Fighting Fire With Fire
Dear Editor,
According to MSNBC, there are several things going to the Supreme Court, one of which concerns gerrymandering in North Carolina. The (National Socialist) Democrat Party is concerned that practice is going to be overturned and a more reasonable procedure is going to be put into place. Why? Because it most likely going to mean they are going to lose mucho power. I for one hope it happens. To have a district that runs the length of the state and is only a couple of miles wide is ridiculous.
The other is the woman out west that is making a preemptive strike against a potential case where someone would take her to court because she would refuse to render services to gay couples. We all know as soon as she would do so she would be sued and it would begin to make its way through the court system costing her so much to fight it would bankrupt her, so she would most likely either cave or shut down her business, which is what they want. So she’s done what they didn’t expect and pulled off a brilliant flanking maneuver by going directly to the Supreme Court who agreed to hear it. The (NS) Democrat Party is going apoplectic over this because their standard tactic of draining her resources is going to fail. I applaud you, Madam. Way to go! May your tactic, which looks like it’s going to work, be mirrored by others. This is a classic example of using their own methods against them, and they are going apoplectic over it.
Finally we are starting to fight back using their tactics and it’s driving them crazy. We need to continue this, regardless of the outcome.
We need to continue to do things this way. We must continue to fight fire with fire. And our party leaders need to pay attention to how we the people are doing it and start following suit.
As an additional note, I have back up and running where I am putting expanded versions of my postings here so please check it out.
Everyone please have a Merry Christmas (I know that’s politically incorrect but who cares) and Happy Holidays.
Carpe diem, ya’ll.
Alan Marshall
Alan showing off his ignorance yet again. Mrs. Smith isn’t paying a dime for any litigation on the matter of gay rights versus religious rights. She is represented by The Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative Christian law firm and advocacy group. She is just a tool they use to bring the case against State law. They have been trying to get back to the supreme court ever since Colorado baker named Jack Phillips turned away a gay couple who had asked him for a wedding cake and had his case heard in the court.
Mrs. Smith also did not go directly to the Supreme Court. No cases do. They first have to go through the lower courts first.
Alan calls her brave. I call her a tool of the anti-gay homophobic conservative movement.
Did I say she was paying her own legal costs? No, that was you. Isn’t that a sign of ignorance?
Also please show me where it says cases cannot be taken directly to the Supreme Court with out going through the system. The Court CAN use that as a reason to refuse to hear the case but no where does it say it cannot be done.
But hey, Chris is a tool of pro-gay let’s push the border on child endangerment/sexual exploitation liberal movement.
Not much fun being labelled, is it Chris
Merry Christmas
You stated that happened here….it did not.
Cases can only go directly to the Supreme court where there is original jurisdiction which the Constitution limits to cases involving disputes between the states or disputes arising among ambassadors and other high-ranking ministers. But you go ahead with silly misinformed rants because you only see politics as a zero-sum game.
I am very much pro LGBTQ given they are people deserving of the same basic human rights as anyone else.
The rest of your label is just gibberish as usual from a hateful old man.
Alan, are you up in arms that a black Gay woman was just named president of Harvard? What is happening to our education system?
I’m sorry, I’m not understanding your point, if there is one.
Merry Christmas to you!
Private business should be left alone. It is not the govt’s province. I was a free country.
You put up the money and the hours, and run your business as you see fit. If you run off a customer, it’s your choice. When the customer goes elsewhere, it’s their choice. See how it works to perfection?
Last time we tried that there where Whites only signs and no colored allowed signs hung up at a lot of businesses around Greensboro.
Seriously Chris…are you REALLY going to try to go there?
You are a very pathetic liberal whiner that seems to only be able to reply only using non-sequitur comments
White wash it all you want Alan. This is really no different. People used religion to justify racial discrimination in the same way people now openly abuse the individual rights of the LGBTQ community.
But you be you. At hateful little old man.
Isn’t religious percussion the reason Jesus was hung on the cross chris. You are such a sad little person
You are right. I remember it well. But times have changed, equal rights have advanced greatly since WWII. After all, men & women of color served to defend our country (back to colonial times). We are all in this together. We need to stop bickering and get on with it.
Well said miller. My opinion exactly. Let the market decide.
Merry Christmas
You’re right Miller, the free market works seamlessly (Adam Smith’s “Invisible Hand”).
And the Left has no commitment to principle, or the actual rights & wrongs of a situation. For example, they love to paint themselves as righteous crusaders when it comes to forcing restaurants and bars to admit black people, under the principle of equal access for all. But, when a Christian group is summarily denied service – explicitly because they are a Christian group – the Left immediately lines up to support the restaurant that perpetrated the discrimination (Metzger Bar & Butchery, Richmond, VA).
All Leftists are preening hypocrites.
*raising a glass of cheer in agreement*
The US hasn’t operated as a pure free market since it produced Monopolies, Labor abuses, Toxic Chemicals as ‘medicine, Systemic Racism, Price Fixing, etc….
But you go ahead in live in your little fantasy world where businesses care about anything other than profits and ‘act’ fairly for the good of the community, state or country.
I said none of that.
Those are YOUR Leftist misconceptions and misunderstandings. Both the reasoning and the premises of your allegations are so flawed that it would take pages to unwind and correct them – and you still wouldn’t understand.
I’ll just say that it was the implementation of laissez faire free market capitalism that caused a little island in Europe to become the World’s first global superpower, raising the standard of living of its people to unheard of heights. The rest of the Western World immediately copied the model.
Adam Smith is greater than Karl Marx.
Please show me a “pure free market”.
You two are idiots. That was my point. Free markets as written by Adam Smith don’t exist. Governments exist to protect the individual rights of its people. You two are now supporting my position that the Government does have a right to protect LGBTQ against bigoted business owners.
Saying ‘free markets work seamlessly’ is moronic. They only work if there is a strong check and balance by governments to protect the individual rights and safety of the broader community.
No, you are an idiot, Chris. You have no understanding of the concepts expounded in The Wealth of Nations. So you are ignorant as well as being an idiot. The clumsiness and ineptness of state intervention in free markets always result in an abortion (like the US government schools) whereas the Productive Sector working in the free market always results in an optimal outcome (like private schools).
Unfettered free markets have existed in different countries for several periods in history, and always have led to many being lifted out of poverty.
You are the moron here.
An opinionated, vacuous, loud mouthed, abusive moron.
Well, they know what’s best for us.
So they say.
And they believe that gives them the right to control us.
“It’s for your own good”.
There is no limit to the arrogance and presumption of the Left… and their nauseating self-satisfied smugness.
Well chris if you own a business in NC you can post a sign that says “we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason “. Have you never seen one before.
True that, Austin. The leftist ARE preening hypocrites.
Alan – Did you recently get a “word of the day” calendar, or roll of toilet paper? You seem overly eager to use the word ‘apoplectic’ in your latest rant; in fact you use it twice in the span of two sentences. I’ve never seen you use it before, so that gives me pause to wonder why. It’s almost Christmas, man, give the Scrooge schtick a rest.
Thank you Chris. I failed to thoroughly vet my writing and only after I hit the send button before I realized it. In the future I’ll try to be more perfect like you.
Oh, that’s right the last perfect person was hung from a cross…sorry.
Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukkah. The savior is yet to come. Prove me wrong.
You have the right to your beliefs and I did and will continue to defend your right to do so Rabbi.
In reply to your challenge to prove you wrong, my reply is for you to prove me wrong.
There are some things that no matter what you say, neither side can prove the other is right or wrong. It becomes a personal thing.
Happy Hanukkah Rabbi.
Chris B I’ll bet you’re one pleasant person to reside with you are always so sour I’ll bet you facial expression looks like you just sucked a big ole lemon or something like that. That’s for you views Alan keep writing. It seems you step on unhappy peoples toes. Thanks also for your service and a big MERRY CHRISTMAS.
And so we learn that buried in Tillis’s proposal is a provision to amnesty current illegal immigrants. So he believes that the big green light Biden’s administration is shining all over the World to “undocumented” immigrants is not enough of an encouragement to the foreign hordes. Now we must tell them to break in regardless of our current laws, and we’ll give them amnesty anyway.
Tillis has no business in the GOP. He is a far left Democrat.