What is going on? I thought Guilford County had shut down the internet sweepstakes storefronts but a place has opened back up on West Market Street in the Food Lion Shopping Center. Did something change in the law?
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These homeless people that are going to receive 26,000 taxpayer dollars could be hired by the City Council to work for a street paving company and actually earn what they are being paid. It is a new idea called work to earn.
Sound of the Beep Line get a “the number you have dialed is incorrect … etc, etc, etc…” How about updateing the wesite # or getting rid of those liberal hackers that screw up up communications with consevatives in Guilford County.
All these people do is spend our tax money , what are they going to do when people start moving out due to all these issues and taxs the city Council has caused the tax payers . Why is there so many drivers riding around on expired tags can someone answer this question , and others are paying there tax’s and getting there proper tags dose this make any sense why is this allowed ….
Why do part buses drive to different counties with only 1 or no passengers ?
PART has never been about anything more than an expensive distraction tool. Basically its a regional program invented by some fellows in order to get some of their lodge brothers to award them federal grant money under the pretense that it a wonderful program for our communities. In reality all PART does is pave empty parking lots and runs empty million dollar buses up and down the highway. But thats not the important part. All that matters is those few fellows at the top of this massive non profit entity are raking in huge six (possibly seven) figure salaries.
Your local politicians have an obligation to help out their lodge brothers, but unfortunately they rarely have a thought that originates north of their anus.
The answer has 3 layers:
The State of North Carolina decided it was cheaper to print a single sticker in one color for your tag than the two in multiple colors we used to have on our vehicles.
The print is smallet and doesnt stand out as easily to law enforcement or anyone else for that matter. Can you read those new ones from 50 yards at 70 mph on the highway?
Some jurisdictions have silly restrictions our own City of Greensboro even got in on this for a while: They would not allow law enforcement to stop a vehicle for a basic traffic infraction unless there was an immediate danger to the public or another cause for the stop.
You know it’s tax time and you see all these people going to jail on the trump side for tax evasion my question is when is al sharpton going to jail for back tax’s he owes that race baiter is on tv and spuing hate and nothing is done to him why ..put this man in jail for all the back tax’s he owes it’s only fair.
When are you going to get the phone line back up and going
You can email your Sound of the Beep comments to: soundofthebeep@rhinotimes.com
I’m curious as to what happened to the caravan of illegal immigrants who were coming to America last year! Oh that’s right there was no caravan! Some of you people have been completely taken in by a lying man trying to get his way! Trump will say anything and some of you are gullible enough to believe him! You praise him like his crap doesn’t stink! It stinks just like manure!