Miscellaneous musings. If premium gas is 93 octane, regular gas is 87 octane and mid-grade mixes the two, how come its octane is just 89 rather than 90? From above the North Pole the Earth spins counter-clockwise, with the sun appearing to come out of the east. The atmosphere is gaseous and so our wind and weather ought to generally come out of the east also, but our weather here and in the UK always seems to come out of the west. Why? And lastly, why is beer sold in bars in long neck glass bottles which are so easily and instantly turned into hand-held stabbing weapons? Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.
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Yeah, I was at the Republican luncheon this week. It’s at Golden Corral. We were discussing some of the people who you picked for the endorsements. I know you’re a Republican paper, and we’re all Republicans that was sitting in the room, but I hate to tell you, a lot of us are not voting Republican this year on some of the candidates. We’re just going to leave them blank. There was about 50 of us in that room. And there were a couple of them that we just – who just – basically they were unqualified some of them to even be running. So we were wondering who picked your endorsements? Because I know being a Republican paper you probably just went through and endorsed every Republican running for a race. You probably didn’t really check, you know, to see who you would endorse or not. I just figured if it was a Republican, you probably endorsed them.
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Have you ever noticed how the people in their nice exclusive gated communities are so against a border wall? Isn’t that sort of hypocritical? Aren’t they living behind a wall? The people that come across that border will never be able to get into their neighborhoods. Their neighborhoods have gates with armed guards, but yet a border wall with armed guards is wrong. I just don’t understand, do you?
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I would like to know when the city is going to open up the Church Street between Friendly and East Market streets. It seems like they’ve made a parking lot out of it, and it’s very inconvenient for people coming down Friendly that want to go to the train station or the bus station because they can’t take a left. The construction people seem to work banker’s hours from 9 to 3 and no Saturdays and no weekends. It looked like to me that the city can pay a little bit more and come out cheaper by having them work overtime and get this job done. Thank you.
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You know there is 45 – Rush Limbaugh is talking about it right now – there are 45 Republicans that are not rerunning this year. Some of them have actually flipped parties and stepping down. And that’s the problem. We have 45 new Republican candidates that no one is researching or knows about. They’re just going to vote for them because they are Republicans. Come on, people, don’t fall for that scam. I don’t know if this will get printed in time for the election, but think about that. Forty-five Republicans. There are only 50 states in the Union. Come on, think about this. Forty-five Republicans are stepping down and not rerunning this year.
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Hello. This is a true American citizen. I would like to say something about the Democratic Party. In World War I we were fighting the Germans. World War II we were fighting the Germans, the Italians briefly and the Japanese. In Korea, we were fighting the communists. And our number enemy today in the United States of America is the Democrat Party. Absolutely, the Democratic Party is the syphilis of America. I guess you could call them the devil’s disciples. And the people that call in our Democrats to this number, I wouldn’t print a thing they had to say, because they’re all liars. So, anyway, so long for now. By the way, the fellow that shot those eight Jewish people was a Democrat.
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I think this is the worst election cycle I’ve ever seen for ads. And I’d like to thank Trudy Wade for her childish ads, which made me want to vote for Michael Garrett. And the other candidates, I don’t know why they just can’t state their platform, what they stand for, instead of running negative ads against the other person. Do they not know what they stand for or they don’t have a platform or they are afraid people will know what their platform is? Candidates, just say what you run for so we can vote for you instead of making us vote for your opponent. Thank you, Rhino Times. Bye.
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Yeah, this is very short and sweet. I keep hearing about blue waves, red waves. All I want is an honesty wave. I don’t care what party they are. It doesn’t matter. I vote for the person. Just give me some honest people to make decisions really affect the real people, not the millionaires. Thank you.
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Overheard bar talk recently with respect to the caravan coming up from Central America. Two words came out of that conversation: Cluster and bomb.
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Good morning, Beep. Uncle Joe Biden said he is just sick of this administration that we’ve got now. Well, tell Uncle Joe when you see him that everybody was sick of their administration too, but wasn’t nothing we could do about it. So we did something about it. We voted them out, voted somebody in that would try to straighten it out. Have a great day.
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All this recent controversy regarding change of the interpretation of the 14th Amendment is nonsense. This is not new. It happens all the time. Almost all the Bill of Rights have been abused by different groups in one way or another. The PC police are working to restrict our First Amendment. Look at how many groups desire to totally do away with the Second Amendment. Law enforcement has no respect for the Fourth Amendment when it comes to searching people and their property, nor do they respect the Fifth Amendment when they take people’s personal property without due process in alleged drug cases. Ask someone who has been sitting in a rotten jail cell for months what they think of the Sixth and Eighth amendments. The powers that be, whether they’re left or right, are wrong. They do what they want and seem to always find ways to justify their actions.
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Hello. I’m calling in about Don Lemon on CNN who says that white men are – basically calling them terrorists because there is no ban for them or nothing like that for white men and there needs to be a ban for them because white men are terrorists. Well, I think he needs to come out and apologize. I think what he said was dirty. Not only that, I have white children. I have a son and a stepson. And I have one son that’s passed away that is white. And I think that that was very dirty and disrespectful for him to say. CNN has really just gone to the dogs. I mean, seriously. They have just – they don’t know how to tell the truth. They lie all the time. They sit there and they don’t never go to seek the truth about the news.
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I would like to say this as well. You know, for all you people out there that hate white people, y’all need to take it up with God. Because we have nothing to do with the way we were born. We have no control over our skin color whatsoever, just like the Mexicans have no control over where they were born. The blacks don’t have no control over the way they were born. Nobody has any control over the way they were born. So, if you don’t like us, you need to take it up with the Lord Jesus Christ. That’s who you need to take it up with. And if you want to call us bigots, racists, this, that and the other, you need to take that up with the Lord as well, because we have no control over our skin color.
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Voters should vote for Donald Trump just because he put this nation back on the right path. Look at your wallets. Look at your 401K’s. Look at your benefits. What did the last administration do for you as far as those jobs that will never come back? We’re going to shut down coal. Right in the man’s face is what Hillary said. We’re going to shut down your job. So, why vote for a Democrat?
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Yeah, I don’t understand why that buffoon Trump keeps bashing the Democrats when it’s all Republicans that are investigating him. Mueller, Wray, Comey, all these people investigating him are Republicans. He’s as dumb as a rock. I tell you that. Now he must be scared of women and children, because now he wants to have them shot for throwing rocks.
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Hello. It’s Friday, Nov. 2. And I’m mad as hell. I just learned that members of the migrant caravan that are making their way toward the Mexican-American border are now suing the United States. That’s right. The people of the United States are being sued by foreigners, people who are attempting to enter our country illegally. They are suing us because we have laws regarding immigration. They are suing us, every legal man, woman and child in the United States is being sued by people who do not live here. They are not citizens but they are demanding that we let them in, feed them, house them, clothe them, shelter them, put them in our schools, provide them with health care. These people are suing us. This should be the last straw for every American regarding illegal immigration.
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This is for all the drivers that get behind the city bus and make multiple stop to drop people off, picks people up, you follow them. You stay behind them. Here’s your sign.
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If a politician tells me they have cut my personal income taxes and they are doing me a big favor by keeping more of my money, how does that come out to my benefit when new taxes are added to services and goods that were not already there before? Sounds like it all equals out. They give you something from one hand and then take away something from you from the other hand. They’re not talking about all these taxes they added in goods and services. They’re just talking about the cuts making it sound like they gave you something. They didn’t give you nothing. Thanks, Trudy Wade.
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It’s Saturday morning, and I see where Barack Hussein Obama is down in Florida stumping for the man trying to run for governor. He said that Trump just lied so much, and you just absolutely can’t run a country like that. When he said that, I happen to think about when Susan Rice came out on all the talk shows on Sunday morning after Benghazi and told all how it happened. I guess the janitor at the White House sent her out there to go tell people that. And I remember something about when you got your doctor, you could keep your doctor. I don’t know who said that. I think it was Obama that said it. But he just laid it on the line about people telling lies. And I don’t know what else. There was another thing that he kept saying: I can’t sign this. I can’t sign this when he did sign it. He said if the Congress and Senate wouldn’t pass it, he would. And he didn’t suppose to do that, but he done it anyway. But to hear him tell it, he’s ready for the Baptist seminar.
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Yeah, in your Nov. 1 edition, you got a political cartoon. And it says, what will we do to win the midterms. And then it says anything. I just wanted to let you know that you got the picture wrong. It shouldn’t have been a donkey. It should have been a big, huge, fat elephant. Then you would have been correct.
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Two questions. Why is Ms. Manning, nowhere have I saw where she discussed the Supreme Court appointment, and why are the politicians now not identifying which party they’re representing. And the pat answer, we represent everybody, but due to the funds that political parties are giving to the candidates, then it looks like they would be proud to announce what party or who they’re running with. And I noticed Manning has not mentioned her affiliation in any of the ads and nowhere have I seen any discussion about the circus in the Supreme Court appointment and the activities of some of the members degrading and bringing it to the lowest level.
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It’s Sunday morning, and I just see where a Democrat throwed some coffee or milk or something on a Republican down south of here. Maybe it was in Florida. They arrested her. And I also see where the woman that accused Kavanaugh of rape said she was lying about it. It looks like to me if a man’s got driver’s license and holds down a job would have enough sense to listen to that mess and realize it was not true. You are born with a certain amount of common sense. And how anybody could go to the polls and vote for a Democrat after what’s going on now and how this country has picked up in the last 24 months, how he could do that, I do not know. Undoubtedly, they’d rather have a recession or depression than to have a Republican president. In other words, they’d like to park their car and not be able to buy gas for it before – they hate Trump that bad. It does not make sense to me. There’s people at Camp Butner that will never get out got more sense than anybody that would do that.
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It’s Sunday, and I was watching the start of the race in Texas. This is for my Democratic friends that if Jesus Christ came back and run on a Republican ticket, they’d vote for the devil. NASCAR racing was started, from my understanding, by a bunch of bootleggers using their cars to haul moonshine on up in Virginia to race, and it turned into what it is today. But now they honor the flag, the Boy Scouts are saying the American allegiance. They pray before the games. And what do we got? We’ve got football. Millions of people, a bunch of grown men drawing thousands and thousands of dollars a game taking one knee. What would you do if one of them air blasts would come over here and knock everything out, all electricity? You couldn’t use your home. You couldn’t use your computers. You couldn’t turn your lights on. How would that be? Would you like that better? I guess you would. Anything to get rid of Trump.
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Hello, Beep. Hello, Reid. Once upon a time a Democratic president brought us out of a Great Depression. People in their 80s still say he was one of the greatest presidents we ever had. That was then. This is now. Democrats have changed, say the older folks. They want to throw us into a depression nowadays. Southern Guilford and Otis here. I like the way older people think.
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As a born and raised Colonial era immigrant to America, my family has fought and strived through every epic of our history. And have personally worked abroad for 20 years, what’s most offensive when I came back to America is to see this demur attitude as if we are apologetic to the world for some great grievance. I mean, we’re the least colonial power ever. We’re not England. We’re not France. We’re not Spain, Portugal or Italy. The point is, no immigrant, no front-door immigrant to any embassy or consulate in the foreign service, no front-door immigrant has ever been demur. They’ve always been bold like Americans.
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Yeah, it’s a buffoon Trump who keeps talking about making fun of President Obama’s middle name, Hussein. And let’s talk about Donald Trump’s real last name is not Trump. It’s Drumph, d-r-u-m-p-h. Drumph is Trump’s real last name. His grandfather changed it when he come over here from Germany. So, let’s talk about that last.
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Hello, Beep. Hello, Reid. When it comes to the circle of life, Democrats remind me of tadpoles. They’re at that stage of becoming but still undeveloped. Southern Guilford and Otis here. Have a nice day.