Yeah, this is for the editor that made the comment over my Kanye West comment about he’s just kissing Trump’s behind to get a job in the White House. Kanye West already has money. Now he wants power. And what does it matter? Because Trump and his family is still making bunch of money in the White House, aren’t they? They’re still doing business. So, what does it matter? They’re getting away with it.
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Well, now, I certainly hope that the reason that my local Food Lion was totally void of copies of the Oct. 25 issue of the Rhino Times on the Sunday, I hope that reason was because folks were anxious to find out who you’ve endorsed in the midterms. No liberal Democrat would have made off with the entire stack. Or would they? By the way, I voted on Oct. 18. And thanks for the confirmation of my choices. Have a great day.
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If your head is stopped up, and it is hard to breathe, do this. Take in a large breath and hold it as long as you can. A minute will work, but a minute and a half is better.
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John, we’d love to see you do a piece on immigration, where the citizens of the state stand on the health care compared to all the immigrants coming in, and possibly diseases being transmitted and not being checked at the borders for these incidents. You’re a great journalist, I think. We need to look at some of these things concerning our citizens.
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I’m a retired state employee, 75 years old, and I have been grandfathered in a BlueCross BlueShield plan, which I was promised in the 1960s. I was in law enforcement and also in the community college system. I also run a healthcare company. So, we have Dale Folwell in the state trying to make everybody flip. And if we do not call, then we will automatically be enrolled in his new UnitedHealth Medicare rewards program, which supposedly is better than what we got. Now, what we got has been fine since the 1960s. And the fact that we’re grandfathered in has been fine with the doctors and the drugstores. Now, he doesn’t explain how he can get us a deal on drugs or a deal on doctors. He just says it’s going to be better. And if we don’t call – if we don’t make a phone call, they’re going to flip us into it anyway.
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Have you noticed by watching political advertisements that every single dollar “could go to our schools”? So and so accepted a campaign contribution that could have gone to our schools. So and so cut taxes, money that could have gone to our schools. So and so ate lunch out, money that could have gone to our schools. Is there a dollar out there that our education bureaucrats do not covet? Is there any limit to their greed? And don’t trot out the old canard that it’s for the children. Our children receive the worst education in the free world, despite the US spending more money per student than every other country except Switzerland. The government schools monopoly burns obscene amounts of taxpayer money and provides abysmal education. But even the lowest educator averages $50,000 a year for a part-time job. Now that’s what’s really important, right? Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.
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Yes, I love the new slogan: Democrat mobs, Republican jobs. It’s that simple. It’s what it boils down to. The left has taken over the Democratic Party. And they’re under their umbrella. They’re hiding under the umbrella. About 20 percent of the Democratic Party is radical. It’s communist. It’s socialist. It’s Antifa. It’s all the things that are bad – George Soros – about the world in general. On their behinds sitting there underneath the tent, sheltered underneath the tent of the Democratic Party. Any Democrat who doesn’t realize that, you need to pinch yourself and wake up. The other issue is the Trump economy. You had a choice to keep the economy going or end up with Nancy Pelosi’s, the third person in line to be president of the United States. Think about that for a minute. This woman is going to be 80 years old. She doesn’t seem to function correctly when she speaks.
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NPR’s Weekend Edition put out a piece in which they fretted in grave tones over the probable Brazilian election victory of a “far right” candidate named Bolsonaro. This followed a pompous lecture from NPR about the evils of violence in politics. Strangely, NPR did not think you need to know that Bolsonaro suffered a knife attack last month by a leftist that nearly killed him. I guess it’s only violence against liberals that causes hand-wringing at NPR. Violence against rightists doesn’t even merit a mention.
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It is extremely difficult to understand why the Democratic folks in North Carolina cannot understand what has been done for education in the past compared to what the Republicans have tried to straighten out. And they have straightened out quite a bit they have access to. And I understand that Dale Folwell has done great wonders in the pension plan for the folks and the state employees. And, yet, the Democrats seem to think that they are the ones who have created all these great things, which have not been true to back up with history of what the Democrats have done for education in North Carolina. It’s not much. I would say that Governors Dan Moore, Jim Holshouser, Jim Martin did more than any of those. So, it’s amazing that they don’t use a little history to help to understand today and tomorrows. Thank you.
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Isn’t it amazing that the Democrats on a national level promote mobs? The Republicans promote jobs. I can’t understand why Pelosi and all those folks who are running now want socialism. Then they continue to push this idea that mobs are essential for running the country. It’s just not right. And now, here they are supporting this big group coming in from Guatemala, and across Mexico, and they want to protect them in the sanctuary cities. And, yet, they can’t understand that here they are trying to keep more in here and for them to be illegal. It would be nice if they would promote jobs just like the Republicans are doing rather than promoting mobs.
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Hey, I’m convinced that the Democrats in the House and Senate are destroying this United States. This is supposed to be fair for the people of the United States. But seems like they are for the people coming here illegally from other countries. Think it’s time to vote out all the Democrats in Congress and get some people up there that’s got some sense. Have a good day.
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Wow. Breaking news. Outside of San Francisco 45,000 gallons of salsa, the truck overturned. It’s everywhere. California Highway Patrol responded.
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Well, I’m sitting here. It’s Wednesday afternoon. Watching CNN – not CNN. I would never watch CNN. I’m watching Fox News, but they’re talking about these bombs that are sent to CNN and the Obamas and the Clintons and other prominent Democrats. Folks, this is nothing but a smoke screen. This is a hoax. This is the Democrats stooping low again. They are sending this stuff, knowing that they’re going to be found. And they’re not going to go off. I think they’re probably not even – couldn’t go off unless you stuck another bomb in there to make them go off. They’re just doing this – how many more days is it left for the midterm elections?
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I was just reading about this pipe bomb stuff going to the Clintons and all. And that’s a bad thing to do. But if I was the authorities, first thing I would be doing was checking to make sure that they didn’t send them to their selves or the Democratic Party doing that. That would be a good way to kind of make people think that it was the Republicans doing it. And it wouldn’t be so. And according to what they were saying, it looks like they was just fake bombs to start with. So they were sending themselves the biggest bomb just to stir up trouble. They were just poor losers. They always have been since the election. They need to change their attitude and help the country. That’s all I got to say now. And I think they ought to check out the Democrats for doing this if it was them.
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If a person would have been out of the US for the last 10 years and they returned, they would not recognize the Democratic Party. They are for open borders, sanctuary cities, want to abolish ICE. They dislike law enforcement. They want to take away your tax cut. The Democratic Party bottom line has become extremely scary. Do you want your family to be safe? Do you want your jobs? Better think about it before you vote, because this is the reality of what’s going on in today’s Democratic Party.
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You know, I think it’s kind of funny. I was looking in the paper for endorsements. And I found the Replacements Ltd. endorsement, Republican endorsement, Democratic, just basically all of these endorsements, and different parties and different groups, and different organizations. And I seem to notice, no one even takes the soil and water race, apparently, seriously. For most of the endorsements you see posted online, you don’t see soil and water even listed. And I think one group actually picked two people. And I was surprised who I saw listed. Because there’s one candidate running for soil and water that’s gay, you know? And Replacements Ltd. had a gay PAC. But it was funny they didn’t pick that candidate. Then, there was another person running for soil and water – if I can remember – I think his name is Perkins. And he used to be, if I remember, a county commissioner. So, I’m surprised he wasn’t endorsed. And they have two people I’ve never heard of that they decided to endorse.
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The Fox News headline reads, Chinese and Russian spies listen to Trump’s phone conversations. So, what’s that work out to? Those tariffs just got a little higher. Chinese goods just got a little more expensive. You want to tweak the nose of the president, China? Well, it’s all about face now. So you’re going to owe us even more than you already do. And visas? Oh, sorry. You want extra visas? You want to come for any sort of exchange or meeting? Those visas just got a little more scarce. Sorry, actions have consequences.
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I wanted to finish. Then you look at this caravan coming across here, and none of the Democrats are saying anything about all these illegal people coming over here. And now you look at the measles outbreak, you look at all these other diseases that are coming across here, and you wonder, where are all these diseases coming from? We have never had anything like this until all these illegals started coming in here. And, you know, people better start waking up. They better start waking up and paying attention, because our schools are overflowing. And that’s another thing. These teachers, they say, are leaving in droves. Well, that’s good. Because maybe we’ll get some people that can teach our kids how to do A, B, C’s, cursive writing and know the difference from right and wrong. Because we’ve got all these crazy liberals up there that are teaching our kids bad things.
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I’m reading the latest and current edition of your marvelous newspaper, Oct. 25, Thursday. Just got it. It’s a great paper. I’m reading in there about Danny Rogers wanting to be the sheriff and how he’s bashing BJ Barnes, a fine man who’s been in there for over 20 years. People, all Danny Rogers has to run on – I’m reading this thing – and all it says in here is no black this, no black that, no black, blah, blah, blah, blah. No black hires. No black – are you serious Danny? That’s all you’ve got to run on? That’s all you have? Well, good luck, buddy, because there’s no way you’re going to beat this man. BJ Barnes – I’m not comparing him to Andy Griffith because there’s no comparison.
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So, I met a good friend of mine, Andy. It’s been years. He’s a Greensboro native like I am. And we started talking about the dojo that used to be where the art museum is. When that was demo’d, it was moved to Tate Street right next to Hong Kong House, the restaurant. The karate studio was always a serious place. And if you were not a student and walked in the front of that place, you had about a 20-square-foot area that was public. And, then, beyond that you’re in there. So, it was funny. My friend was saying that he went to the new place, which is out, I think, Lee Street. And there were young kids in there. And they were running around in their karate outfits. And eating donuts. What the heck? He said when he was taking karate there in the ’80s, they were carrying cinder blocks. What has happened to the world?
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I don’t know exactly how long ago it was, but I heard Hillary Clinton say, what this country needs is open borders. I couldn’t believe she said that. But she did. And, then, I found out that that is the Democrat way of life. The reason that you’ve heard nobody in the Democrat Party say anything about these people that’s coming this way towards the border is because they want them in to be Democratic voters. If you can imagine it, if they can get 50 million people here voting the Democrat ticket, you’d only have one party. The Constitution was set up absolutely on purpose to keep that from happening. That will be like it is in some of the foreign countries. You can vote any way you want to as long as you vote for a Democrat. But the people that’s running in the Democrat Party do not care if they ruin the county. They couldn’t care less. All they want is the power. And just watch them. Read the papers and watch the news. They don’t care how many comes in, because they’ll try to make Democratic voters out of them. Think about it.
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I’m reading an article about Social Security increase of $35 or $36 per month. And I want to remind that person – I’m going to be 70 years old – I’ve had increases in my Social Security also. But every time I got increase, my insurance rates went up. Forty years I paid Social Security in. Every time I got a pay raise, my insurance went up. I got a 5 percent raise, 10 percent raise, half of that raise went to raise my insurance. So, I didn’t get the total of 5 percent or 10 percent raise. But no one gets that kind of raise anymore nowadays.
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Hey, I was just sitting here looking at this cartoon on page 34. I get the message. I guess that’s supposed to be Nancy Pelosi, but she can’t be. She looks like a real human not a plastic mannequin. Thank you.
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Tonight, I attended the Trump rally in Charlotte. And although the weather was horrible, it did not detract attendees. I didn’t see many protestors, which is odd, because Charlotte is such a liberal city. It was a wonderful experience. I’ll never forget seeing our president. He’s got it going on. And so does our nation. Vote red. You won’t be sorry you did. Unless, of course, you’re crazy.
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Trump’s rally in Charlotte tonight was so much fun. And I think for him especially. Because his policies are working. And when he’s talking to the crowd, he has time to have a lot of fun, a whole lot of fun. The nation should be joining in on the fun. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than it’s been since I can remember. God bless America. Vote red in November, be it early voting or on Election Day, vote red.
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Folks, as if there was already a myriad of reasons not to vote Democrat in the upcoming midterms, add your investments to the list. Once in a blue moon I will, out of spite and curiosity, tune to NPR when I’m driving a long distance like I was the other day. Yesterday, there was a financial investment guru talking about 401K’s and investments, particularly for baby boomers recently retired and those not far from it. He said if the godless liberal Democrats – my words, not his – win the House back, God forbid the Senate, too, it will have serious negative consequences on your portfolio. Keep in mind, this was on liberal loving NPR. Boomers and anyone else who has a financial adviser, if that isn’t reason enough to vote straight GOP, then I don’t know what is.
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If the godless liberal Democrats win in November, you will lose big time. Hear that baby boomers?
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As Bullwinkle and Rocky would say, now for something totally different. Thank you, President Trump, for your diplomatic effort to see how America measures up to other countries. At least you aren’t giving out a fortune in hopes that particular countries will play fair.
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Hello, Rhino. Southern Guilford here. Bullies are a concern these days, but all a kid needs to do is watch a few campaign ads and he or she could learn how to be an expert bully.
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I’m watching TV. And they keep talking about who’s dividing the country. If you want to know who’s dividing the country, turn on CBS, MSNBC and CNN. One morning show I heard him say more than one time that Donald Trump has something wrong with his brain, and why didn’t he quit. And this goes on and on, and they say somebody else is dividing the country? The news is what’s dividing the country. And the people that sit and watch it is as ignorant as they are.
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If Barack Obama and John Kerry would go back to Iran and give them another $150 billion, do you think they’d quit trying to kill the Jews? Now, they’ve been wanting to exterminate the Jews. And they was talking about it when they give them the first $150 billion. But if they went back over there and give them another $150 billion, would they change their mind?
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Hi. I’m calling in in regards to the Jews at the synagogue being shot. I’d like to say this, because nobody has brought up Louis Farrakhan. He is on Twitter. He’s on Facebook. And nobody has ever made him stop, shut his Facebook down. But they did Alex, the one that has his theories and stuff. But Louis Farrakhan has always talked about the Jews. He’s always downgrading the Jews, you know? But you see all these leftists with him: Maxine Waters, even Obama, Cory Booker. You see all these so-called leftwing people with Louis Farrakhan.
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Just wanted to thank all of the employees who are contracted by Duke Energy for the hard work that they done when the power was out. Though I didn’t lose power, I know that they put in long hours. One employee said he worked 132 hours in one week. And were threatened by a customer with a rifle if they didn’t get her power on immediately. There were some people in Greensboro who said, where are all the power trucks at? How would you like to put in that many hours and be criticized for not being seen working on the power lines?