Hi there Beep. I was just talking to my son, and we were talking about how these Democrats keep whining and crying about not getting elected and everything. And he thought, well, maybe we should do the PC thing, and maybe we should give them a participation trophy. That way, they’ll feel good about themselves. Y’all just give that a thought now, you hear? All right. Bye.
Hello. I’m calling about these immigrants that are at our border and that are acting like they’re complete idiots. I’d like to say this to all of you Hollywood elites. You know, if you don’t like what’s going on, you know, why don’t you send money, you send your money to those places where all these immigrants that are coming from to help them out? You know, we, the taxpayers, are tired of our money going to all these foreign places and nothing is happening as you well see. ‘Cause all these people are caravanning up and trying to come to our borders. And I do not blame Donald Trump one bit for wanting to shut that border down. If I was president, I would have done shut it down. We don’t need these people here. We have enough to deal with.
BJ Barnes, 24 years. The citizens of Guilford County have spoken. They didn’t like you. They didn’t like your policies. Stop being such a sore loser.
Hey John. I have been a reader of yours for years and years and years keeping up with Greensboro and Guilford County, and I’ve really appreciated it. But I really think doing away with the paper, you’re going to lose a third to half your readers. We’re a bunch of old veterans. We still write paper checks, you know? Pay a lot of our bills in cash and things like that. And we don’t do dot coms and Facebook. And the paper you can pick it up and read a little bit of it. Then you can lay it down, read some more later on. So, I don’t think all these young people that live with their phones, you know, have their phones on, that’s all they can do is live with their phones in their face, I don’t think they’re going to be read a lot of your stuff. And I’m going to miss it big time. I won’t have access to it. And I just want to thank you and Mr. Carroll for printing it over the years, ‘cause it really meant a lot. I hope you guys do great on your new venture, and we’ll talk to you later probably. Bye-bye.
Yes, this is Joe from Archdale. I saw in the Nov. 15 paper Mr. Carroll announced that he would no longer be printing the paper. It would all be online. I don’t read online. I don’t have an online service, and I do have a phone, but I really would love for them to keep printing this paper. I saw them. I don’t use it in a birdcage or use it for dog pee or doo. I use it ‘cause I enjoy it. And I’d love to see him keep printing it. Thank you very much. You’re a valuable asset to the community.
Yeah, I just picked up the Nov. 15 edition of your paper. And I find out this is the last edition you’re going to have in print. I’m one of those poor indigent people. I don’t have access to the Internet. Thanks for killing my weekly enjoyment. Did me a big favor. Thanks for nothing. Bye.
This is Scooter in Greensboro, soon to be in Rockingham County. I’ve been traveling a lot over the territory the last week, and I’ve noticed that Greensboro has got some of the highest gas prices in the state. Just wondering if it’s because of our long distance from the major pipeline companies and their storage facilities. Oops. They’re right in the town we’re in. Maybe it’s because of our high tax rate and high property taxes that the service stations and the concessionaires of fuel have to pay in Greensboro. I don’t know. Just call me crazy, but why is it 20 cents a gallon cheaper in the Fayetteville area and 20 cents a gallon cheaper plus cheaper than 20 cents in the Charlotte area? Charlotte has usually had higher gas than us. Shame on you retailers of gasoline. Lower the price.
With the most recent issue and the caller was talking about the deficit being high and blaming it on Obama. I think he needs to go back to Bush. Two very unnecessary wars and that started the whole deficit rise. Bush took office with a surplus left by Clinton. And he overreacts, two unnecessary wars, which if we are going to attack a country based on 9-11, which is what he said, he should have attacked Saudi Arabia. Now, another issue with Saudi Arabia, Trump was being a coward and not want to do anything about it, because the all-mighty dollar which is all he cares about. If he thinks he cares about you guys, you’re all nuts.
Yes, I live in Gibsonville. I just want to say I’ve enjoyed your paper, and I hate to see it not come no more. I don’t take the regular paper, and I don’t have Internet. So, I don’t know. Anyway, I enjoyed it. Thank you.
MSNBC, CNN and CBS are so knowledgeable that they have to take a BC Powder every morning to keep their head from hurting need to watch other news and find out that this caravan is causing a lot of trouble in Tijuana, Mexico. And they’re going to cause a lot more trouble when they get to our border. And they thought Trump was crazy for calling these people in and called it a stunt and this, that, and the other. Those people that thought he was crazy need to go to the border. I mean, go down there and watch and maybe they can turn them around. Or go down there and talk to them and say, you people go back. Maybe that will work. It’s going to be something when they get to the border. But if they had some teargas and some kind of cans that can spray. I don’t mean aerosol can. I mean something to pump up and some fire trucks with water hose, I’d reckon they’d soon get tired of coming through the fence if they kept getting shot with it. And MSNBC and CNN ought to be there to witness it.
Hello. I’m calling about the Democrats that want to say we want you to have healthcare for all. Well, you know, they passed that Obamacare, but all of them were exempt from getting that. They got better insurance. They got healthcare coverage for themselves and their family, but they were exempt from getting Obamacare. Well, I think that that’s wrong. You know? They should have to have the same type of insurance that the American people have. I mean, they’re no different. If that’s the case, then there’s two statutes. There’s one for the American people, and then there’s one for them. I think that if these Democrats want to push healthcare for all, they should have to deal with what they put on the American people. They should have to abide by the same quality of insurance that they put on the American people.
As we watch our border being overwhelmed by illegal aliens and four or five more caravans to be following this crew here, all we have to blame is these incompetent SOS individuals that we pay $175 or $185,000 a year to represent the best interests of American people. They work for no one but themselves. Democrat or Republican. They work for big business. They work for their lobbyist groups. And they work for the National Chamber of Congress. They could care less about the American taxpayers and their families. It’s a sad statement that we see what’s going on down there. They ranted and raved on for 15 years. It was 11 million illegal aliens in this country. A heritage group done a survey recently, and they’re not sure, but they’re thinking it’s between 25 and 30 million illegal aliens in this country.
Yes, I’m calling in reference to the great Donald J. Trump. First saw that he was trying to attack the military for not capturing Osama Bin Laden soon enough. This from a man who did not serve in the military. Very brazen and very stupid for someone like that to say something. Where was he when they were capturing Bin Laden? Was he counting his precious dollar bills, or maybe he was cheating on his wife? Either one. Shows what kind of a pathetic little person he is. I won’t call him a man. A man does not cheat on his wife, not a real man. Anyway, thank you.
Yeah, um, we were looking over the numbers. And a couple of other things from the previous election. Troy Lawson is the party chair of the Republican Party, and we were looking at how many votes he got for his district. And we looked how many Republicans are in that district. And it’s – the numbers just don’t go with – either a lot of people in the Republican Party did not vote in that district, or their chairman, or either somebody has played with the numbers. Because we were looking at the numbers of how many people live in that district and vote in that district that are Republicans. Then we looked in his district and saw how many votes he had. He got the lowest amount of votes of anyone that’s running for office anywhere which is kind of strange considering he’s the party chair.
Would you like to be in on the best-kept secret in Greensboro and Guilford County? Dr. Brady Honeycutt is the pastor of Guilford Baptist Church at 5904 West Market Street in Greensboro. And he teaches from the Bible. If you are tired of being a member of a mega church that you are part of the body and not somebody, come visit us at Guilford Baptist Church. I think you’ll be astounded at what you hear and see. What a wonderful sermon that he delivered every Sunday morning. And you’ll be going away feeling better about yourself and better about God. Thank you. And have a happy holiday season.
Yeah, Roy, this is John Gerber. I’ve been a resident here for 25 years. I’ve read your paper forever and ever. This is a terrible decision that you have made to go to a totally e-based paper. I mean, I love this publication and so many other people of my age, which is 77, do as well. So, you’ve got to rethink this buddy. This is no good. We need a printed paper to read every Friday. Golly, this is killing me. Please, help us. Thanks Roy. I know you will. Bye.
Oh, just calling about this ridiculous nonsense that the House was thinking about doing is they have a rule that no one is allowed to wear hats or any kind of head covering while on the House floor. And they’re deciding they are going to change the rule to allow the two Muslim women to allow to wear their headscarves on the floor. They would not do that for a couple of Catholic women who were nuns who still wear a head covering as part of their habit, why should they do it for a couple of Muslims? You either live by rules. They wouldn’t let Alma Adams from one of our districts from North Carolina wear a hat that she’s famous for. So, they should not. They should have to conform to our rules and our rules only. It’s time to stop giving into these people just because they think they have a right to. Have a good day.
Hello. This is a loyal reader. I am very disappointed in y’all going to the Website. I do not want to look at a screen anymore than I have to like I do all day. I’d rather pick up a magazine and read it. So, for the old loyal reader that I am, you can take your Website and your magazine and shove it now. Thank you. Have a good day.
Hi Beep. It just really irritates me that all of these congressmen and all these senators get the great big huge pension plan. Plus, they get this big, gold star hospitalization and everything. But, really, they volunteered to go up there. I’m sorry. Pay for your own. You go up there and get all these inside trading information and everything. You get all this government secrets that you can take and work with all these other companies. But, then, you turn around and get bodyguards. I’m sorry. It’s just too frickin’ much.
Ocasio-Cortez, that joke in New York who is a proud member of the Socialist Party and won the Democratic House seat, she is so worried about the underdog. She wants to help the people who are struggling. She is so worried. That’s why her Uber bills were only about $4,000 one month. Is she not aware that Uber is putting the struggling taxi drivers out of business? In that city where she lives there have been several taxi drivers commit suicide because what deregulated Uber has done to the taxi business. See Uber operates unregulated and deregulated while everybody else has to run regulated. And, therefore, they operate cheaper.
This goes to all the good hardworking taxpayers of Guilford County, city of Greensboro. Grab your wallets, folks. The Democrats has put a fox in the henhouse.
I just picked up my last edition of the Rhino to find out that you’re doing away with the print edition. I must tell you, I’m very disappointed. I have been a reader of the Rhino since it started. I don’t have a computer capability, smart phones, emails or none of that that I can be a reader in the future. There are a lot of us people out there that don’t have all these modern conveniences. And I’m sorry to say that you decided to leave us all behind. Bye.
In continuation of my call. You need to be calling your representatives and raising Cain about all this stuff that’s going on at that border. It’s their fault. They refuse to secure the border. And the reason for it is we have businesses in this country that will not use E-verify. One of those characters down there sat and told on the news, right on the camera, that his boss man in the United States wanted to know when he was coming back to work. He needed him back at work. He’s in Mexico and is coming in illegally again. These businesses know they’re hiring illegal aliens. They’re violating the law. And nobody is holding them accountable. There should be a mandatory $10,000 fine for every illegal alien caught working at a business that does not use E-verify and uses such lax responsibility to hiring these people.
This is Thanksgiving morning, and the Greensboro news has just delivered here. It weighs three and a quarter pound. I’m 83 years old. If I live to be 85, and they keep increasing it, I won’t be able to bring the paper in. I had to use both hands this time. But it’s mostly advertisements. So, my money went to advertisements. Not much news.
What a beautiful turnout and display of Southern confederate heritage the SCV put on at the High Point Veterans Day Parade. So very moving. No violence, no racism, as the media so often tries to portray. Just normal Southern people celebrating their Southern veterans sacrifices and service. On the other hand, so sad, the fake news saw fit to edit every bit of that portion of the parade totally out of their subsequent telecast. The beauty of it is, now the people of High Point that attended the parade knows that true and that the Fox 8 News is fake and is highly biased against its Southern citizens’ heritage. My answer to that is, no more fake 8 news or purchases from its advertisers. All aboard.
Hello Beep. Since there’s no more papers, maybe those boxes that you have outside certain stores that held the magazines, can I have one? I’m thinking it will make a great solar oven. Thank you.
The election of the new Guilford County sheriff is an absolute disgrace and embarrassment to Guilford County statewide. Thanks for nothing to all the voters who voted for a man with a criminal record to be sheriff of Guilford County. I understand letters, plural, of resignation have already been submitted. That does not surprise me one iota. The ignorance of Guilford County voters boggles my mind.
Yeah, I’m sitting here thinking about Hillary Clinton. Why have they not prosecuted her for treason? Thank you.
I’m shocked at the suddenness of the Rhino Times moving to computers only, and I don’t understand. The Beep is still going to be in there? You can still call this number, and it will be in there? I don’t understand all the articles and features in the Rhino is going to be on the Internet? I don’t know if it’s going to be mobile friendly. That’s the only computer I have or want. And I’m just really sad about this. I think a lot of older people that’s why they read this newspaper is because they don’t like to do computers. But whatever.
Editor’s Note: Rhinotimes.com is mobile friendly.
I was sitting her watching Fox News channel and seeing Hillary and all the rest of the Leftwing loons complain because the lady in Georgia didn’t win. If it was legitimate, she would have won. I find it hard to believe that the Republicans that didn’t vote and the Independents that didn’t vote because they don’t like Trump would allow people to take over these positions. It’s like locally here. We’ve got position held by an individual that I understand had a record. What’s the qualifications for that person to be the new sheriff? Anything other than he ran out and got a bunch of votes and done the best to overturn the man that has the ability to be the sheriff and is qualified?
In regard to the buffoon Trump saying we need to rake the forests in California. For one thing, it hasn’t rained. So, everything is dry. If the underbrush was all cut out, then there would be floods and mudslides. Also, the animals that live in the forest need something to eat. Someone should inform that buffoon in the White House how things work and what life really is all about. You can’t just go rake a forest. You’d have floods and landslides if that vegetation was not on the forest floor. He is such a moron.
Yeah, have you been hearing on the news, they’re saying there is going to be a highway patrol car every 20-30 miles? Well, my brother is actually on the highway patrol in North Carolina in Charlotte, NC. And he thinks that’s so hilarious whenever he hears that. What they do a lot of times is they’ll take an empty car, park it on a ramp or something, and just leave it there over the holidays. They do it over Christmastime, too. And you know, people with intelligence know this. You know? Unless they leave their radar gun on, your average car is not going to go flying by them, is not even going to slow down. Because they’re not going to pick up a radar detector. They won’t even be looking over their shoulder to see if anything is on the ramp. So, it’s kind of useless to do this stuff.
Congratulations on becoming an e-paper only. I will never read you again.
I’m calling to pay a sincerely and well-deserved compliment to the North Carolina DMV. I was at the East Market Street location in Greensboro today, and was able to get my commercial driver’s license learner’s permit. And just it went amazing. It was just great service, very professional and efficient and friendly. Couldn’t say enough good things about the. And, so, I – by the way I chose not to go on the first day after a long holiday weekend, which is only commonsense. And I didn’t go first thing in the morning. I went about 11 o’clock in the morning. I figured let the first wave get through first. And it went very, very well. I used my head. And I got great service.
Hello. I have two things I’d like to say. First, and foremost, I’d like to say this about Al Sharpton. For him to have reverend in front of his name, it makes me sick. You look up reverend in the Bible, and he doesn’t fit any of the criteria to be called reverend. He is a bait rater. He involves race in everything. He spews hate. He gets up there and talks about race all the time. He inflames people with race. And he ought to be ashamed of his self to stand up there and use reverend in his name. How dare he?
It’s time to fight. When anyone tries to force their way into our homes or our country, we must stop them any way possible even with deadly force. Democrats, Socialists, and Communists are responsible for bringing these people in. We have to feed them, take care of them, give them medical care, and housing. All at our expense. We never invited them. They have invaded the country. It is time to fight or die. Get ready.
I’m just 83 years old, and this is way before my time. But the flu of 1919, I was told, was brought in here maybe some of the First World War veterans that fought in Europe. Now how many of these people that’s coming up is down there in Tijuana now, and them people is wanting to get rid of them, might have the flu. And the flu season is just starting. Now, all these know-it-alls, MSNBC, and CNN, and some of the people that thinking Trump is just crazy for trying to stop them people from coming in, how many of them might send some of their grandchildren down there to meet these people and mingle with them? If these people have got that, we could really have a catastrophe on our hands if they don’t stop them. They’re going to find out one day that Trump is right. They won’t admit it, but they’re going to find it out.
When it comes to technology, we love it. We can’t get enough. We love our cellphones. We love doing our Skype and Face Time where we see the person that we’re talking to from coast to coast wireless. We love it. We love our televisions, smart TVs, surf the Internet on our phone. We love every bit of technology. Anything that comes out new, we can’t wait to jump on it. But when technology tells us that life begins at conception, that there is a heartbeat even before the woman knows that she’s pregnant, we don’t want to hear that. Oh, no, that can’t be right, because that makes Roe v. Wade wrong.
Love the online paper. I moved from GSO to Washington state a couple years ago but still like to keep up with the GSO news. My only suggestion for the online publication is make the font size a little larger. Thanks.
I really like this new format to have the RHINO at my fingertips … THANK YOU!