-veteran like myself. So help me understand your depth of geo-political strategic analysis and war planning you have as I only know briefly of your statement of being a combat leader / veteran. If you have such experience, I would be interested in what you mean by ‘total war’ as I have not seen that term used in any of the books I have read written by military leaders that advised Presidents on war strategies?
I personally like Colin Powel’s definition of victory…complete the mission assigned…without a clear objective, there is no victory. That was our last big victory before Bush Jr.’s poorly defined objectives led to decades long failure in the middle east.
Regime change hasn’t worked since WWII. Just look at the failure of Afghanistan. So, I ask again…. what would total victory look like in Afghanistan. We clearly didn’t succeed there by any definition. It’s an honest question to what I consider your Tom’s misguided comments on ‘total victory’ and ‘total war’. Both hollow statements in my opinion. Prove me wrong with a real answer if you can.
Thank you for your service.
It seems no one remembers Viet Nam, the beginning of our no win war history?
You’re right.
These days our clueless “leaders” wade in, expend our blood and treasure, then pull out years later having achieved nothing.
George “w”. Bush and the current senile dope spring to mind.
American Believer let’s not forget Korea, that no win conflict predates Vietnam. My father was in Korea that conflict still hasn’t been settled
Rebel, I hate to correct you but we did win the Korean war up to the point the politicians lost it for us, like Vietnam. The ChiComs were pushed back across the 38 parallel then THEY got involved. After Tet ’68 the Army of North Vietnam was pretty much beat. It wasn’t until the politicians and the anti-war protestors got heavily involved in running the military that things went bad.
Just saying.
First, may I thank you for your contributions as a Member of the United States Armed Services!
Second, may I thank you for your common sense report on Israel and it’s right to protect itself.
Third, we have a severe void in Leadership within the Greensboro City Council, the Guilford County Board of Commissioner’s, the Greensboro Police Dept., and the Guilford County Sheriff’s Dept.
We need someone to lead us out of this predicament and I think you are the Man for the Job! Please move to the Greensboro City limits and run to be the next Mayor of Greensboro! You got my vote!
Jim Donaldson
Mine also!!!!
Thank you Maurice.
Thank you Jim.
I thank you for your support of the Armed Services and will tell you it was an honor and a pleasure to have served.
I’m sorry, I only wish I could bring myself move out of Heaven and back into Hell.
Thank you.
Can’t say I don’t blame you for not wanting to move to Greensboro! As a lifelong resident of Greensboro, I have never seen such a degradation of society in this community than I have seen under the leadership Mayor Nancy Vaughan. Your prayers are appreciated, Greensboro needs them and many more!
Jim Donaldson