Hello, I’m calling in about the Democrats that are holding the government hostage. I would like to say this to Nancy Pelosi. The American people do not want you as Speaker and it just so happened that you got it. But we the American people are holding you accountable for this shutdown. You will not go in and talk to Trump. You will not do anything to negotiate with him, you or Chuck Schumer, either one. You think that you’re sitting up there and you’re winning and you’re acting stupid and I think that you’re incompetent and there’s a lot of other people that also think you’re incompetent. You don’t know how to lead; you don’t know how to be a leader. You don’t know what you’re doing and it’s time for you to step down. I think that it’s time for the Democrat party to say you need to go and I think that if you don’t go that the American people are going to start protesting that you step down because you’re incompetent. You don’t know what you’re doing and it’s time for you to go. So I say this. “Hey, ho it’s time for Nancy Pelosi to go”.
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Hello, I don’t want to sound racist, but there is a private statue in Winston-Salem. It’s a Confederate statue. It’s on private property and it’s owned by a private individual. Over the last two weeks they have raised so much cane about taking that statue down then they go in Greensboro throw back up the Martin Luther King statue. Martin Luther King was never senator, he was never a congressman, and he was never president. He never held any political office. He never fought, never put a uniform on. There are so many things that he didn’t do that these confederates did do. They put their lives on the line even though it was a lost cause. The whole point is this, they did all this and King didn’t. But still yet not one person sees anything wrong with sticking Martin Luther King statue up. Did he really accomplish much of anything? I guess he helped African Americans, but that’s about it. People just don’t get it; they are one-sided. They think they can tear down Confederate statues and in its place put a Martin Luther King statue up. This just isn’t making any sense. There needs to be a law passed that all statues are protected; Confederate, non-Confederate, it doesn’t matter. I’m just waiting for the one in Greensboro to get torn down or knocked over in the middle of the day time by a bunch of people that don’t want it up; they took it down when it was concrete now they put up a metal one and I can already see it coming. There’s people out there are very upset about it and they’re going to be protesting to have it removed it. I can already see it coming. They tear down Confederate and even coming after General Greene because he had slaves. Can you believe that they want to tear down a general’s statute on state property because he had slaves Nathanael Greene. I’m like come on people this is getting stupid.
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I want to just leave a thought about the government employees furloughed. I certainly have sympathy for those people and I hate it that they are not getting a paycheck now, but let’s remember they are on furlough and they will get their back paychecks. I think I’m correct in saying that the government employees are represented by the Federal Government Employee Union; so is their union not stepping in and helping to supplement their income? In some cases unions do this when their employees go out on strike. Well, now these government employees can see what it’s like and what happens when unions call strikes on these companies and these employees have to go out because their unions decided to call a strike. They don’t get paid and it’s unfortunate. It’s unfortunate for the company. It’s unfortunate for the employee. So hopefully Pelosi will come to her senses soon and sit down with Mr. Trump and negotiate a settlement.
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Yeah, I keep seeing these advertisements of people saying don’t buy the Dish come and get us. We don’t have a dish to put on your roof or whatever, but I want to let people know DirecTV and Dish Network both have a non-dish system that they’re switching to. You get a very good deal; a lot of channels at a low price and you don’t have to put a dish out front and that’s with both of them. AT&T owns one and I can’t remember who owns the other one, but they are going non-dish now. They can actually load an app on your TV on your smartphone on your DVD player or anything else that that will let you load apps on to it where you can actually watch their service straight through the TV. You don’t even have to have a dish out in your front yard, and they also have a DVR built into the software. So you don’t even need to DVR any more. It’s really interesting how this technology has expanded but it’s with both companies DirectTV and Dish Network. If you have a homeowners association or something that doesn’t let you have a dish guess what you can now get Dish Network or DirecTV because all you need is a smart TV. That’s all you need. I thought that was pretty neat but no one’s done an article about this updated technology. Everybody is still back stuck in the eighties and thinks you have to have a dish to have those two services. Well, guess what? You don’t have to anymore. It would be nice for if the Rhino would actually do a story on it because a lot of people don’t understand how advanced the technology has gotten with that technology system. You can do everything with your DVR your time recorder everything makes TiVo and all that other stuff was obsolete. I think you’ll be very happy with the non-dish system. Pretty soon that’s going to be all over the place. The dishes are now obsolete.
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Another reason I left Greensboro after living there for 67 years. I still take the Greensboro paper and the headlines today January 27, 2019 Police oversight group set new goals, the criminal justice advisory commission will have more authority to detect patterns and encourage reform. Well here we again we are disciplining the wrong people. Policeman wouldn’t even be needed if people behaved themselves. Why doesn’t Greensboro and that beloved City Council work on teaching people to obey the law and then the police wouldn’t be involved in the first place. Thank goodness…I am out of Greensboro and I do know from a friend who was a business owner on West Market. Her institution was robbed at gunpoint January 24. She was the 54th robbery in her area since January 1 2019. Now why don’t you concentrate on crime and the criminal instead of correcting the police?
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Do you ever wonder why the Democrats think the way they do or obstruct the way they do? Or try to get the policies pass they won’t pass. It’s simple because they answer to Satan. There are two groups of people in the world. You’ve got God’s people. You have Satan’s people. The Democrats are the party of Satan, they’re in favor and support every evil that the country has to offer. While the Republicans good decent people who want to keep scripture in the schools who want to keep everybody on the straight and narrow to carry out God’s work. The Democrats on the other hand want complete turmoil as we can easily see and they want to support every evil that the country has to offer. Just look at who the Democrats try to convert to their side; the young, the poor, the helpless, the uneducated. That’s who they go after. That’s who they are trying to recruit. They are the party of evil. The Republicans are the party of God. Which side are you on? Think about it.
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I totally agree with the folks who have called in saying that the taxpayer should no longer support UNC Chapel Hill. They’re letting a crazy mob of liberals destroy our Southern Heritage. Silent Sam does not represent hate but honors North Carolina soldiers who fought in the Civil War. If you study North Carolina history as I did in college you’ll learn that North Carolina only seceded after we were surrounded by Confederate states, and only a small percentage of Tar Heel families owned slaves most of those being on the coastal plantations. The piedmont was mostly farmers and small businesses that didn’t have slaves. They probably couldn’t afford them. Well, while I’m on the subject the Confederate flag stands for our heritage not hate. The liberals manufactured that blame. Also, I think that the radical kids who attacked Silent Sam should be kicked out of Carolina. You notice the president and the chancellor have already left and I’m sure they didn’t have a solution. Anyway, if you allow these rowdy college kids to keep destroying property, they’ll never learn any manners or right from wrong and who knows what else they’ll destroy. It’s up to the parents and grandparents to teach these kids some conservative common sense. They’ll never learn that at Carolina.
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Hello, faithful Rhino readers, folks we’ve got a little over two and a half weeks until February 15. I want to advise all those federal employees who were out of work the time before; you need to start stocking up, saving up and get ready for another Democratic shut down of the federal government. Yes, I said a Democratic shut down. The ball is in Nancy Pelosi’s court. She needs to start working with Trump and his team to figure out how to fund the wall. That’s all there is to it. Her main objective is to defeat Trump. However she can. She doesn’t care a darn thing about the country, about the people or what the people want. So all you federal employees save up, stock up and get ready?
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Yeah, this is for all you Trump supporters that can’t read or to learn the facts but yet you keep talking about the Obama giving Iran money. That was Iran’s money that was put under the sanctions by the United States through Jimmy Carter back in the seventies. That was Iran’s money that President Obama gave back to them. The United States owed it to them. Learn the facts. There are three new tunnels under the barrier wall at the border. Under. Learn the facts.
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The Democrats have proven this week that they are without a doubt the party of evil. Now they want to abort children as a woman is dilating just minutes from childbirth. If this is not plain and simple murder, I don’t know what it is. They have proven themselves to be what we’ve always known the party of evil. They were actually applauding as Cuomo signed that bill into law that a woman can have an abortion just minutes or seconds away from childbirth. The reason they were applauding, is because they just made their boss happy, their boss being Satan That’s what they’re happy about. They are pleasing him. In the next election in 2020, we have got to without a doubt vote every single Democrat out of all of office. No matter what office they hold we have go to vote these evil, wicked, demonic people out of office. It’s our only hope. They have proven this week what they are.
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Guilford County Schools, where are your our priorities? Your priorities should be to the students in your Guilford County school system not Bennett College. That $8,300 you gave to Bennett would have supplied many school supplies for your classrooms. So you should be ashamed of yourself. That $8,300 should have gone to your classrooms. The parents of Guilford County School students are constantly nickeled and dimed for supplies. Instead of using that money in your classrooms, you gave it to Bennett College be ashamed of yourself Guilford County Schools.
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Good afternoon, faithful Rhino readers this is James from Northwest. I’m sure that over the course of the last few weeks we’ve all been astonished at some of the craziness of the far-left. Particularly from these newest congressmen who have come on board and some of the recent presidential candidates. Extreme far left ideas about free medical care for everyone, free college tuition, abortion of a baby that is full-term and there are other radical things and you have to stop and ask yourself; what’s going on? Where is this coming from? Why would even a Democrat allow some of this stuff to happen? Are these people just out of control or do the Democratic leaders really know what’s going on? You see I believe they know exactly what’s happening. They are allowing this to go on so that we conservative Republicans, we’re being conditioned to think that this is normal that it’s OK. This is kind of how the whole gay thing started out. We were slowly conditioned to think that it’s OK, and now it’s blatantly in front of us everyday. So you need to push back. We need to push back on these things, and we have got to stop and take a stand and say no. No more of this craziness.
This is for you idiots that don’t bother to learn the facts ,I suppose most cant read since you believe what Trump says instead of learning facts.The infants CANT survive outside of the womb,so most mothers don’t want to see their babies die because sometime they live for a few minutes when they are born,but their is something wrong and they are not going to live much longer.These are not healthy babies that are going to live.Stop listening to Fox news ,they never tell the whole story.
You must hate baby’s shame on you read the Bible all baby’s have a right s when they have been brought in to this world.
Will it’s time for Roy cooper to step down that picture of the black face says it all..good bye Roy . The city of Greensboro management is going Thur the tax money like water we need an audit and there to be accountable to the tax payers were our money is going and we the people could vote on anything regarding we’re our tax’s goes no no no money could ever be given to the civil rights museum again and that need to pay there property tax’s .we the tax payers are sick of the city giving our hard working money away. Do you get this Nancy ,and you other city members it’s time you think of lowering our tax’s and property tax’s before everyone moves out of Greensboro.
This goes to all you green deal nuts you need to read on how this will effect your life no phones no nothing and if you think these idiots are going to take care of you get real all these democratic all full of it . We the people need to stand up and show these idiots we mean business and we sent them up there to work for the people not for there self.
It;s time to stop all this racial mess it,s getting out of hand and it,s wrong to accuse a race of this or that and the truth comes out and it’s a lie, it’s getting old were is the I am sorrys at or for give me for jumping to conclusions. There are none. Dems needs to look into the mirror and remember what comes around goes around. It called karma